From Fancyclopedia 3
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January 6 -First Minicon.
January 27 Ron Ellik dies.
February 17 PenSFA formed.
Easter Thirdmancon.
April 4 Civil Rights leader Martin Luther King Jr., assassinated.
April 6 Steve Stiles commences TAFF trip.
April 29 Anthony Boucher dies.
May 10 Locus begins publication as a Boston in 71 bidzine.
May WPSFA founded.
May Science Fiction Club of London disbands.
July New Orleans Science Fiction Association holds its first election.
August Myriad founded.
August 29–September 2 (Labor Day) Baycon (Worldcon).
October ANZAPA first mailing.
October 12 The first BSFA ceases.
Late December John Michel dies.
December 21 DASFA founded.


Convention series started or ended:


Publications started or ended:

520 07 0328A Handbook of the Current Middle AgesASPAdvocates of the InfiniteAriochAsh-WingBadinageBarefoot ContessaBeABohemaBixelBybyn-BubynCacoethesCheckpointCinderCinquefoilCoprofileCoprophileDavid Malone's SF FanzineDebb'nshire Crame and ScrumpyDen Haag NiewsblaadjeDipsomaniaEccoEclipseEffellEgobooEinblatt!ElberethEnnuiEosFMZFirst Fandom News LetterFlipFreewheelin'GlamdringGranfalloonGrimwabGrokHarlan Ellison: The Man, The WriterHauntedHolbytlaHotel of UsherHydrophobiaHyperdriveI. BaradIdIt Ain't Me BabeKevas and TrilliumL'Ange JacqueLittle Supo DeluxeLocusLokiLowdownMarzabulMazarbulMeteorMondaily GuruMor-FarchNargothrondNeutronNot Much'a Nothin'NozdroviaNyarlathotepOSOrcristOxo-BeppoPabloPegasusPeriphrasisPlinthPoems to AstronautsPot PourriQuendiRataplanReplayReturn of ImkRosemaryRuffcutRuneST-PhileScience Fantasy News BulletinSelected Writings of Lee JacobsSnorkelSon of New FuturianSon of TightbeamSongs from the IsenfiriStar Trek ConcordanceStardockSyzygyTAFF Progress ReportTensionThe Ecco RyderThe Legal RulesThe MISFITS BulletinThe Middle EarthwormThe New Millennial HarbingerThe S. F. CriticThe Vorpal SwordThirdmancon CombozineTomorrow And...Tykky-DewUnicornWadezineWeirdbookYac'soneYoricYrch!


Publishers founded or closed:


Awards made, started or ended:


Stores opened or closed:


New fanspeak coined:




New Zealand:



1968 Belknap College Tolkien Conference1968 Detroit Triple Fan Fair1968 Hugo Ceremony Transcript1968 Open ESFA1968 Southwestercon520 07 0328A Handbook of the Current Middle AgesASPAdvocates of the InfiniteAlpha * Omega: A New Year's ConventionAnthony BoucherAriochAsh-WingBalticon 2Baltimore in '71Barefoot ContessaBay Area in '68BayconFred Pohl's Baycon ReminiscenceBeABohemaBixelBlue's ApaBoskone 5CacoethesCharles Lee RiddleChicago in '73Chris MoriartyCinderCinquefoilClare Winger HarrisClarionConvention Annual No 4CoprofileCornell WoolrichD. AlbertiDallas SF SocietyDavid Malone's SF FanzineDavid SpeakmanDeepSouthCon 6DipsomaniaEasterconEccoEd DraveckyEgobooEinblatt!ElberethEnnuiFMZFUNconFUNcon 1FanaticsFirst Fandom News LetterFlipFrank OwenGerald KershGestaltGlamdringGranfalloonGroff ConklinGrokHarl VincentHarlan Ellison: The Man, The WriterHauntedHolbytlaHotel of UsherHoward TaylerHydrophobiaHyperdriveI've Had No Sleep and I Must GiggleI. BaradIdIncrease in Convention Sizes in the 1970sIt Ain't Me BabeJ. Lloyd EatonJeff VanderMeerJesse SheidlowerJohn B. MichelKurt MillerL'Ange JacqueLas Vegas in '68Lee JacobsLewis Grant, Jr.LocusLokiLunacon 11MASFMarcon IIIMarzabulMax KeaslerMazarbulMelissa GayMeskconMidwestcon 19Mike BrothertonMiniconMinicon 1Mondaily GuruNEOSFS New Years ConNargothrondNeutronNot Much'a Nothin'NozdroviaNyarlathotepOSOctoconOmar RayyanOrcristOxo-BeppoOzarkon IIIPanPacificonPaul MelkoPegasusPeninsula Science Fantasy AssociationPeriphrasisPhilcon 1968QuendiReplayReturn With Us NowReturn of ImkRon EllikRuneST-PhileScience Fantasy News BulletinScience Fiction ForumSeattle in '68Secondary UniverseSecondary Universe ISelected Writings of Lee JacobsShane TourtellotteSnorkelSon of TightbeamStar Trek ConcordanceStardockSuzanne PalmerSyracuse University Science Fiction SocietySyzygyTAFF Progress ReportTensionThe Ecco RyderThe HillThe Index of Science Fiction Magazines 1951-1965The Legal RulesThe MISFITS BulletinThe S. F. CriticThe Vorpal SwordTomorrow And...Trans Oceanic Fan FundTravis S. TaylorUnicornVox DayWeirdbookYoricYrch!


Rest of the World:

1967 | 1968 | 1969