From Fancyclopedia 3
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February 10-12 -First Balticon
Easter Briscon
June 25 New Orleans Science Fiction Association formed
August 19 Hugo Gernsback dies
August 31 - September 4 (Labor Day) Nycon 3 (Worldcon)
October 8 NESFA founded.
December 6 Sydney Science Fiction Foundation formed
Western Pennsylvania SF Association founded
Cepheid Variable founded


Convention series started or ended:


Onetime conventions:


Publishers founded or closed:


Awards made, started or ended:


Stores opened or closed:


New fanspeak coined:






New Zealand:



1967 Open ESFAA Happy One Shot for Apa45A. A. WynAd AstraAriochBalticonBaltimore in '67Barad-DurBem and EyeBerkeley in '67BetelgeuseBlackguardBlackguardcon IBoskone 4Boston in '67Burlingame in '67Captain Future Meets Gilbert and SullivanCharles BeaumontChristopher GoldenCinderCinefantastiqueConvention AnnualDangerous VisionsDave McCartyDeepSouthCon 5Disclave 11Donato GiancolaEccoElberethEn GardeEric James StoneFellowship of the Purple Tongue and the Magical Folding Easter EggFoolscapFrances SwisherG2GenookGosh WowHMS Trek-a-StarHighmore in '67How We WonHugo GernsbackIlmarinIn Search of WonderInternational Science Fantasy Art Exhibition BulletinIsaac AwardJames MahaffeyJanni Lee SimnerJohn TeehanJukka HalmeKallikanzarosLA in '67Laura Anne GilmanLeeHLighthouseLilith LorraineLoreLou AndersLunacon 10Mailing MessengerManeki-NekoManticoreMarcon IIMichael Z. WilliamsonMidwestcon 18Minas Tirith Evening-StarMindswapMirageMonsterAPANESFANazgNew Cat SandNew Orleans Science Fiction AssociationNew York in 1967NewfanglesNoNolazineNomadNyCon3Fred Pohl's NyCon3 ReminiscenceOmahaOperation: Phantasy — The Best from PhantagraphOutrecroftOzarkon 2Ozarkon IIPerihelionPhilcon 1967PhoenixPlak-TowPong AwardPoppy Z. BriteProper BoskonianQRMRatatoskRats!RealSoonNowReality Is Not EnoughRosel G. BrownSandwormSarandipityScience Fiction NewsletterSeldon SeenShirlene AnanayoSkyler WhiteSpockanaliaSteven H SilverSyracuse in '67Technology and ManTed ChiangThe HillThe INFO JournalThe S. F. CriticThe Village IdiotThird FoundationTripodVoidWestercon 20Western Pennsylvania SF AssociationWilliam ShunnWizard


Rest of the World:

1966 | 1967 | 1968