From Fancyclopedia 3
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Easter -Cytricon III, Knights of St. Fantony founded.
May 12 First Lunacon was held
September 6−9 (Labor Day) Loncon I (Worldcon).
October 4 Russia launches Sputnik and the Space Race.
Bob Madle TAFF trip.


Convention series started or ended:


Onetime conventions:


Publications started or ended:

AberrationAlifAll That There JazzAlphaAn Inquiry into Certain Little-Known Consequences of the Berlin-Bagdad PactAndromedaBeepskyBest of FandomBipedBlastBroodCFG HistoryCalifanCatalystCentury NoteClauseCollected Poems of G. M. CarrCon-ShotDe ProfundisDogieEclipseEnd of a Fine Old TraditionExcelsiorFangFantasianaFhan SF FanzineFifty-Second StreetFlafanGafia AdvertiserGarage FloorGirnGoontactGristHomage à BurbeeInnavigable MouthLonconfidentialMailing ReviewsMeuhMotleyNatterNeedleNow & ThenOther WorldsPeonPerihelionPolarityQuagmireQuirkQurpRumbleSapian CommontatorSaturn Science FictionScience Fiction Fifty YearlyScience Fiction ForumScience Fiction YearbookScurvySelected Writings of Rick SnearySizarSky HookSnoozeSomethink Extra For OMPASongs from SpaceSpace ReporterSpasmodicSpeculative ReviewStar SF FanzineStopgapSurdTerra Welcomes YouThe Best of Fandom 1957The Fond Du Lac Occasional ZwilnickThe Goon LibraryThe Harp StatesideThe Hasty StopgapThe March of the Rocket MenThe OutlanderThe Science-Fiction WorldThe Tattooed DragonThe Thomson SagaTorrentsTransfan FunTypoUchūjinVampireVentureVertigoVinegar WormXanaduYe Boiffion Boy Birdwatchers Bugle-BlastZap


Publishers founded or closed:


Stores opened or closed:


New fanspeak coined:






New Zealand:



1957 Open ESFAAberrationAlifAljo SvobodaAll That There JazzAmy PaulAmy WensheAn Inquiry into Certain Little-Known Consequences of the Berlin-Bagdad PactBart MerriganBeepskyBerkeley BhoysBerkley-Oakland in 1957Bernadette BoskyBest of FandomBill BreidingBlastBob BoothBruce CoulsonBryan BarrettC. S. FriedmanCFG HistoryCalifanCarl H. ClaudyCentury NoteChristopher MooreCollected Poems of G. M. CarrDanise DeckertDave ClementsDavid BratmanDavid FarlandDe ProfundisDeb GeislerDogieDoug PriceEclipseElizabeth HandElliott DoldEnd of a Fine Old TraditionEric S. RaymondErik BieverExcelsiorFangFlafanFred DuarteGafia AdvertiserGarage FloorGary LouieGirnGreg KetterGristHomage à BurbeeIsabelle DinwiddieJ. Allen St. JohnJerry OltionJim RittenhouseJody Lynn NyeJoe WalterJohn Jude PalencarJohn M. FordJohn PelanJon LangfordKathy ThorntonLaurie MannLos Angeles in 1957LunaconLunacon 1Marcy Lyn-WaitsmanMartin Morse WoosterMary RobisonMichael StackpoleMidwestcon 8Mike BrackenMotleyOklacon VOther WorldsPeonPhilcon 1957Plane TripPolarityQuagmireQuirkRay CummingsRenee AlperRichard BrandtRichard PowersRoger MacBride AllenRumbleSaturn Science FictionScience Fiction Fifty YearlyScience Fiction ForumScience Fiction YearbookScurvySelected Writings of Rick SnearySharon ShinnSky HookSpeculative ReviewStefan DziemianowiczTad WilliamsThe Best of Fandom 1957The Fond Du Lac Occasional ZwilnickThe Goon LibraryThe Harp StatesideThe OutlanderThe Science & Fiction Critics ClubThe Science-Fiction WorldThe Tattooed DragonTodd LockwoodTorrentsVampireVentureVertigoVinegar WormWestercon 10XanaduYe Boiffion Boy Birdwatchers Bugle-BlastYvonne NavarroZap


Rest of the World:

1956 | 1957 | 1958