Date | Event |
January | CAPA dissolved after 57 years |
January 3 | Eric Ferguson dies |
January 15 | Mervyn Barrett dies |
February 1 | George Locke dies |
February 2 | Carol Emshwiller dies |
February 2 | Carrie Richerson dies |
February 9 | Tony "Blindpew" Smith dies |
February 13 | Betty Ballantine dies |
February 25 | Janet Asimov dies |
March 1 | Steve Ogden dies |
March 17 | Norm Hollyn dies |
March 17 | Ellen Vartanoff dies |
March 19 | Frank Johnson dies |
March 19 | Mike Raub dies |
March 26 | W. H. Pugmire dies |
April | Geoff Thorpe dies |
April 1 | Vonda N. McIntyre dies |
April 14 | Gene Wolfe dies |
April 17 | Ann Patrizio dies |
April 17 | Moira J. Shearman dies |
April 21 | Tom McGovern dies |
April 26 | Stan Nuttall dies |
Easter, April 21 | Ytterbium |
May 6 | Jack Cohen dies |
May 12 | Timothy Bolgeo dies |
May 17 | Dennis N. Smith dies |
May 28 | Dennis Etchison dies |
July 15 | Andi Shechter dies |
August 15-19 | Dublin 2019 (Worldcon) |
August 22-25 | TitanCon 2019 (Eurocon) |
TAFF Geri Sullivan | |
GUFF Simon Litten | |
NAFF Stephen Dedman |
Births and Deaths:
Adrienne Losin - Alasdair Gray - Allen L. Lewis - Amy Wenshe - Andi Shechter - Ann Patrizio - Anne Page - Anthony Ward - Arthur L. Selikowitz - Barry Hughart - Betty Ballantine - Bill Schelly - Brad Linaweaver - Carl Slaughter - Carol Emshwiller - Carrie Richerson - Charles M. Collins - Curt Stubbs - Dennis Etchison - Dennis N. Smith - Donald Houston - Ellen Vartanoff - Eric Ferguson - Frances Hamling - Frank Johnson - Gahan Wilson - Gene Wolfe - Geoff Thorpe - George Locke - Ian Covell - J. Neil Schulman - Jack Cohen - Jack Weaver - Jamie Hanrahan - Janet Asimov - Joel Nydahl - Katherine MacLean - Laurie Yates - Les Robertson - Lester Cole - Lindig Harris - Martin Hoare - Mervyn Barrett - Mike Raub - Moira J. Shearman - Norm Hollyn - Norman C. Metcalf - Pat O'Neil - Patrice Milton Green - Paul Turner - Richard Hickey - Robert N. Stephenson - Roy E. Norris, Jr. - Sam Gafford - Spike MacPhee - Stan Nuttall - Steve Ogden - Timothy Bolgeo - Tom McGovern - Tony "Blindpew" Smith - Tony Glynn - Vonda N. McIntyre - W. H. Pugmire - Zanda Myrande
Convention series started or ended:
Onetime conventions:
Publications started or ended:
A Corflu 36 Fanthology - Apex Magazine - Fandom Harvest II - Lake's Folly - NICON 86 Remembered - Orson Scott Card's InterGalactic Medicine Show - Portable Storage - Remembering Vonda - The Baloobius - The Giant Leap to Never Never - The N3F Review of Books - The Serious Scientific Talks - Thy Life's a Miracle - Two Chairs Talking
Publishers founded or closed:
Awards made, started or ended:
Stores opened or closed:
Clubs founded or disbanded:
New fanspeak coined:
31-ET - Alasdair Gray - Ann Patrizio - Anne Page - Armadacon 2019 - Bristol-Con 2019 - Donald Houston - Fandom Harvest II - FantasyCon 2019 - Geoff Thorpe - George Locke - Ian Covell - Jack Cohen - Lake's Folly - Martin Hoare - Moira J. Shearman - NICON 86 Remembered - Novacon 49 - Oxonmoot 2019 - Picocon 36 - Redemption - Redemption '19 - Stan Nuttall - The Serious Scientific Talks - TitanCon 2019 - Tony "Blindpew" Smith - Tony Glynn - Ytterbium - Zanda Myrande
DFDF 2019 - EFF - Finncon 2019 - Imagicon - Intermezzo - Norcon 29 - Replicon - San Marino in 2019 - The Giant Leap to Never Never - Åcon 9 - Åcon X
New Zealand:
1632 Minicon - 2019 NASFiC Site Selection - A Corflu 36 Fanthology - AggieCon 50 - Albacon 2019 - Allen L. Lewis - Amy Wenshe - Andi Shechter - Anthony Ward - Apex Magazine - Arcana 49 - Archon 43 - Arisia '19 - ArmadilloCon 41 - Arthur L. Selikowitz - Balticon 53 - Barry Hughart - Baycon 2019 - Baycon 2020 - Betty Ballantine - Bill Schelly - Boskone 56 - Brad Linaweaver - Bubonicon 51 - CONtraflow IX - COSine 2019 - Capclave 2019 - Capricon 39 - Carboniferous Amateur Press Alliance - Carl Slaughter - Carol Emshwiller - Carrie Richerson - Chambanacon 49 - Charles M. Collins - Chattacon 44 - Chessiecon 2019 - CoKoCon 2019 - Coastcon 42 - ConCarolinas 2019 - ConCarolinas 2020 - ConComCon 26 - ConDFW XVIII - ConDor XXVI - ConGregate 6 - ConQuesT 50 - ConStellation 10 - Concave 40 - Conflikt 12 - Confluence 2019 - Conglomeration 2019 - Consonance 2019 - Corflu 36 - Costume-Con 37 - Curt Stubbs - DemiCon 30 - Dennis Etchison - Dennis N. Smith - Diversicon 27 - Dublin, CA in 2019 - Ellen Vartanoff - Eric Ferguson - FOGcon 9 - FantaSci - FenCon XVI - Foolscap 21 - Fourth Street Fantasy 2019 - Frances Hamling - Frank Johnson - GAFilk 2019 - Gahan Wilson - Gene Wolfe - Genericon XXXII - GrangeCon11 - HELIOsphere 2019 - ICFA 40 - IllogiCon viii - InConJunction XXXIX - J. Neil Schulman - Jack Weaver - James Tiptree, Jr. Memorial Award - Jamie Hanrahan - Janet Asimov - Joel Nydahl - John W. Campbell, Jr. Memorial Award - JordanCon XI - Katherine MacLean - LaffCon 4 - Laurie Yates - LepreCon 45 - Lester Cole - LibertyCon 32 - Lindig Harris - Loscon 46 - MantiCon - Marcon 54 - MarsCon 2019 - MediaWest*Con - MidSouthCon 37 - Midwestcon - Midwestcon 70 - Mike Raub - MileHiCon 51 - Minicon 54 - MisCon 33 - Misti-Con - MosCon Revival - Mysticon 2019 - Mythcon 50 - Myths and Legends - Myths and Legends 7 - nOVFF - NecronomiCon Providence 2019 - Necronomicon 2019 - Norm Hollyn - Norman C. Metcalf - North American Discworld Convention 2019 - Norwescon 42 - OASIS - OASIS 30 - OVFF 35 - Orson Scott Card's InterGalactic Medicine Show - OryCon 41 - Pat O'Neil - Patrice Milton Green - Paul Turner - Philcon 2019 - Portable Storage - PulpFest 2019 - Rainbow Con - Rainbow Con 3 - RavenCon 14 - Readercon 30 - Remembering Vonda - Richard Hickey - Roy E. Norris, Jr. - Rustycon 2019 - Sam Gafford - Smofcon 37 - SoonerCon 28 - Spike MacPhee - Spikecon - Steve Ogden - Storming the ConFusion - The N3F Review of Books - Thy Life's a Miracle - Timothy Bolgeo - Tom McGovern - Traincon 5 - Utah for 2019 - Valleycon 45 - Vonda N. McIntyre - W. H. Pugmire - WillyCon XXI - Windy City Pulp & Paper Convention 19 - Windycon 2019 - WisCon 43 - World Fantasy Convention 2019
Rest of the World:
2018 | 2019 | 2020 |