January 2–4 | First Chattacon held. |
March 27 | First Conclave held. |
Easter | Mancon 5 (Eastercon). |
April 9–11 | Skiffy appears at Nebulas. |
April 9–29 | Roy Tackett TAFF trip. |
May 28–31 | First fanzine fans’ convention, AutoClave, held. |
June 25–29 | SF Expo is not held. |
July 10 | Mary Gnaedinger dies. |
September 2–6 (Labor Day) | MidAmeriCon (Worldcon). |
October 9–11 | First Swancon held. |
October 16 | First Rovacon held. |
November | Northwest Science Fiction Society formed |
Imperial College Science Fiction and Fantasy Society founded. | |
DUFF: Christine McGowan (North). | |
National Association for Science Fiction founded. |
Births and Deaths:
Alvar Appeltofft - Austyn G. Snowden - Barney Bernard - Ben H. Winters - Carrie Tabakow - Chuck Wendig - Daniel F. Galouye - Dorothy McIlwraith - Douglas W. F. Mayer - Edgar Pangborn - Emma Newman - Fritz Lang - Gail Carriger - Genevieve K. Stephens - Graves Gladney - Irene Korshak - Jane Quirk - Janice Marcus - John Joseph Adams - John Phillifent - Ken Liu - Lauren Beukes - Lavie Tidhar - Margaret Brundage - Martin Alger - Mary Gnaedinger - Osmond Robb - R. F. Starzl - Rhianna Pratchett - Ruth Plumly Thompson - Sean Wallace - Simon Guerrier - Stephanie Pui-Mun Law - Thomas Burnett Swann - Tim Pratt - Trevor Quachri - Wesley Chu
Convention series started or ended:
Onetime conventions:
Alpha Draconis - Arkon-Orlando - Buscon - Communicon - Condome I - Des Moines Con - Fourth Dimension Con - Intercon - Lexicon - SF Expo - Sflaggcon - Spring-Con - Watercon
Publications started or ended:
After the Flood - Again, Derelict Defenestration - Antares - Argo Navis - Awry - BSFA Newsletter - BSFA Yearbook - Bland - Carl Barks Calendar - Charles Fort: A Radical Corpuscle - Cheery Idiots of the Gods - Cloud Chamber - Coat-Tails - Corr - Crumbly Cowboy - Crux - Cyclotron - Cygnus - Cynic - Daisnaid - Delta Psi - Digressions - Dimension: Praecox - Don't Go Columbus, You'll Fall Off the Crunchy Bit - Dream Vendor - Dreamtree - Drilkjis - Ecce Fanno - Eniznaf - Epsilon - Erelas - Fanthology 76 - Fanzine Directory - Fanzine Production Handbook - Galileo - Ghas - Goblin's Grotto - Gobrin Gazette - Grand Delusions - Granfalloon - Grimling Bosch - Gryphon - Helios - I Cala - ISFA Newsletter - Ichneumon Flyer - In Tenebris - In the Beginning - Inabout - Inverted Ear Trumpet - Is - K - Lan's Lantern - Lightboard - Little Dictionary of SF Fan Terms - Log of the Starship Aniara - MI - Marc - Mead Is a Sickening...Drink - Megavore - Mimeographed London Sundae Thymes - Moondust - My Labor Day Holiday - Nazgûl - Nickelodeon - Nocres - Noumenon - Nucleus - Obsessions - One-Off - Our Fair City - Pablo Lennis - Paradox - Parker's Patch - Prehensile - Quartet For The Muse - Queebshot - Resounding Haldeman Stories - Return from Caer Rigor - Risteria - Rotsler for DUFF - SF&F Newsletter - SFinctor - Sardonic Worlds - Scabby Tales - Science Fiction Bazaar - Science Fiction International News - Science Fiction Monthly - Science Fiction Review - Scrambled Eggs Benedict - Short Enough to be Interesting - Small Mammal - Son of the WSFA Journal - Sootli - Southern Vole - Spaces - Spi - Spicy Rat Tails - Stop Breaking Down - Swoon - Tekeli-Li - The Best Loins Are on the Floor - The Fan Birthday Calendar - The Greater Metropolitan Yorba Linda Herald News Sun Tribune Journal Dispatch Post and San Francisco Discordian Society Cabal Intergalactic Report and Poop - The Grimling Bosch - The Hat Goes Home - The Horror of Westbourne Park - The INFO Journal - The Invisible Fan - The Mad Dan Review - The Mae Strelkov Trip Report - The Middle Earthworm - The Next Best Thing to Perfect Legs - The Once and Future Worm - The Reinhardt Roast - The Rogue Roman - The SF&F Journal - The Science Fiction Monitor - The Whole Fanzine Catalog - Theriaca - This Day Next Day Sometime Never - Thoth-Amon Returns - Tital - Treaders of Starlight - Twll-Ddu - UnterHelios - Visions - We Don't Know Yet - Whatsit - Whunderful - Wing-It - Zimri
Publishers founded or closed:
Awards made, started or ended:
Stores opened or closed:
Clubs founded or disbanded:
Association of Science Fiction and Fantasy Artists - Astral Leauge - Australian Science Fiction Foundation - Crickhollow - ICSF - Keele University SF Society - National Association for Science Fiction - Northwest Science Fiction Society - S.T.A.R. - Science Fiction Organization of La Crosse - Stoke-on-Trent SF Society - The Network - World SF: An Organization of SF Professionals
New fanspeak coined:
After the Flood - Astral Leauge - Austyn G. Snowden - BSFA Newsletter - BSFA Yearbook - Bland - Cloud Chamber - Crumbly Cowboy - Cyclotron - Cygnus - Cynic - Daisnaid - Don't Go Columbus, You'll Fall Off the Crunchy Bit - Douglas W. F. Mayer - Drilkjis - Emma Newman - Epsilon - Erelas - Faancon - Faancon 1 - Fantasycon II - Fanzine Production Handbook - Ghas - Goblin's Grotto - Grimling Bosch - ICSF - Ichneumon Flyer - Inverted Ear Trumpet - John Phillifent - K - Keele University SF Society - Lavie Tidhar - Little Dictionary of SF Fan Terms - MI - Mancon - Mancon 5 - Nazgûl - Novacon 6 - One-Off - Osmond Robb - Our Fair City - Oxonmoot 1976 - Paper Tiger Books - Parker's Patch - Rhianna Pratchett - Scabby Tales - Science Fiction International News - Science Fiction Monthly - Silicon - Silicon 1 - Simon Guerrier - Small Mammal - Southern Vole - Spaces - Spi - Stoke-on-Trent SF Society - Stop Breaking Down - The Grimling Bosch - The Horror of Westbourne Park - The Middle Earthworm - The Next Best Thing to Perfect Legs - The Once and Future Worm - The War of Hazel's Nose - This Day Next Day Sometime Never - Tital - Twll-Ddu - Whatsit - Zimri
New Zealand:
2nd World Fantasy Convention - A Wealth of Fable - A Women's APA - APA-69 - APARIA - Again, Derelict Defenestration - AggieCon VII - An Index & Short History of Unknown - Anonycon - Anonycon 2 - Antares - Apalon - Apple - Arkon-Orlando - Artkane - Artkane 1 - Association of Science Fiction and Fantasy Artists - Atention - AutoClave - AutoClave 1 - Awry - BYOB-Con 6 - Balticon 10 - Barney Bernard - Ben H. Winters - Boskone 13 - Bubonicon 8 - Buscon - CONTRAception - Carl Barks Calendar - Carrie Tabakow - ChambanaCon 6 - Charles Fort: A Radical Corpuscle - Chattacon - Chattacon '76 - Cheery Idiots of the Gods - Chuck Wendig - Coat-Tails - Columbus in 1976 - Communicon - ConClave - ConClave I - Condome I - Corr - Crickhollow - D-Con - D-Con 1976 - Daniel F. Galouye - Dark Carnival - Dawn Treader Book Shop - DeepSouthCon 14 - Des Moines Con - Desertcon IV - Detroit in '79 - Digressions - Dimension: Praecox - Disclave 20 - Dorothy McIlwraith - Dreamtree - Ecce Fanno - Edgar Pangborn - Eniznaf - Equicon '76 - Fanthology 76 - Fanzine Directory - Fourth Dimension Con - Frank R. Paul Award - Futura Award - Gail Carriger - Galileo - Genevieve K. Stephens - Grand Delusions - Granfalloon - Graves Gladney - Gryphon - Helios - Highmore in '76 - I Cala - ICON 2 - In Tenebris - In the Beginning - Inabout - Intercon - Irene Korshak - Is - J. Lloyd Eaton Memorial Award - Jane Quirk - Janice Marcus - John Joseph Adams - KC in '76 - Ken Liu - Kubla Khwandry - LAPA - LASFAPA - Lan's Lantern - Lauren Beukes - LepreCon 2 - Lexicon - Lightboard - Log of the Starship Aniara - Loscon 2 - Lunacon 19 - Marcon XI - Margaret Brundage - Martin Alger - Mary Gnaedinger - Mead Is a Sickening...Drink - Megavore - MidAmeriCon - Fred Pohl's MidAmeriCon Reminiscence - Flash Sheridan’s MidAmeriCon Reminiscence - Midwestcon 27 - MileHiCon 8 - Minicon 11 - Moondust - My Labor Day Holiday - Mythcon VII - Nebulous Award - New Orleans in '76 - Nickelodeon - Nocres - Noreascon Proceedings - Northwest Science Fiction Society - Nucleus - Obsessions - PHAPA - Pablo Lennis - Paradox - PgHLANGE VIII - Prehensile - Pulpcon 5 - Quartet For The Muse - R. F. Starzl - Return from Caer Rigor - Rhocon - Rhocon I - Risteria - Rivercon II - Romecon - Rotsler for DUFF - Rovacon - Rovacon 1 - Ruth Plumly Thompson - S.T.A.R. - SF Expo - SF&F Newsletter - SFinctor - Sardonic Worlds - Science Fiction Bazaar - Science Fiction Organization of La Crosse - Science Fiction and Fantasy Pseudonyms - Scrambled Eggs Benedict - Sean Wallace - Seattle in 1981 - Sflaggcon - Solarcon II - Son of the WSFA Journal - Sootli - Spicy Rat Tails - Spring-Con - StellarCon - StellarCon I - Stephanie Pui-Mun Law - Swoon - Tekeli-Li - Texacon - The Best Loins Are on the Floor - The Capture - The Collector's Poul Anderson - The Fan Birthday Calendar - The Greater Metropolitan Yorba Linda Herald News Sun Tribune Journal Dispatch Post and San Francisco Discordian Society Cabal Intergalactic Report and Poop - The INFO Journal - The Invisible Fan - The Mae Strelkov Trip Report - The Network - The Reinhardt Roast - The Rogue Roman - The SF&F Journal - The Science Fiction Monitor - The Space Machine - The Whole Fanzine Catalog - Theriaca - Thomas Burnett Swann - Thoth-Amon Returns - Tim Pratt - Traincon - Trevor Quachri - TusCon IV - Underwood-Miller - Unicon 2B - UnterHelios - UpperSouthClave VI - WOOF - We Don't Know Yet - Wesley Chu - Westercon 29 - Whunderful - Windycon III - Wing-It - Wintercon 2
Rest of the World:
1975 | 1976 | 1977 |