Austyn G. Snowden
(September 19, 1916 – November 8, 1976)
Austyn Guy Snowden was a UK fan from Horsforth, now a part of the city of Leeds, active in the 1930s and 1940s. He was a member of the Science Fiction Association (SFA), joining in July 1937, and Thrilling Wonder Stories (August 1937) reported him as among "new members foreign" of the Science Fiction League. Some sources give his name as Augustyn but Austyn, as given in the Directory of Anglo-Fandom, appears correct.
Snowden was part of the (larger) 'SFL' faction after the Leeds group schism, becoming its chairman. J. Michael Rosenblum published a report on one of the first post-split meetings in Thrilling Wonder Stories (February 1938):
On Sunday 5 Sept, 1937, the Leeds Chapter of the SFL held the first of its Winter Session meetings ... The proceedings opened with a short speech by the Chairman, A. C.[sic] Snowden, who outlined, for the benefit of new members, the history of the Chapter. When he mentioned the resignation of the first Director[1], he was unable to proceed for some minutes because of the cheering.
Snowden was in the army in the Second World War "with the Indian Forces in the Middle East" (Futurian War Digest 33).
He is listed in the Directory of Anglo-Fandom for 1945 although marked "not in touch at the present moment".
Person | 1916—1976 |
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