January 24-26 | -The first ConFusion was held. It was ConFusion 13 (which was either the first or the second but definitely not the 13th) |
February 22 | The first Fantasycon |
March 14-16 | First LepreCon |
March 28-31 | First Australian Unicon |
Easter | SEACON 75 |
April 12-13 | First Maryland Unicon |
May | AZAPA started |
June 8 | Murray Leinster dies |
July 30 | James Blish dies |
August 12-17 | Aussiecon (Worldcon) |
August 25-27 | First Rivercon |
September 4-7 | NASFiC 1 (NASFiC) |
October 3-5 | General Technics founded |
October 31-November 2 | First Iowa Icon |
October 31-November 2 | First World Fantasy Convention |
December 5-7 | First Loscon |
First FAAn Awards given out | |
Infinity, Ltd. founded | |
DUFF: Rusty Hevelin (West) |
Births and Deaths:
Alex Shvartsman - Anna Davour - Barry Smotroff - Brandon Sanderson - Brian Francis Slattery - Cherie Priest - David Walton - E. Mayne Hull - Ed Curtis - España Sheriff - Fred Parker - Fred W. Fischer - Hans Stefan Santesson - Harriett Kolchak - James Blish - Joe Christoff - Julian Huxley - Larry Correia - Leo Margulies - Malcolm Reiss - Maurice T. Crowley - Merav Hoffman - Miriam Allen deFord - Murray Leinster - P. G. Wodehouse - Ray C. Higgs - Richard H. Small - Richard Shaver - Rod Serling - Saladin Ahmed - Samuel D. Russell - Sidonie Rogers - Timatha Weber - Vaughn Bodé
Convention series started or ended:
Akon - Anonycon - Atlanta Fantasy Fair - Benecia - Codclave - Fan Fair - FantasyCon - ICON - LepreCon - Loscon - NASFiC - Norcon - Rivercon - Solarcon - Unicon - Unicon - Witchcraft & Sorcery SF Convention - World Fantasy Convention - Wunderfest
Onetime conventions:
Publications started or ended:
A Canticle for P. Schuyler Miller - A Flying What? - A Nice Place to Visit - After Midnight - After the Flood - Altair - Alternative - Anne McCaffrey: A "Dragondex" and Bibliography - Antares - Arena SF - Atropos - B(h)eer - BSFan - Baryon - Best Lines - Blazon - Blue Book Magazine - Bumf - Castle of Frankenstein - Chaumas - Commot Sense - Cosmic Dribble - Deep Thoat - Degler! - Descant - Destiny - Disasociation - Dragon Teeth - Drift - Durfed - Egladil - Envoy - Fanhistorica - Farrago - Fictum Miraculum - First Draft - Fladnag - Flatulence - Frost in August - Gemin I - Gemini - Goblin's Grotto - Gobrin Gazette - Groaning Board - Gunputty - Harbinger - Haverings - Heads Will Roll - Hillesian Fields - Hoagie - Inabout - Inside N'APA - Inverted Ear Trumpet - Janus - K - Kallikanzaros - Khatru - Killer Queen - Klingon Empire Appointment Calendar - Knockers from Neptune - LOC Ned's Monster - Legends - Logical Quandary - Logo - Lurk - Mad Muses - Madame Frog's Catalogue of the Occult - Martian Corflu - Matrix - Michael - Milk and Cookies Among the Asadi - Moon Bane - Mushroom Stew - Myrddin - Nickelodeon - No - No Governor - Nocres - Non Sequitur - Notes from the Chemistry Department - Null-F - Nusf - O'Ryan - Oh Yeah - Our Fair City - Outer Limits - Pantekhnikon - Parker's Patch - Parole Dalla Pizzeria - Phosphene - Procyon - Prologue - Quantum - Radix - Renaissance - Revival - Richard E. Geis -- A Personal Journal - SF Contact - Scabby Tales - Science Fiction International News - Scintillation - Scribe - Scuzmothre - Second Age - Sfang - Short Enough to be Interesting - Silflay Hraka - Simulacrum - Spicy Rat Tails - Spicy Rat Tales - Stulticiae Laus - Stunned Mullet - Styxzine - Summa - Sunday Siberian - Symposium Trial - Synapse - Tangent - The Aussiecon Flyer - The Best Lines Are on the Floor - The Competitive Quest - The Fannish Four Go to the Seaside - The Fillostrated Fan Dictionary - The Finest Kind - The Ghoul's Court Advertiser - The God From the Bowl Speaks - The Mad Dan Review - The Mills of the Gods - The Mutant - The Rogue Raven - The Shadow-Line - The SpeleoBem - The Tucker Bag - Tinwe - Tital - Train-Con - Twixt - Unbelievably Droll... - Undulant Fever - Univax and Unicorns - Universe - Vagary - Vert - Vertex - Vibrator - Void - Warm Champagne - Weltanschauung - What the Postman Brought - Why Bother? - Winding Numbers
Awards made, started or ended:
Clubs founded or disbanded:
American Tolkien Society - Austrek - General Technics - Infinity, Ltd. - Little Rock SF Group - Nashville Science Fiction Club - North East Science Fiction Group - Northview Association for Science Fiction Addicts - Potomac River Science Fiction Society - SFOHA - Sacramento SF and Fantasy Society - Science Fiction League of Iowa Students - Spellbinders - Ted Carnell Society - The Society of the Ring
After the Flood - Arena SF - Atropos - Blazon - Bumf - Egladil - España Sheriff - FantasyCon - Fantasycon 1975 - Flatulence - Fred Parker - Goblin's Grotto - Haverings - Inverted Ear Trumpet - Julian Huxley - K - Knockers from Neptune - Legends - Logo - Lurk - Mad Muses - Matrix - Maurice T. Crowley - North East Science Fiction Group - Novacon 5 - Nusf - O'Ryan - Our Fair City - Oxonmoot 1975 - P. G. Wodehouse - Parker's Patch - Procyon - ROMPA - SEACON 75 - SF Contact - Scabby Tales - Science Fiction International News - Scribe - Sfang - Stulticiae Laus - Ted Carnell Society - The Fannish Four Go to the Seaside - The Society of the Ring - Tital - Vagary - Vibrator - World Fantasy Convention
A Nice Place to Visit - Descant - E. Mayne Hull - Fan Fair - Fan Fair III - Frost in August - Gobrin Gazette - LOC Ned's Monster - NASFiC - NASFiC Site Selection - Non Sequitur - Northview Association for Science Fiction Addicts - Pantekhnikon - Short Enough to be Interesting - Simulacrum - Symposium Trial - Synapse - The Mills of the Gods - V-Con 4 - Warm Champagne - Winding Numbers - World Fantasy Convention
1975 NASFiC Site Selection - 1st World Fantasy Convention - A Canticle for P. Schuyler Miller - A Flying What? - AZAPA - After Midnight - AggieCon VI - Akon - Akon III - Alarums and Excursions - Alex Shvartsman - All Our Yesterdays - Altair - Alternative - American Tolkien Society - Anna Davour - Anne McCaffrey: A "Dragondex" and Bibliography - Anonycon - Anonycon 1 - Atlanta Fantasy Fair - B(h)eer - BSFan - BYOB-Con 5 - Balticon 9 - Barry Smotroff - Baryon - Benecia - Best Lines - Blue Book Magazine - Boskone 12 - Brandon Sanderson - Brian Francis Slattery - Bubonicon 7 - Castle of Frankenstein - ChambanaCon 5 - Chaumas - Cherie Priest - Codclave - Columbicon - Commot Sense - ConFusion 13 - Connie Award - Cosmic Dribble - David Walton - Deep Thoat - Degler! - Desertcon III - Destiny - Disasociation - Disclave 19 - Dragon Teeth - Drift - Durfed - E. Mayne Hull - Ed Curtis - Envoy - Equicon '75 - España Sheriff - Fanhistorica - Farrago - Fictum Miraculum - Fladnag - FreFanZine - Fred W. Fischer - Galaxy - Gemin I - Gemini - General Technics - Golden Trout Award - Groaning Board - Gunputty - HOPSFA Hymnal - Halfacon 75 - Hans Stefan Santesson - Harbinger - Harriett Kolchak - Heads Will Roll - Hillesian Fields - Hoagie - Hopcon - How the GRINCH Stole Worldcon - ICON - ICON 1 - Inabout - Infinity, Ltd. - Inside N'APA - James Blish - Janus - Joe Christoff - Jophan! - Kallikanzaros - Khatru - Klingon Empire Appointment Calendar - Kubla Khan Khubed - LA 2000 - LA in '75 - Larry Correia - Leo Margulies - LepreCon - LepreCon 1 - Little Rock SF Group - Logical Quandary - Loscon - Lunacon 18 - MiSHAP - Madame Frog's Catalogue of the Occult - Malcolm Reiss - Marcon X - Martian Corflu - Merav Hoffman - Michael - Midwestcon 26 - MileHiCon 7 - Milk and Cookies Among the Asadi - Minicon 10 - Miriam Allen deFord - Moon Bane - Murphycon - Murray Leinster - Mushroom Stew - Myrddin - NASFiC - NASFiC 1 - NASFiC Site Selection - Nashville Science Fiction Club - Nickelodeon - No - No Con - No Governor - Nocres - NocresCon - Notes from the Chemistry Department - Now You See It/Him/Them... - Null-F - OakLaCon - Oh Yeah - Outer Limits - P. G. Wodehouse - Palm Beach Con - Parole Dalla Pizzeria - PgHLANGE VII - Philadelphia International Star Trek Convention - Philcon 1975 - Phosphene - Potomac River Science Fiction Society - Prologue - Pulpcon 4 - Quantum - Radix - Railcon - Ray C. Higgs - Re-KWEST-Con - Renaissance - Revival - Richard E. Geis -- A Personal Journal - Richard H. Small - Richard Shaver - Rivercon - Rivercon I - Rod Serling - SFOHA - SFWA Grand Master Award - Sacramento SF and Fantasy Society - Saladin Ahmed - Samuel D. Russell - Science Fiction League of Iowa Students - Scintillation - Scuzmothre - Second Age - Seeds of Change - Sidonie Rogers - Silflay Hraka - Solarcon - Solarcon I - Spellbinders - Spicy Rat Tails - Spicy Rat Tales - Styxzine - Sunday Siberian - Tangent - The Aussiecon Flyer - The Best Lines Are on the Floor - The Competitive Quest - The Fillostrated Fan Dictionary - The Finest Kind - The Ghoul's Court Advertiser - The God From the Bowl Speaks - The Mutant - The Rogue Raven - The Shadow-Line - The SpeleoBem - The Tucker Bag - Timatha Weber - Tinwe - TusCon II - TusCon III - Twixt - Unbelievably Droll... - Undulant Fever - Unicon - Unicon 1 - Univax and Unicorns - Universe - UpperSouthClave V - Vaughn Bodé - Vert - Vertex - Weltanschauung - What the Postman Brought - Why Bother? - Windycon II - Wintercon 1 - Witchcraft & Sorcery SF Convention - World Fantasy Convention - World Fantasy Convention Award - Wunderfest
1974 | 1975 | 1976 |