March 14-April 4 | -Ulrika O'Brien TAFF trip (East). |
Easter | Intuition |
April 18-19 | First MeCon held. |
July 14 | Doc Lowndes dies. |
August 5-9 | BucConeer (Worldcon) |
November 8 | Ian Gunn dies |
Maureen Kincaid Speller TAFF trip (West). | |
CUFF: Lloyd & Yvonne Penney | |
DUFF: Terry Frost (North) | |
FFANZ: Renaldo the Party Sheep (accompanied by Frances Papworth & Phil Wlodarczyk) | |
First web edition of Fancyclopedia II posted. | |
Vincent Clarke dies |
Births and Deaths:
Alex Schomburg - Allan Bray - Ann Chancellor - Archie Mercer - Ariane von Orlow - Barbara Bovard - Belle Dietz - Bill Veney - Corwin F. Stickney - D. Bruce Berry - Doc Lowndes - Eleen Tackett - Frances Evans - G. I. Hillman - Gary Anderson - Harold Gottliffe - Ian Gunn - Jack Keating - Jackie Causgrove - James Michael Rogers - Jerome Bixby - Jo Clayton - John Millard - John V. Baltadonis - Jonne Evans Bates - Leigh Couch - Lew Martin - Mary Helen Washington - Monty Wells - Norman Ashfield - Paul Lehr - R. L. Farnsworth - Richard D. Mullen - Richard Wright - Robert "Ozzie" Osman - Samuel Mines - T. Bruce Yerke - Vin¢ Clarke - Wally Gonser - Zetta Dillie
Convention series started or ended:
2BeContinued - Albacon - Anaconism - Anime Central - B'hamacon - CONvergence - Con*Cept - ConFuse - ConTact - CorsairCon - Estcon - Exoticon - First Contact - HungaroCon - MeCon - Mobicon - North Carolina Comics Fair - Swecon - Swilcon - Terracon
Publications started or ended:
Altair - Antipodean SF - Arrows of Desire - Barmaid - Blip - Crank! - Crifanac - Dark Matter - Demi-TAFF Americain - Detours - Dewachen - Did I Say That Out Loud? - Dragons Tale - Dramatic Obscurity - Fables of Irish Fandom - Factsheet Five - Fancyclopedia 2 - Friends of Foundation Newsletter - Future Times - Götterdämmerung - In the Key of Piracy - International Revolutionary Gardener - Kerles - Lan's Lantern - Mainstream - Midwest Side Story - Mind Wallaby - Oblong - Out of the Kaje - Outworlds - Pieces of Langford - Preface to the Web Edition of Fancyclopedia II - Proper Boskonian - Reasonable Freethinker - Saliromania - Secrets of the Smofs - Skink - Snufkin Goes West - Snufkin's Bum - Spam - Standing in the Shadows - Starfire - Stefantasy - Taffkin's Bum - Terminus Borealis Times - The Debauched Sloth - The Martin Chronicles - The Metaphysical Review - The Snake Den - Thunderbox - Tortoise - Transitional - Wild Heirs - Wrath of the Fanglord
Awards made, started or ended:
Albacon - Albacon 98 - Archie Mercer - ArmadaCon X - Arrows of Desire - Barmaid - Blip - Complete Waste of Time - Corflu 15 - Decadence - Did I Say That Out Loud? - Discworld Convention II - Dragons Tale - Dramatic Obscurity - Fantasycon XXII - Frances Evans - Friends of Foundation Newsletter - G. I. Hillman - Götterdämmerung - Harold Gottliffe - Hypotheticon II - I Remember Me - International Revolutionary Gardener - Intuition - Kerles - Lazlar Lyricon II - Masque 6 - Microcon 18 - My Claire Lady - Norman Ashfield - Novacon 28 - Oxonmoot 1998 - Phoenix - Picocon 15 - Pieces of Langford - Saliromania - Sealycon - Secrets of the Smofs - Snufkin Goes West - Snufkin's Bum - Standing in the Shadows - Taffkin's Bum - Terminus Borealis Times - The Debauched Sloth - Thunderbox - Tortoise - Vin¢ Clarke - Wrath of the Fanglord
Ad Astra 18 - CANFAPA - Con*Cept - Con*Cept '98 - Con-Version 15 - FilKONtario 8 - John Millard - Keycon 15 - VCON 23
Ariane von Orlow - BOZ-CON - ConFuse - ConFuse 98 - Estcon - Estcon 1998 - FilkContinental 1998 - HungaroCon - Norcon 14 - Prix Utopiales - Swecon
2BeContinued - 2BeContinued 1 - AggieCon XXIX - Albacon 1998 - Alex Schomburg - Anaconism - Anaconism the 3rd - Anime Central - Ann Chancellor - Arcana 28 - Arisia '98 - ArmadilloCon 20 - Atlanta Science Fiction Society - Atlanta in '98 - B'hamacon - Balticon 32 - Baltimore in '98 - Barbara Bovard - Baycon '98 - Belle Dietz - Boskone 35 - Boston in 1998 - Bubonicon 30 - BucConeer - CONduit 8 - CONvergence - Capricon 18 - ChambanaCon 28 - Chattacon XXIII - Coastcon XXI - Con*Stellation XVII - Con-Dor 6 - ConChord 13 - ConClave XXIII - ConComCon 5 - ConFusion of the Winnebagos - ConQuesT 29 - ConTact - ConTact 16 - Concave 19 - Concept 1998 - Conestoga '98 - Confluence 11 - Congenial 9 - Consonance 1998 - Contata 98 - Context VIII - Context XI - Contraption...After Dark - CopperCon 18 - CorsairCon - CorsairCon 6 - Corwin F. Stickney - Costume-Con 16 - Crank! - Crifanac - D. Bruce Berry - Dark Matter - Darkover Grand Council 21 - DeepSouthCon 36 - Demi-TAFF Americain - DemiCon 9 - Detours - Dewachen - Disclave 42 - Ditto 11 - Diversicon 6 - Doc Lowndes - DucKon VII - Eleen Tackett - Exoticon - Factsheet Five - Fancyclopedia 2 - First Contact - Flashback! - Friday the 13th MisCon - Future Times - Gary Anderson - Gaylactic Spectrum Award - Genericon XI - I-Con 17 - I-Con XVII - ICFA 1998 - ICON 23 - In the Key of Piracy - InCon '98 - InConJunction XVIII - Jackie Causgrove - James Michael Rogers - Jerome Bixby - Jo Clayton - John Millard - John V. Baltadonis - Jonne Evans Bates - Julie Award - Lan's Lantern - Leigh Couch - LepreCon 24 - Lew Martin - LibertyCon 12 - Life, the Universe, & Everything 16 - Loscon 25 - Lunacon 41 - Mainstream - Marcon 33 - Mary Helen Washington - Midwest Side Story - Midwestcon 49 - MileHiCon 30 - Millennicon -3 - Minicon 33 - Mobicon - Monty Wells - MosCon XX - Mythcon XXIX - Necon 18 - Necronomicon '98 - New York in '98 - Niagara Falls in '98 - North Carolina Comics Fair - Norwescon XXI - OASIS 11 - OVFF 14 - Oblong - Octocon 35 - OryCon 20 - Outworlds - Parthecon XXVI - Paul Lehr - Philcon 1998 - Potlatch 7 - Proper Boskonian - Pulpcon 27 - R. L. Farnsworth - RadCon 2B - Readercon 10 - Reasonable Freethinker - Richard D. Mullen - Richard Wright - Rivercon XXIII - Robert "Ozzie" Osman - Roc*Kon 22 - Rotsler Award - Rustycon 15 - Sam Moskowitz Archive Award - Samuel Mines - Shevacon VI - Skink - Smofcon 16 - Spam - Starfire - Stefantasy - StellarCon 22 - Swilcon - Swilcon '98 - T. Bruce Yerke - Technicon 15 - Terracon - The Hugo, Nebula and World Fantasy Awards - The Martin Chronicles - The Snake Den - Transitional - Travelling Fete I - Travelling Fete V - Tropicon XVII - TusCon 25 - Valleycon 23 - Wally Gonser - Wild Heirs - WindyCon XXV - WisCon 22 - World Fantasy Convention 1998 - Wrath of the Fanglord - Zetta Dillie
1997 | 1998 | 1999 |