From Fancyclopedia 3
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March 14-April 4 -Ulrika O'Brien TAFF trip (East).
Easter Intuition
April 18-19 First MeCon held.
July 14 Doc Lowndes dies.
August 5-9 BucConeer (Worldcon)
November 8 Ian Gunn dies
Maureen Kincaid Speller TAFF trip (West).
CUFF: Lloyd & Yvonne Penney
DUFF: Terry Frost (North)
FFANZ: Renaldo the Party Sheep (accompanied by Frances Papworth & Phil Wlodarczyk)
First web edition of Fancyclopedia II posted.
Vincent Clarke dies


Onetime conventions:


Publishers founded or closed:


Stores opened or closed:


Clubs founded or disbanded:


New fanspeak coined:






New Zealand:



2BeContinued2BeContinued 1AggieCon XXIXAlbacon 1998Alex SchomburgAnaconismAnaconism the 3rdAnime CentralAnn ChancellorArcana 28Arisia '98ArmadilloCon 20Atlanta Science Fiction SocietyAtlanta in '98B'hamaconBalticon 32Baltimore in '98Barbara BovardBaycon '98Belle DietzBoskone 35Boston in 1998Bubonicon 30BucConeerCONduit 8CONvergenceCapricon 18ChambanaCon 28Chattacon XXIIICoastcon XXICon*Stellation XVIICon-Dor 6ConChord 13ConClave XXIIIConComCon 5ConFusion of the WinnebagosConQuesT 29ConTactConTact 16Concave 19Concept 1998Conestoga '98Confluence 11Congenial 9Consonance 1998Contata 98Context VIIIContext XIContraption...After DarkCopperCon 18CorsairConCorsairCon 6Corwin F. StickneyCostume-Con 16Crank!CrifanacD. Bruce BerryDark MatterDarkover Grand Council 21DeepSouthCon 36Demi-TAFF AmericainDemiCon 9DetoursDewachenDisclave 42Ditto 11Diversicon 6Doc LowndesDucKon VIIEleen TackettExoticonFactsheet FiveFancyclopedia 2First ContactFlashback!Friday the 13th MisConFuture TimesGary AndersonGaylactic Spectrum AwardGenericon XII-Con 17I-Con XVIIICFA 1998ICON 23In the Key of PiracyInCon '98InConJunction XVIIIJackie CausgroveJames Michael RogersJerome BixbyJo ClaytonJohn MillardJohn V. BaltadonisJonne Evans BatesJulie AwardLan's LanternLeigh CouchLepreCon 24Lew MartinLibertyCon 12Life, the Universe, & Everything 16Loscon 25Lunacon 41MainstreamMarcon 33Mary Helen WashingtonMidwest Side StoryMidwestcon 49MileHiCon 30Millennicon -3Minicon 33MobiconMonty WellsMosCon XXMythcon XXIXNecon 18Necronomicon '98New York in '98Niagara Falls in '98North Carolina Comics FairNorwescon XXIOASIS 11OVFF 14OblongOctocon 35OryCon 20OutworldsParthecon XXVIPaul LehrPhilcon 1998Potlatch 7Proper BoskonianPulpcon 27R. L. FarnsworthRadCon 2BReadercon 10Reasonable FreethinkerRichard D. MullenRichard WrightRivercon XXIIIRobert "Ozzie" OsmanRoc*Kon 22Rotsler AwardRustycon 15Sam Moskowitz Archive AwardSamuel MinesShevacon VISkinkSmofcon 16SpamStarfireStefantasyStellarCon 22SwilconSwilcon '98T. Bruce YerkeTechnicon 15TerraconThe Hugo, Nebula and World Fantasy AwardsThe Martin ChroniclesThe Snake DenTransitionalTravelling Fete ITravelling Fete VTropicon XVIITusCon 25Valleycon 23Wally GonserWild HeirsWindyCon XXVWisCon 22World Fantasy Convention 1998Wrath of the FanglordZetta Dillie


Rest of the World:

1997 | 1998 | 1999