The Hugo, Nebula and World Fantasy Awards

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An invaluable reference written by Donald Franson and Howard DeVore. It's particularly useful not just as a compendium of winners, but for the accompanying commentary about the early Hugos written by people who were there. It has been issued in multiple editions by multiple presses:

Title Author Publisher -Size
A History of the Hugo, Nebula, and International Fantasy Awards (Listing Nominees and Winners) Donald R. Franson Howard DeVore, 1971 8.5"x11", 36+B+XVII pp
A History of the Hugo, Nebula, and International Fantasy Awards Donald R. Franson and Howard DeVore Howard DeVore, 1976 5.4"x8.2", 106 pp
The Hugo, Nebula, and International Fantasy Awards (with historical essay by Donald Franson) Howard DeVore Advent, 1998 5.4"x8.5", 332 pp

The Advent 1998 edition was nominated for the 1999 Best Related Book Hugo and placed fourth.

Publication 1998
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