February 22-24 | -Last Penulticon |
March | First Concave |
March 7-9 | First Canvention |
Easter | Albacon 80, the first Scottish Albacon |
May | Science Fiction and Fantasy Workshop founded |
May 3–5 | First ConQuesT |
May 23–24 | Disclave 24 at Hostility House invaded by SWAT Team |
June 13-15 | First Ad Astra |
June 20-22 | First MidSouthCon |
Summer | First Necon |
July 4-6 | First MystiCon |
July 4-7 | First British Unicon |
August 28–September 11 | Dave Langford TAFF trip. |
August 29–September 2 (Labor Day) | Noreascon Two (Worldcon) |
September 12 | Susan Wood dies |
October | North Alabama Science Fiction Association founded. |
DUFF: Keith Curtis (North) | |
Lee Schneider established Lytheria in Milwaukee |
Births and Deaths:
Alec Nevala-Lee - Alex Osheroff - Alfred Hitchcock - Arthur R. Tofte - Daniel Jose Older - Doris Pitkin Buck - George Pal - George R. Stewart - Graham Hall - Jill Adams - John Collier - John McGeehan - Joyce Fairbairn - Kameron Hurley - Kay Tarrant - Kris Neville - Lora Crozetti - Marie Brennan - MayBelle Anshutz - Niall Harrison - Patrick S. Tomlinson - S. J. Tucker - Saville Sax - Susan Petrey - Susan Wood - Tom Godwin - Wallace West - William Morrison
Convention series started or ended:
ASFiCon - Ad Astra - Albacon - AlterCon - Canvention - Capricon - Concave - DatClave - International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts - MidSouthCon - MystiCon - NasaCon - Necon - Penulticon - Science Fiction Happening - Solarcon - Swampcon - Torque - Unicon - Vikingcon
Publications started or ended:
& - 1986 - A Foreign Fanzine - A Pauling - APA-Jeff - Acnestis - Aeons - Airgedlamh - Aladab Kalle Anka - Amanita - Another Earth - Assegai and Voortrekker - Astron Magazine - Cacciatore - Calma Mindon - Catnip - Chimera - Dead Hedgehog - Devil Take the Hindmost - Dr Faustenstein - Driftwood - Drygulch - Electronic Thumb Piano - Eniznaf - Eternity Science Fiction - Fantasy Media - Fast and Loose - Finlay Funnies - Forbidden Worlds - Fornost - Forth - GUFF-awe - Galaxy Science Fiction - Galileo - Gannetscrapbook - Gorbash and Thunder the Lame Newt - Gritbin - Hanrahan - Harlot - Hawai'i - Higbo the Bear - Hindmost - I Got It at ASFICON - Il Biche - Insufficient Funds - Intermediate Vector Bosons - Janus - Jimmy Carter. Warlord of Mars - Klactoveesedstene - Lines of Occurrence - Lobster Tales - Masquerade - Mein Tochas Dazwischen - Men With Big Swords - Moonstone - Mota - Naginata - Napalm in the Morning - New Church - New Gwent Review - New Tolkien Newsletter - New Variant - News from Bree - Non Sequitur - Northern Lights - One-Off - Our Club - Pax Ortygia - Perihelion - Phoenix - Pong - Prinked Matter - Pulp - Pungently - Quettar - Quodlibet - Resolution - Rule 42 - Science Fiction & Fantasy Book Review - Scuddick - Seacon Behind Closed Doors - Second-Hand Wave - Seeing-Stone - Sing Me a Song I Know - Skiffy Thyme - Snorkel - Songs - Spang Blah - Speaking Out (An Agony Column) - Stulticiae Laus - Summertime Blue - Supernova - Sweetmeats: The Best of Sandra Miesel - Telos - The Book of Mazarbul - The House at Puh-Puh Platter Corner - The Magic Fan - The Middle-Earth Library - The Monthly Monthly - The Northern Guffblower - The Voice of the Lobster - The Water Closet - This Farce - This Sure as Hell Ain't DNQ - Time to Pick Up a Gerbil - To Start Things Off - Twenty-Third - Usenet - Vertigo - Vheckans Ävfentyr - Waif - World SF Newsletter - Worlds Beyond - Xenophile
Awards made, started or ended:
Clubs founded or disbanded:
Fanatics - Friends in Space - Harrow College SF Society - Houston Science Fiction Society - Interstellar Mercenaries Guild - Monash University Science Fiction Association - North Alabama Science Fiction Association - North East Science Fiction Group - SHSFG - Syracuse University Science Fiction Society - Western Pennsylvania SF Association
& - A Pauling - Acnestis - Airgedlamh - Albacon - Albacon 80 - Alfred Hitchcock - Amanita - Another Earth - Assegai and Voortrekker - Calma Mindon - Chimera - Cretinfandom - Dead Hedgehog - Dr Faustenstein - Driftwood - Drygulch - Faancon 5 - Fannish Elite Amateur Publishing Association - Fantasy Media - Fantasycon VI - Fornost - Forth - Friends in Space - Gannetscrapbook - Graham Hall - Gritbin - Harrow College SF Society - Higbo the Bear - Hindmost - Jill Adams - John Collier - Joyce Fairbairn - Men With Big Swords - Napalm in the Morning - New Church - New Gwent Review - New Tolkien Newsletter - News from Bree - Niall Harrison - North East Science Fiction Group - Novacon 10 - One-Off - Oxonmoot 1980 - Pax Ortygia - Perihelion - Quettar - Red Army Choir - Rule 42 - SHSFG - Seacon Behind Closed Doors - Second-Hand Wave - Seeing-Stone - Silicon 4 - Sing Me a Song I Know - Snorkel - Songs - Speaking Out (An Agony Column) - Stulticiae Laus - Supernova - The Middle-Earth Library - The Northern Guffblower - This Farce - Time to Pick Up a Gerbil - Twenty-Third - Unicon - Unicon 80 - Waif
Ad Astra - Ad Astra I - Boréal '80 - Canvention - Dadapa - Halcon 3 - I Have Quite a Lot to Say - King Con 1980 - Maplecon 3 - Non Sequitur - Noncon 3 - Northern Lights - Rain Too - Scuddick - Susan Wood - The Monthly Monthly - Torque - Torque 1 - V-Con 8
1986 - 6th World Fantasy Convention - APA-Jeff - APA-π - APA-Slobbovia - ASFiCon - AggieCon XI - Alec Nevala-Lee - Alex Osheroff - AlterCon - AlterCon 1 - Ambercon 2 - Apricon 3 - Apricon 7 - Apricon 8 - Apricon 9 - Archon 4 - ArmadilloCon 2 - Arthur R. Tofte - Astron Magazine - AutoClave 4 - Balticon 1 - Balticon 14 - Boskone 17 - Boston in 1980 - Bubonicon 12 - Cacciatore - Capricon - Catnip - ChambanaCon 10 - Chattacon V - Coastcon '80 - Codclave VI - ConClave V - ConFusion 6 and/or 7 - ConQuesT 1980 - Concave - Concave 1 - Daniel Jose Older - Darkover Grand Council 1980 - DatClave - DatClave 1 - DeepSouthCon 18 - Denebian Slime Devils - Devil Take the Hindmost - Disclave 24 - Doris Pitkin Buck - Empiricon 2 - Eniznaf - Eternity Science Fiction - Fanatics - Fantasy Faire Ten - Fantasy Showcase Tarot Deck - Fantasy Worlds Midwinter Festival - Fast and Loose - FilkCon II - Finlay Funnies - Flushing in '80 - Fool-Con III - Galaxy Science Fiction - Galileo - George Pal - George R. Stewart - Glyptocon 2 - Gorbash and Thunder the Lame Newt - Graham Hall - Harlot - Hawai'i - Hexacon 2 - Hoosier Con - Houston Science Fiction Society - I Got It at ASFICON - ICFA 1 - ICON 5 - Il Biche - Imaginitzacon - Insufficient Funds - Intermediate Vector Bosons - International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts - Interstellar Mercenaries Guild - Intervention Beta - Invisible Little Man Award - Janus - Jimmy Carter. Warlord of Mars - John Collier - John McGeehan - Kameron Hurley - Kay Tarrant - Kris Neville - Kubla Khan Ate - LA in '80 - Lasfapacon - Leapcon - LepreCon 6 - Lines of Occurrence - Lobster Tales - Lora Crozetti - Loscon 7 - Lunacon 23 - Lytheria - Marcon XV - Marie Brennan - Masquerade - MayBelle Anshutz - Mein Tochas Dazwischen - MidSouthCon - MidSouthCon 1 - Midwestcon 31 - MileHiCon 12 - Milford Award - Minicon 16 - Moonstone - MosCon II - Mota - MystiCon - MystiCon 1 - Mythcon XI - Naginata - Necon - Necon 1 - New Variant - Noreascon Two - Tony Lewis' Noreascon Two Reminiscence - North Alabama Science Fiction Association - Norwescon 3.5 - Norwescon III - Not-Anokon 1 - Octocon III - Off Centaur Publications - OryCon '80 - Othercon IV - Our Club - Patrick S. Tomlinson - Penulticon - Penulticon 3 - Philcon 1980 - Phoenix - Phoenix in '80 - Pong - Prinked Matter - Pulp - Pulpcon 9 - Pungently - Quodlibet - Readercon Small Press Award - Resolution - Rivercon V - Roc*Kon 5 - Rochester Fantasy Fair 1 - Rovacon 5 - S. J. Tucker - Saga of the NESFA Clubhouse - Sampo Award - Saville Sax - Sci-Con 2 - Science Fiction & Fantasy Book Review - Science Fiction Happening - Skiffy Thyme - Solarcon - Son of Paracon - Spacecon 2 - Spang Blah - Star Whores - StellarCon V - Summertime Blue - Susan Petrey - Swampcon - Sweetmeats: The Best of Sandra Miesel - Syracuse University Science Fiction Society - Telos - The Book of Mazarbul - The House at Puh-Puh Platter Corner - The Recent Future - The Voice of the Lobster - The Water Closet - The Westerfilk Collection - This Sure as Hell Ain't DNQ - To Start Things Off - Tom Godwin - TusCon 7 - URCON II - Unicon 6 - Valleycon 5 - Vertigo - Vikingcon - Vikingcon 1 - Wallace West - Westercon 33 - Western Pennsylvania SF Association - Whatcon II - William Morrison - Windycon VII - WisCon 4 - X-Con 4 - Xenophile
1979 | 1980 | 1981 |