Easter | -Paragon (Eastercon). |
July 31 | Poul Anderson dies. |
August 30−September 3 (Labor Day) | Millennium Philcon (Worldcon). |
September 11 | Islamic terrorists hijack four planes and attack U.S. World Trade Center and Pentagon. |
September 28–30 | First Capclave held. |
October 6 | Milton Rothman dies. |
October 12–14 | Ditto 14/FanHistoriCon 11 held in Bloomington, IL. |
November 9–11 | Last Tropicon held. |
Fanfunds: TAFF: Victor Gonzalez; CUFF: Murray Moore; DUFF: Naomi Fisher & Patrick Molloy (South); GUFF: Eric Lindsay & Jean Weber (North); NAFF: Lucy Zinkiewicz. |
Births and Deaths:
Al Trestrail - Alan Dodd - Allan Longton - Art Sehnert - Barbara Geraud - Bill Entrekin - Boyd Raeburn - Douglas Adams - George Airey - George Jumper - Gharlane of Eddore - Gordon R. Dickson - Gray Morrow - J. Harvey Haggard - Jack Darrow - Jack Harness - Jim Speer - Mark Keller - Meade Frierson - Milton A. Rothman - Olga Ley - Pierre Versins - Poul Anderson - R. Chetwynd Hayes - Rick Shelley - Rosemary Hickey - Scott Imes - Sid Birchby - Stan Woolston - Terry Hughes
Convention series started or ended:
Australian National Doctor Who Convention - Borderlands - Bree Moot - Capclave - Concinnity - Concoction - Concussion - Conglomeration - Czarkon - Exoticon - FantaSci - Fantastika - Farmercon - Filky Days - HarmUni - Hypotheticon - JerseyDevilCon - KublaCon - LepraCon - MosCon - Multiverse - NonCon - Odyssey Con - Paragon - Pondfilk - Roscon - SECCON - Tropicon - Vericon - Vikingcon - Windy City Pulp & Paper Convention
Publications started or ended:
...And Then 3 Come Along Together - Aboriginal SF - Adverse Camber - Alexiad - And Then 3 Come Along Together - Argentus - Aztec Blue - Binnacle - Borderlands - Commonplace Book, part one - Crypt of Cthulhu - Digital Aubergine - Dropping the Shorts - Everlasting Lamentables - Farrago - Festzine - Floss! - Free Radical - Geek Rant - Gloss - Inconsequential - International Revolutionary Gardener - Interstellar Ramjet Scoop - Jackpot! - Le Zombie - Making Light - Masque - Mathom - Niekas - Old Phart's Almanac & Digest - Peregrine Nations - Philly Follies - Science Fiction Resource Guide - Shebang - Spirits of Things Past - Stopgap - Stuph - Talking Shit - Terminal Eyes - The Cosmic Hairdryer - The Infinite Matrix - The Kessel Run - The Mentor - The Notorious Jumping Zine of Calaveras County - The Seven Statisticians - Through Fractured Eyes - Towel Day - Unsurprising Stories - WeberWoman's Wrevenge - Words Fail Me - Xyster - You've Got Mars - Zap
Awards made, started or ended:
Clubs founded or disbanded:
...And Then 3 Come Along Together - 2001: A Celebration of British Science Fiction - A Fistful of Hobbits - Adverse Camber - Alan Dodd - Allan Longton - And Then 3 Come Along Together - ArmadaCon 2001 - ConStruction - Conthirteena - Digital Aubergine - Douglas Adams - Eboracon - Everlasting Lamentables - Fantasycon XXV - Floss! - Free Radical - George Airey - Gloss - HarmUni - HarmUni 1 - Hypotheticon - Hypotheticon 2001 - Inconsequential - International Revolutionary Gardener - Microcon 21 - Novacon 31 - Old Phart's Almanac & Digest - Oxonmoot 2001 - Paragon - Picocon 18 - R. Chetwynd Hayes - Redemption '01 - SECCON - SECCOND - Shebang - Sid Birchby - Smofcon 19 - Southampton University Science Fiction Society - Talking Shit - The Cosmic Hairdryer - Twin Geeks - Unsurprising Stories - Xyster
2001: A ConTraption for the New Millennium - 2001: A Space Odyssey Con - Aboriginal SF - AggieCon XXXII - Al Trestrail - Albacon 2001 - Alexiad - Arcana 31 - Archon 25 - Argentus - Arisia '01 - ArmadilloCon 23 - Art Sehnert - Astronomicon '01 - Balticon 35 - Barbara Geraud - Bill Entrekin - Binnacle - Boskone 38 - Bree Moot - Bree Moot 5 - Brotherhood Without Banners - Bubonicon 33 - CONduit 11 - CONsume / Relaxacon 2001 - Capclave - Capclave 2001 - Capricon 21 - ChambanaCon 31 - Chattacon XXVI - Coastcon XXIV - Commonplace Book, part one - Con*Stellation XX - ConChord 15 - ConClave XXVI - ConComCon 8 - ConQuesT 32 - ConSortium - Concat 13 - Concave 22 - Concinnity - Concoction - Concoction:01 - Concussion - Condemnation - Conestoga 2001 - Confluence 13 - Conglomeration - Conglomeration 2001 - Conjuration - Consonance 2001 - Conterpoint Four - Context XIV - CopperCon 21 - Cordwainer Smith Rediscovery Award - Corflu 18 - Costume-Con 19 - Crawford Award - Crescent City Con 16 - Crypt of Cthulhu - Czarkon - Czarkon 12 - Darkover Grand Council 24 - DeepSouthCon 39 - DemiCon 12 - Ditto 14 - Diversicon 9 - DucKon 10 - EerieCon 3 - Exoticon - Exoticon 4 - Fa-La-La-La-La-La-La-La Con - FantaSci - Farmercon - Farrago - Foolscap III - GAFilk 2001 - Geek Rant - Genericon XIV - George Jumper - Gharlane of Eddore - Gloss - Gordon R. Dickson - Gray Morrow - HOMer Award - I-Con XX - ICFA 22 - ICON 26 - InCon 2001 - InConJunction XXI - J. Harvey Haggard - Jack Darrow - Jack Harness - Jackpot! - JerseyDevilCon - JerseyDevilCon 1 - Jim Speer - Kubla Khan 29 - KublaCon - Kublacon 2001 - Le Zombie - LepraCon - LepraCon 2001 - LepreCon 27 - LibertyCon 15 - Life, the Universe, & Everything 19 - Living Legend Reception - Loscon 28 - Lunacon 44 - Madicon X - Marcon 36 - Mark Keller - MarsCon 2001 - Masque - Meade Frierson - MidSouthCon 19 - Midwestcon 52 - MileHiCon 33 - Millennicon Liftoff - Millennium Philcon - Milton A. Rothman - Minicon 36 - MisCon 15 - Mobicon 4 - MosCon - MosCon XXIII - Mystery God ConFusion - Mythcon XXXII - Name That Con 14 - Necon 21 - NecronomiCon, 5th Edition - Necronomicon 2001 - Niekas - NonCon - NonCon 1 - Norwescon XXIV - OASIS 14 - OVFF 17 - Odyssey Con - Olga Ley - OryCon 23 - Peregrine Nations - Philadelphia in 2001 - Philly Follies - Potlatch 10 - Poul Anderson - Pulpcon 30 - RadCon 3A - Readercon 13 - Rick Shelley - Roc*Kon 2001 - Rosemary Hickey - Rustycon 18 - SF-LOVERS Digest - SFRA Conference 2001 - Science Fiction Resource Guide - Scott Imes - Shevacon 9 - Spirits of Things Past - Stan Woolston - StellarCon 25 - Stopgap - Stuph - Tallahassee in 2001 - Technicon 18 - Terminal Eyes - Terry Hughes - The Federation Holmes - The Infinite Matrix - The Kessel Run - The Notorious Jumping Zine of Calaveras County - The Seven Statisticians - The Third ConCerto - Through Fractured Eyes - Towel Day - Trinoc*coN 2001 - Tropicon - Tropicon XX - Tucker Tribute - TusCon 28 - Ursa Major Awards - Valleycon 26 - Vericon - Vikingcon - Vikingcon 18 - Westercon 54 - WillyCon III - Windy City Pulp & Paper Convention - Windy City Pulp & Paper Convention 1 - WindyCon XXVIII - WisCon 25 - Words Fail Me - World Fantasy Convention 2001 - You've Got Mars - Zap
2000 | 2001 | 2002 |