February 28 | Boskone III |
Spring | Midgicon held in Chicago |
Easter | Midvention |
May 16 | First Staplecon held |
June/July | Mecon votes fen plural of fan |
Labor Day | No Worldcon held. |
October 30 | 1943 Michiconference |
"Late" | The slan shack is established. |
Wollheim publishes the first mass-market SF anthology, The Pocket Book of Science Fiction. | |
"Fandom is a Way of Life" adumbrated by D. B. Thompson in FAPA |
Births and Deaths:
A. Merritt - Alan Ryan - Allen Wold - Andy Main - Annemarie van Ewyck - Bill Bowers - Bill Pronzini - Bill Warren - Billy Ray Wolfenbarger - Bob Beese - Bruce Boston - Carol De Priest - Charles G. Waugh - Charles Gilson - Chris Boucher - Chris Bunch - Christopher Priest - Chuck Devine - Dan Goodman - Darroll Pardoe - Dave Cockrum - Dean R. Lambe - Dennis Etchison - Diana Paxson - Dick Ellingsworth - Doug Hoylman - Francis M. Nevins, Jr. - Frederic Arnold Kummer, Sr. - George Wells - Grania Davis - Gregg Trend - Helen Finn - Iain Sinclair - Ian Watson - James Herbert - Janet Wilson - Jim Baen - Jo Thomas - Joe Haldeman - John R. Neill - Judie Cilcain - Judy-Lynn del Rey - Kathy Sanders - Katya Hulan - Ken Moore - Kevin Langdon - L. E. Modesitt, Jr. - Leif Andersson - Leo Frankowski - Leo Kindt - Les Daniels - Les Gerber - Lindig Harris - Marsha Jones - Mike Jefferies - Mike McInerney - N. Katherine Hayles - Norbert Spehner - Pat Kearney - Paul Anderson - Paul Edwin Zimmer - Peter Coene - Peter Straub - Peter Weston - Richard Bober - Richard Wright - Robert Jennings - Ron Walotsky - Steve Stiles - Suford Lewis - Ted Scribner - Thomas Schluck - Tikwis Hall - Tina Hensel - Tom Moylan - Tom Shippey - Tomas Cronholm - Vic Ryan
Convention series started or ended:
Caspercons - Mecon - Midvention - Norcon - Staplecon - Sydney Conference
Onetime conventions:
Publications started or ended:
AAGH! - Adulux Beskan - Apollo - Astonishing Stories - Astra - BFS Beyond - Banshee - Beyond - Browsing - Canadian Fandom - Centauri - Chanticleer - Cluster - Colossus - Convention Extra - Cosmic Circle Commentator - Cosmic Cuts - Cosmic Digest - Cruise of the "Foo Foo Special Jr." - Damned Degler - Dawn - Dear Friends (and Others!) - Decimal Classification for Fantasy Fiction - Earthspawn - FANEWS[CARD] - Fan Dango - Fan Slants - Fan-Notes - Fanews Analyzer - Fantasy Commentator - Fen - Fighting Fan - Future Fantasy and Science Fiction - Futurian Daily Planet - Galaxy - Ghu - Have at Thee Knanves - History of the Future Index - Jinx - Lamppost - Lens - Let's Swap - Madman of Mars - Memo Sheet - Midge - Midgiconsensus - Midlands Science-Fiction Convention Report - Mighty Atom - Nova - People Stories - Presenting Ronald Clyne - Rahuun Ta-Ka - Ray - Review Section - Rogue's Gallery - Sappho - Starlit Fantasy - Stellar Tales - The Cruise of the "FooFoo Special Jr" - The FAPA Correspondent - The Knanve - The Mighty Atom - The Science Fiction Savant - Thrilling Adventures - Toward Yesterday - Trends - Trivial Triangle Troubador - Unknown Worlds - Vision - Wudgy Tales
Publishers founded or closed:
Awards made, started or ended:
Stores opened or closed:
Clubs founded or disbanded:
New fanspeak coined:
BFS Beyond - BFS Pendle Expedition - Browsing - Charles Gilson - Chris Boucher - Christopher Priest - Colossus - Convention Extra - Cosmic Cuts - Cosmos Club - Darroll Pardoe - Dear Friends (and Others!) - Dick Ellingsworth - Galaxy - Iain Sinclair - Ian Watson - James Herbert - Lamppost - Lens - Memo Sheet - Midlands Science-Fiction Convention Report - Midvention - Midvention - Mighty Atom - Mike Jefferies - Norcon - Norcon - Paint Research Station Science Fiction Library - Pat Kearney - Peter Weston - Review Section - The Mighty Atom - Tikwis Hall - Tom Shippey - Trends
New Zealand:
1943 Michiconference - A. Merritt - AA194 - AAGH! - Adulux Beskan - Alan Ryan - Allen Wold - Andy Main - Apollo - Astonishing Stories - Astra - Banshee - Beyond - Bill Bowers - Bill Pronzini - Bill Warren - Billy Ray Wolfenbarger - Bob Beese - Boskone III - Bruce Boston - Carol De Priest - Caspercons - Centauri - Chanticleer - Charles G. Waugh - Chris Bunch - Chuck Devine - Circle Amateur Publishers Alliance - Cluster - Cosmic Circle - Cosmic Circle Commentator - Cosmic Digest - Councilcon - Cruise of the "Foo Foo Special Jr." - Damned Degler - Dan Goodman - Dave Cockrum - Dawn - Dean R. Lambe - Decimal Classification for Fantasy Fiction - Dennis Etchison - Detroit Science Fictioneers - Diana Paxson - Dixie Fantasy Federation - Doug Hoylman - Earthspawn - FANEWS[CARD] - Fan Dango - Fan Slants - Fan-Notes - Fancon - Fanews Analyzer - Fantasy Commentator - Fen - Fighting Fan - Francis M. Nevins, Jr. - Frederic Arnold Kummer, Sr. - Fubar Pubs - Future Fantasy and Science Fiction - Futurian Daily Planet - Futurian Houses - George Wells - Ghu - Grania Davis - Gregg Trend - Have at Thee Knanves - Helen Finn - History of the Future Index - Jim Baen - Jinx - Joe Haldeman - John R. Neill - Judie Cilcain - Judy-Lynn del Rey - Kathy Sanders - Katya Hulan - Ken Moore - Kevin Langdon - L. E. Modesitt, Jr. - Leif Andersson - Leo Frankowski - Les Daniels - Les Gerber - Lindig Harris - Little Jarnevon - Live Oak Conference - Madman of Mars - Marsha Jones - Mecon - Midge - Midgicon - Midgiconsensus - Mike McInerney - N. Katherine Hayles - Nova - Paul Edwin Zimmer - People Stories - Peter Straub - Presenting Ronald Clyne - Rahuun Ta-Ka - Ray - Richard Bober - Richard Wright - Robert Jennings - Rogue's Gallery - Ron Walotsky - Sappho - Schenectacon - Scientiforums - Staplecon - Staplecon 1 - Staplecon 2 - Staplecon 3 - Starlit Fantasy - Stellar Tales - Steve Stiles - Suford Lewis - The Cruise of the "FooFoo Special Jr" - The FAPA Correspondent - The Hatch - The Knanve - The Science Fiction Savant - Thrilling Adventures - Tina Hensel - Toward Yesterday - Trivial Triangle Troubador - Unknown Worlds - Vic Ryan - Vision - Vulcan Publications - Western Pennsylvania Science Fictioneers - Wudgy Tales
Rest of the World:
1942 | 1943 | 1944 |