January 6 | -File 770 begins publication |
February 29 | Eric Frank Russell dies |
March 24-26 | First Norwescon regional held |
Easter | Skycon |
May | Warhoon 28, the 600+ page Walt Willis issue is published by Richard Bergeron |
May 19-21 | First Nutria Con held |
June 28 | J. Michael Rosenblum dies |
July 28-30 | First Paracon held |
August 20-October 4 | DUFF: Paul Stevens (North) |
August 30 - September 4 (Labor Day) | IguanaCon II (Worldcon) Harlan Ellison in RV. |
October 7-9 | First Noncon held |
October 13-15 | First Maplecon held |
November 11 | First OryCon held |
Births and Deaths:
Addie Huddleston - Amelia Reynolds Long - Bill Grant - Brian Moncrieff Lewis - Dan Dos Santos - Don Day - Edmund Crispin - Eric Frank Russell - Ernest Gabrielson - Hal Chibbett - Hope Mirrlees - J. Francis McComas - J. Michael Rosenblum - Jason Cordova - Kat Templeton - Leigh Brackett - Liana Kerzner - Liz Grzyb - Marissa Lingen - Mike Tealby - Mort Weisinger - Norman Weedall - Scott Lynch - Seanan McGuire - Tansy Rayner Roberts - Vodoso - Warren Fitzgerald - William Rickhardt
Convention series started or ended:
ANZAPACon - Apricon - August Party - Brookcon - Chessiecon - Coastcon - Couleecon - Desertcon - Empiricon - Faircon - MediaWest*Con - Moncon - Noncon - Norwescon - Nutria Con - Orangecon - OryCon - Paracon - Stacon - Totocon
Onetime conventions:
Bacon - Chromecon - Coscon - Empirecon 1 - Hark!Con - LICon - Ozymandias - Prunecon - SF-Comics Minicon - Tropiccon - Un-Con - UnreelCon
Publications started or ended:
A Elbereth Gilthoniel! - A Ragged Trousered Pedalcyclist - Altair - Anvil - Arkanfandom - Arkham House and Mycroft & Moran (1939-1977) - Ash-Wing - Astron - Australian Science Fiction News - Best Lines - Braincandy - Brassor - Canopus - Cidereal Times - Closer to the Edge - Critical Mass - Critifan - DNQ - Deadloss - Delap's F&SF Review - Delta Pussy - Destinies - Diehard - Don't Panic - Down With! - Egg - FAPA Book - Fantasy Newsletter - Fantome - Farrago - File 770 - Fledgling - Foolscap - Four-Star Extra - GMS Review - GUFF Fundies - Ghas - Glimpse - Graymalkin - Guide to Current Fantasy Fanzines & Semiprozines - Hedgehog - Iguanacon Blues - It Comes in the Mail - Kamikaze - Kantele - Karass - Karval Kon Report - Khatru - Kickshaw - Kipple - Knockers from Neptune - Logo - Mainstream - Maya - Mongoose - Neo - New Horizons - Nootka - Of Such Are Legends Made - Omni - Pacific Northwest Review of Books - Personal Notes - Peter Roberts' "Little Gem Guide to SF Fanzines" - Pretentious Science Fiction Quarterly - Procyon - Quantum - Radagast Reminder - Rainy Day Three-Shot - Rally! - Revetahwa - Science Fiction Journalen - Scope - Seamonsters - Sfear - Shayol - Short and Pithy - Simulacrum - Sirius - Slower Than Infinity - Sonnets to Jonquil and All - Sorcerer's Apprentice - Space...The Final Frontier - Spectre - Star*Line - Syzygy - Tangent - Tantrum - The Bull of the Seven Battles - The Derek Carter Alphabet - The M T Void - The Northern Guffblower - The Palantir - The Pulsar - The Rampant Guinea-Pig - The Stone & the Stars - The Tucker Transfer - The Voice of the Lobster - The Word for World is Twiltone - The Works - The Wretch - Tiofart - Title - Tripe Picker's Journal - True Rat - Undry - Unifan - Unique - Up the Conjunction - Vheckans Ävfentyr - Waif - Wallbanger - Warm Champagne - We Publish the Banns - White Space - Worlds Beyond - Ycz - Zapp
Awards made, started or ended:
Clubs founded or disbanded:
Alberta Science Fiction Society - Astra - Beloit Science Fiction and Fantasy Association - Halcon Science Fiction Society - Israel SF Association - Mt Holz Science Fiction Society - Newport SF Group - OMNI - Polytechnic Science Fiction and Fantasy Association - Science Fiction & Fantasy Poetry Association - Waldo and Magic Inc. - Western Kentucky University Speculative Fiction Society
A Ragged Trousered Pedalcyclist - Astron - Brian Moncrieff Lewis - Canopus - Cidereal Times - Closer to the Edge - Deadloss - Don't Panic - Edmund Crispin - Egg - Eric Frank Russell - Ernest Gabrielson - Faancon 3 - Faircon - Faircon '78 - Fantasycon 1978 - Fledgling - Forbidden Planet - Ghas - Glimpse - Guide to Current Fantasy Fanzines & Semiprozines - Hal Chibbett - Hope Mirrlees - J. Michael Rosenblum - Kamikaze - Kipple - Knockers from Neptune - Logo - Maya - Mike Tealby - Newport SF Group - Norman Weedall - Novacon 8 - OMPA - Oxonmoot 1978 - Peter Roberts' "Little Gem Guide to SF Fanzines" - Polytechnic Science Fiction and Fantasy Association - Procyon - Scope - Seamonsters - Sfear - Silicon 3 - Sirius - Skycon - Tangent - The Northern Guffblower - Tiofart - Tripe Picker's Journal - True Rat - Up the Conjunction - Waif - Wallbanger - Walter Gillings Travel Fund - Ycz
Alberta Science Fiction Society - BCAPA - Bill Grant - Chromecon - DNQ - Dadapa - Delta Pussy - Down With! - Halcon Science Fiction Society - Liana Kerzner - Maplecon 1 - Noncon - Noncon 1 - Nootka - Ozymandias - Prunecon - Revetahwa - Simulacrum - The Word for World is Twiltone - Un-Con - UnreelCon - V-Con VI - Warm Champagne - We Publish the Banns
4th World Fantasy Convention - APA-45 - APA-55 - APA-DUD - APA-I - Addie Huddleston - AggieCon IX - Altair - Amelia Reynolds Long - Anokon 1 - Anvil - Apricon - Apricon 1 - Archon II - Arkanfandom - Arkham House and Mycroft & Moran (1939-1977) - Artkane III - Ash-Wing - Astra - August Party - AutoClave 3 - BYOB-Con 8 - Balticon 12 - Beloit Science Fiction and Fantasy Association - Best Lines - Boskone 15 - Braincandy - Brassor - Brookcon - Bubonicon 10 - C/RAPA - ChambanaCon 8 - Chattacon 3 - Chattacon 4 - Chessiecon - Coastcon - Coastcon 1978 - Codclave 4 - ConClave 3 - ConFusion Pi - Conebulus 2 - Coscon - Couleecon - Couleecon I - Critical Mass - Dan Dos Santos - Darkover Grand Council 1978 - Darkover Grand Council 1979 - DeepSouthCon 16 - Delap's F&SF Review - Desertcon - Desertcon VI - Destinies - Diehard - DixieCon 78 - Don Day - Dubuquon I - Elfquest - Empirecon 1 - Empiricon - Empiricon 1 - FAPA Book - Fantasy Faire VIII - Fantasy Newsletter - Fantome - Farrago - File 770 - File 770 Poll Results 1978 - Foolscap - Four-Star Extra - GMS Review - Graymalkin - Halfacon 78 - Hark!Con - Hedgehog - IguanaCon II - Iguanacon Blues - Gary Farber's Iguanacon II Reminiscence - It Comes in the Mail - J. Francis McComas - Jason Cordova - Jupiter Award - Kantele - Karass - Karval Kon Report - Kat Templeton - Khatru - Kickshaw - Kubla Khan Sex - LA in '78 - LICon - Leigh Brackett - LepreCon 4 - Loscon 5 - Lunacon 21 - Mainstream - Marcon XIII - Marissa Lingen - MediaWest*Con - Midwestcon 29 - MileHiCon 10 - Minicon 13 - Mixed Company - Moncon - Moncon II - Mongoose - Mort Weisinger - Mt Holz Science Fiction Society - Mythcon IX - Neo - New Horizons - Norwescon - Norwescon 1 - Norwescon 1.5 - Nutria Con - Nutria Con '78 - Nuts and Berries Hoax - OKon 2 - OMNI - Of Such Are Legends Made - Omni - On and On into the Night - Orangecon - Orangecon '78 - OryCon - OryCon 0 - Pacific Northwest Review of Books - Paracon - Paracon I - Personal Notes - PgHLANGE X - Phantasia Press - Philcon 1978 - Phoenix in '78 - Pretentious Science Fiction Quarterly - Prometheus Award - Pulpcon 7 - Quantum - Radagast Reminder - Rainy Day Three-Shot - Rally! - Rhysling Award - Rivercon IV - Rivets Redux - Roc*Kon 2 - Rovacon III - SF-Comics Minicon - Scapa Flow - Science Fiction & Fantasy Poetry Association - Scott Lynch - Seanan McGuire - Shayol - Short and Pithy - Slower Than Infinity - Sonnets to Jonquil and All - Sorcerer's Apprentice - Space...The Final Frontier - Stacon - Star Wars Roots - Star*Line - StellarCon III - Stobcler - Tantrum - The Bull of the Seven Battles - The Derek Carter Alphabet - The M T Void - The Palantir - The Pulsar - The Rampant Guinea-Pig - The Stone & the Stars - The Tucker Transfer - The Voice of the Lobster - The Way the Future Was - The Wild Hunt - The Works - The Wretch - Tim Kyger: How Iguanacon Came to Be - Title - Totocon - Totocon 2 - Tropiccon - Unicon 4 - Unicon/Fancon - Unique - UpperSouthClave VIII - Valleycon 3 - Vodoso - Waldo and Magic Inc. - Walter Gillings Travel Fund - Warren Fitzgerald - Westercone - Western Kentucky University Speculative Fiction Society - White Space - William Rickhardt - Windycon V - WisCon 2 - Wunderfest IV - X-Con 2
1977 | 1978 | 1979 |