From Fancyclopedia 3
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January 6 -File 770 begins publication
February 29 Eric Frank Russell dies
March 24-26 First Norwescon regional held
Easter Skycon
May Warhoon 28, the 600+ page Walt Willis issue is published by Richard Bergeron
May 19-21 First Nutria Con held
June 28 J. Michael Rosenblum dies
July 28-30 First Paracon held
August 20-October 4 DUFF: Paul Stevens (North)
August 30 - September 4 (Labor Day) IguanaCon II (Worldcon) Harlan Ellison in RV.
October 7-9 First Noncon held
October 13-15 First Maplecon held
November 11 First OryCon held


Convention series started or ended:


Publications started or ended:

A Elbereth Gilthoniel!A Ragged Trousered PedalcyclistAltairAnvilArkanfandomArkham House and Mycroft & Moran (1939-1977)Ash-WingAstronAustralian Science Fiction NewsBest LinesBraincandyBrassorCanopusCidereal TimesCloser to the EdgeCritical MassCritifanDNQDeadlossDelap's F&SF ReviewDelta PussyDestiniesDiehardDon't PanicDown With!EggFAPA BookFantasy NewsletterFantomeFarragoFile 770FledglingFoolscapFour-Star ExtraGMS ReviewGUFF FundiesGhasGlimpseGraymalkinGuide to Current Fantasy Fanzines & SemiprozinesHedgehogIguanacon BluesIt Comes in the MailKamikazeKanteleKarassKarval Kon ReportKhatruKickshawKippleKnockers from NeptuneLogoMainstreamMayaMongooseNeoNew HorizonsNootkaOf Such Are Legends MadeOmniPacific Northwest Review of BooksPersonal NotesPeter Roberts' "Little Gem Guide to SF Fanzines"Pretentious Science Fiction QuarterlyProcyonQuantumRadagast ReminderRainy Day Three-ShotRally!RevetahwaScience Fiction JournalenScopeSeamonstersSfearShayolShort and PithySimulacrumSiriusSlower Than InfinitySonnets to Jonquil and AllSorcerer's ApprenticeSpace...The Final FrontierSpectreStar*LineSyzygyTangentTantrumThe Bull of the Seven BattlesThe Derek Carter AlphabetThe M T VoidThe Northern GuffblowerThe PalantirThe PulsarThe Rampant Guinea-PigThe Stone & the StarsThe Tucker TransferThe Voice of the LobsterThe Word for World is TwiltoneThe WorksThe WretchTiofartTitleTripe Picker's JournalTrue RatUndryUnifanUniqueUp the ConjunctionVheckans ÄvfentyrWaifWallbangerWarm ChampagneWe Publish the BannsWhite SpaceWorlds BeyondYczZapp


Publishers founded or closed:


Stores opened or closed:


New fanspeak coined:






New Zealand:



4th World Fantasy ConventionAPA-45APA-55APA-DUDAPA-IAddie HuddlestonAggieCon IXAltairAmelia Reynolds LongAnokon 1AnvilApriconApricon 1Archon IIArkanfandomArkham House and Mycroft & Moran (1939-1977)Artkane IIIAsh-WingAstraAugust PartyAutoClave 3BYOB-Con 8Balticon 12Beloit Science Fiction and Fantasy AssociationBest LinesBoskone 15BraincandyBrassorBrookconBubonicon 10C/RAPAChambanaCon 8Chattacon 3Chattacon 4ChessieconCoastconCoastcon 1978Codclave 4ConClave 3ConFusion PiConebulus 2CosconCouleeconCouleecon ICritical MassDan Dos SantosDarkover Grand Council 1978Darkover Grand Council 1979DeepSouthCon 16Delap's F&SF ReviewDesertconDesertcon VIDestiniesDiehardDixieCon 78Don DayDubuquon IElfquestEmpirecon 1EmpiriconEmpiricon 1FAPA BookFantasy Faire VIIIFantasy NewsletterFantomeFarragoFile 770File 770 Poll Results 1978FoolscapFour-Star ExtraGMS ReviewGraymalkinHalfacon 78Hark!ConHedgehogIguanaCon IIIguanacon BluesGary Farber's Iguanacon II ReminiscenceIt Comes in the MailJ. Francis McComasJason CordovaJupiter AwardKanteleKarassKarval Kon ReportKat TempletonKhatruKickshawKubla Khan SexLA in '78LIConLeigh BrackettLepreCon 4Loscon 5Lunacon 21MainstreamMarcon XIIIMarissa LingenMediaWest*ConMidwestcon 29MileHiCon 10Minicon 13Mixed CompanyMonconMoncon IIMongooseMort WeisingerMt Holz Science Fiction SocietyMythcon IXNeoNew HorizonsNorwesconNorwescon 1Norwescon 1.5Nutria ConNutria Con '78Nuts and Berries HoaxOKon 2OMNIOf Such Are Legends MadeOmniOn and On into the NightOrangeconOrangecon '78OryConOryCon 0Pacific Northwest Review of BooksParaconParacon IPersonal NotesPgHLANGE XPhantasia PressPhilcon 1978Phoenix in '78Pretentious Science Fiction QuarterlyPrometheus AwardPulpcon 7QuantumRadagast ReminderRainy Day Three-ShotRally!Rhysling AwardRivercon IVRivets ReduxRoc*Kon 2Rovacon IIISF-Comics MiniconScapa FlowScience Fiction & Fantasy Poetry AssociationScott LynchSeanan McGuireShayolShort and PithySlower Than InfinitySonnets to Jonquil and AllSorcerer's ApprenticeSpace...The Final FrontierStaconStar Wars RootsStar*LineStellarCon IIIStobclerTantrumThe Bull of the Seven BattlesThe Derek Carter AlphabetThe M T VoidThe PalantirThe PulsarThe Rampant Guinea-PigThe Stone & the StarsThe Tucker TransferThe Voice of the LobsterThe Way the Future WasThe Wild HuntThe WorksThe WretchTim Kyger: How Iguanacon Came to BeTitleTotoconTotocon 2TropicconUnicon 4Unicon/FanconUniqueUpperSouthClave VIIIValleycon 3VodosoWaldo and Magic Inc.Walter Gillings Travel FundWarren FitzgeraldWesterconeWestern Kentucky University Speculative Fiction SocietyWhite SpaceWilliam RickhardtWindycon VWisCon 2Wunderfest IVX-Con 2


Rest of the World:

1977 | 1978 | 1979