Winter | -Thrilling Wonder Stories ceases publication |
April 8–10 (Easter) | Cytricon: Liverpool Group introduces blog and The March of Slime |
June | Planet Stories ceases publication |
September 2–5 (Labor Day) | Clevention (Worldcon) |
November 12 | The Hyborian Legion founded |
late | The Cult founded |
Westbound Ken Bulmer TAFF trip | |
Term "Artificial Intelligence" coined by American computer scientist John McCarthy | |
First SECon held | |
Cheltenham Circle organized |
Births and Deaths:
Amanda Hemingway - Andy Robertson - Barry Gehm - Bill Wagner - Brad Foster - Brenda W. Clough - Bruce Bethke - Buzz Dixon - Catherine Asaro - Charlie Luce - Chris Beckett - Dalroy Ward - Dave Romm - David K. M. Klaus - Denice Brown - Earl Terry Kemp - Earle Barr Hanson - Ed Green - Ellen Kushner - Eva Whitley - Gael Baudino - Geoffrey A. Landis - Georges Giguere - Gerry Kincannon - Grant McCormick - Gregory Manchess - Jack Skillingstead - James Alan Gardner - James Warhola - Janice Gelb - Jeffrey Ford - Jim Fuerstenberg - Jim Mann - John Bartelt - Judith Tarr - Julie E. Czerneda - Julius Long - Karen Haber - Keith Berdak - Ken Hunt - Lenny Wenshe - Leslie What - Linnette Horne - Mark Van Name - Michael Jencevice - Mike Vande Bunt - Mindret Lord - Moshe Yudkowsky - N. Lee Wood - Nancy Atherton - Nancy Nutt - Nat Schachner - Nisi Shawl - Pat Murphy - Paul J. McAuley - Paul Stewart - Perry Middlemiss - Randy Brunk - Richard Chwedyk - Richard Dorsett - Richard H. Small - Scott Edelman - Shelley Adrienne Mimi Belsky - Steve Gallacci - Steven Brust - Steven Gould - Takayuki Tatsumi - Tim Daniels - Tim Kyger - Tom Kidd - Tony Cratz - Tracy Hickman - Will Shetterly - Zanda Myrande
Publications started or ended:
A True Bill - Amor - Amra - Andromeda Nachrichten - Antwerpse Letterkundige En Wettenschappelijke Gazet - Arcturus - Beyond Awareness - Beyond Fantasy Fiction - Bias Binding - Bilcyn - Bran Tub - Cake - Chaos - CriFanAc - Curtain Call - Cytricon Combozine - Dizzy - Dream Quest - Dysteleology - Er... - Eye - FAPA Booze - Fafhrd - Fafhrd - FANannIA - Fandom Dispatch - Fankle - Fantastic Story Quarterly - Fantastic Worlds - Fescennine - ffm - Fission - Focus - Forty Four Forty or Fight - Future Science Fiction (Australia) - Futurian Society News - Galanty - Galaxy - Gargoyle - Gestalt - Happy Sap - Hard Lines - Hark - Heavyside - Hep - Hex - Hymen - I Dreamt I Crept in Marble Crypts - Incantations - Infinity Science Fiction - Io - Jazz-Zine - Jules Verne - Lesser Flea - Loco - Magnitude - Neo Fan's Guide - Normandie Notes - Null-F - Oblique - Off T'rails - Operation Fantast - Perspective - Platform - Play Time - Pogrom - Pooka - Psi - Remembrance of Things Past - Review - Revue - Rot - SLANder - Sackcloth and Ashes - Satan's Child - Spaceship - Star SF Fanzine - Startling Stories - Styx - Terragon - The Actifan - The Fannish Case of Ashworth v Lindsay - The Grin - The Horse Laugh - The Last Fans in Town - The Science-Fiction World - Thrilling Wonder Stories - Through Darkest Belgium - Tiot - Titot - Tourniquet - Universe Science Fiction - Vagabond - Void - Warning - Wraith - YKS! - Ye Olde Photygraf Album
Awards made, started or ended:
Clubs founded or disbanded:
A True Bill - Amanda Hemingway - Amor - Andy Robertson - Antwerpse Letterkundige En Wettenschappelijke Gazet - Arcturus - Bias Binding - Bilcyn - Bran Tub - Cake - Chris Beckett - Curtain Call - Cytricon - Cytricon Combozine - Cytricon I - Dizzy - Dysteleology - Er... - Eye - Fankle - Fantasy Art Society - Fescennine - Fission - Galanty - Gestalt - Happy Sap - Heavyside - Hep - Hymen - I Dreamt I Crept in Marble Crypts - Incantations - Io - Jazz-Zine - Jules Verne - Lesser Flea - Loco - Off T'rails - Operation Fantast - Paul J. McAuley - Paul Stewart - Phantasmagoria Mailing List - Platform - Play Time - Pogrom - Psi - Revue - Rot - Satan's Child - Science-Fiction Chapter - Styx - The Birmingham Science Fiction Club - The Fannish Case of Ashworth v Lindsay - The Grin - The Horse Laugh - The Last Fans in Town - The March of Slime - Through Darkest Belgium - Tourniquet - Warning - Zanda Myrande
1955 Open ESFA - 7th Fandom - Agacon - Amra - An Index to Unknown and Unknown Worlds - Barry Gehm - Beyond Awareness - Beyond Fantasy Fiction - Bill Wagner - Brad Foster - Brenda W. Clough - Bruce Bethke - Buzz Dixon - Catherine Asaro - Chaos - Charlie Luce - Cleveland in '55 - Clevention - Clevention PR 4 Article on TAFF - Sam Moskowitz' Clevention Reminiscence - CriFanAc - Dalroy Ward - Dave Romm - David K. M. Klaus - Denice Brown - Detroit in 1955 - Dream Quest - Earl Terry Kemp - Earle Barr Hanson - Ed Green - Ellen Kushner - Eva Whitley - FAPA Booze - FATE Tape - Fafhrd - Fafhrd - Fandom Dispatch - Fantastic Story Quarterly - Fantastic Worlds - Fanvet Convention 6 - Forty Four Forty or Fight - Gael Baudino - Galaxy - Gargoyle - Geoffrey A. Landis - Georges Giguere - Gerry Kincannon - Grant McCormick - Gregory Manchess - Hark - Hex - Hyborian Legion - Infinity Science Fiction - Jack Skillingstead - James Warhola - Janice Gelb - Jeffrey Ford - Jim Fuerstenberg - Jim Mann - John Bartelt - Judith Tarr - Julius Long - Karen Haber - Keith Berdak - Ken Hunt - Lenny Wenshe - Leslie What - Magnitude - Mark Van Name - Michael Jencevice - Midwestcon 6 - Mike Vande Bunt - Mindret Lord - Moshe Yudkowsky - N. Lee Wood - Nancy Atherton - Nancy Nutt - Nat Schachner - Neo Fan's Guide - Nisi Shawl - Normandie Notes - Null-F - Oblique - Oklacon III - Pat Murphy - Perspective - Pooka - Randy Brunk - Remembrance of Things Past - Review - Richard Chwedyk - Richard Dorsett - Richard H. Small - SECon - SECon I - SLANder - Sackcloth and Ashes - Scott Edelman - Shelley Adrienne Mimi Belsky - Spaceship - Startling Stories - Steve Gallacci - Steven Brust - Steven Gould - Styx - Terragon - The Actifan - The Agacon - The Science-Fiction World - The Starmen - Thrilling Wonder Stories - Tim Daniels - Tim Kyger - Tom Kidd - Tony Cratz - Tracy Hickman - Universe Science Fiction - Vagabond - Void - WAPA - Westercon 8 - Will Shetterly - Wraith - Ye Olde Photygraf Album
1954 | 1955 | 1956 |