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July 20-22 ||First [[Spacecon]]  
July 20-22 ||First [[Spacecon]]  
August 23-26 ||[[Seacon '79]] ([[Worldcon]])  
August 23-26 ||[[Seacon '79]] ([[Worldcon]])  
August 30-September 3, Labor Day ||[[NorthAmericon 79]] ([[NASFiC]])  
August 30-September 3, Labor Day ||[[NorthAmericon '79]] ([[NASFiC]])  
September 28-30 ||Final [[PghLANGE]] held  
September 28-30 ||Final [[PgHLANGE]] held  
October 19-22 ||[[Wellcon]] (first [[New Zealand Natcon]])  
October 19-22 ||[[Wellcon]] (first [[New Zealand Natcon]])  
Autumn ||First [[Shoestringcon]] held  
Autumn ||First [[Shoestringcon]] held  

Latest revision as of 15:33, 15 February 2020

January 18 Stone Hill Science Fiction Association founded
February 11 Ron Graham dies
Easter Yorcon
May 11–13 First ArmadilloCon
July HUMANALO founded
July 17 Walter Gillings dies
July 20-22 First Spacecon
August 23-26 Seacon '79 (Worldcon)
August 30-September 3, Labor Day NorthAmericon '79 (NASFiC)
September 28-30 Final PgHLANGE held
October 19-22 Wellcon (first New Zealand Natcon)
Autumn First Shoestringcon held
Science Fiction Chronicle by Andy Porter begins publication
Terry Hughes TAFF trip
DUFF: Ken Fletcher & Linda Lounsbury (South)
GUFF: John Foyster (North)

Publications started or ended:

A Fine MessAdsumAirelAmanitaAmorAndurilAnother Bloody FanzineAnsibleArglebargleArielBenzineBunchy Watches FanzinesBy BritishCONACSCheckpointCheepCloser to the EdgeConventional FanzineCritical MassDipping into ANZAPADo Not LaughDr FaustensteinEgeo SextariusExtroFamily RelationshipsFanfareFantasy MediaFast and LooseFocusFor a Few Fanzines MoreFuture RetrospectiveGUFF FundiesGanziGatherings and HappeningsGet FoktGiant WomboGothicGrueGrundoonGuying GyreGypsyHarlan's SideHolier Than ThouHonor to FinukaIncaInside N3FIntroducing Ken and LindaKnightsKwazarLes SpingeLicksLofgeornostLove Makes the World Go AwryMalfunctionMood 70: The Best of British Fanwriting 1970-79NighthawksO'RyanOcelotOgreOut of the BluePanelsPast, Present & FuturePeripheral VisionsPeripheryPhoenixProcrustean PapersQ36QuendiQuibbleRed ShiftRequiemRubber CrabRunway 37Ruptured RooSFanzine ReviewScience Fiction & Fantasy Book ReviewScience Fiction ChronicleScience Fiction Media NewsScience Fiction WorldScribeSeamonstersSeeing-StoneShockwaveSikanderSkiffy BagSlater's WitnessSpace JunkSpectreStarfanStarlingStomach PumpSummer MornT NegativeTertiary SyphilisThe Best of Elmer T. HackThe Complete BoShThe Echo Beach QuarterlyThe Encyclopedia of Science FictionThe Potomac River Science Fiction Society NewsletterThe Purple ProcrastinatorThe Seacon Abstractor & RecorderTripe Picker's JournalTripe Pickers' JournalTweetUnder the InfluenceWhat Spare TimeWrinkled ShrewYcz

Publishers founded or closed:

New fanspeak coined:





1979 NASFiC Site Selection20th Century Books4th International SF Festival5th World Fantasy ConventionAPA-TECHAPA-VCRAZAPAAggieCon XAllen BernsteinAmberconAmbercon 1Anokon 2Apa FilkApaloosaApasitionApatiteApricon 2Archon 3ArglebargleArmadilloConArmadilloCon 1ArtkaneAstraBYOB-Con 9Background NoiseBalticon 13Boskone 16Bubonicon 11CONACSCatherynne M. ValenteCentral Catholic Science Fiction SocietyChUSFAChambanaCon 9Chicago in '79Chicago in 1982Coastcon '79Codclave VConClave IVConebulus IIIConventional FanzineCostume-ManiaCoulsons to Newcastle(Coveted) Balrog AwardCritical MassDeepSouthCon 17Denver in '79Disclave 23Donald B. ThompsonDubuquonDubuquon IIE/c2 ConFusionFamily RelationshipsFanfareFantasy Faire IXFast and LooseFilkConFilkCon IFool-Con IIFoolconFormerly ArtkaneFortConFrank WilimczykFuture PartyFuture Party '79Future RetrospectiveGanziGatherings and HappeningsGothicGrueGuying GyreGypsyHalfacon '79Harlan's SideHexaconHexacon 1Holier Than ThouHonor to FinukaICON 4ImagiconIncrease in Convention Sizes in the 1970sInside N3FInterventionIntervention 1J. O. BaileyJames H. MadoleJoseph J. FortierJust ImagiconKampusconKnightsKubla KhanceptionKulaConKwazarLeif AnderssonLepreCon 5LofgeornostLoscon 6Louisville in '79Lunacon 22MUSFSMarcon XIVMidwestcon 30MileHiCon 11Minicon 15Minicon-ApaMonconMoncon IIIMoonstone BookcellarMosConMosCon '79Mythcon XNashville in '79New Orleans in '79New York University Science Fiction SocietyNighthawksNorthAmericon '79Steve and Sue Francis' NorthAmericon '79 ReminiscenceNorwescon IINova 4Novacon 9 WestNutria ConNutria Con '79OKon 3OMNIOctocon 16OgreOrangeconOrangecon '79OryCon 1Othercon IIPalo Alto in '79PanelsParacon IIPenulticon '79Peripheral VisionsPgHLANGEPgHLANGE XIPhilcon 1979PollyAPAPosthumusConPulpcon 8Pyramid BooksQuakeconQuendiRequiemRichard C. MeredithRiva-ConRoby WentzRoc*Kon 3Roc*Kon 4Runway 37Russell M. WoodSF WeekendSF and Space ExpoSF/OSFCon '73Sally RandSarah GuldeSci-ConSci-Con 1Science Fiction & Fantasy Book ReviewScience Fiction ChronicleSf3ShockwaveSkiffy BagSpace JunkSpaceconSpacecon 1StarlingStellarCon IVStellarcon '79Stephen J. TakacsSteve & Don's HalfaconStone Hill Science Fiction AssociationSummer MornT NegativeTAPADANCETales from the White HartThe ConnectionThe DecomposersThe Fantasy SymposiumThe International Science Fiction YearbookThe Potomac River Science Fiction Society NewsletterThe Purple ProcrastinatorTobias S. BuckellTropiconTusCon 6URCONURCON IUnder the InfluenceUnicon 5UpperSouthClaveUpperSouthClave IXValleycon 4VidapaWestercon 32What Spare TimeWhataconWhatconWhatcon IWindycon VIWisCon 3X-Con '79Yoon Ha Lee

Rest of the World:

1978 | 1979 | 1980