February 11 | -Bob Shaw dies |
Easter | Evolution |
May 9 | Redd Boggs dies |
May 27 | Charles Burbee dies |
August 29 - September 2 (Labor Day) | L.A.con III (Worldcon) |
October 11-13 | First Albacon |
October 30 | Lynn Hickman dies |
November 17-19 | First ArmadaCon |
Ethel Lindsay dies | |
Martin Tudor TAFF trip | |
CUFF: Rene Walling | |
DUFF: Perry Middlemiss (North) | |
FFANZ: Evan McCarthy (West) |
Births and Deaths:
Aubrey MacDermott - Bob Shaw - Brian Robinson - Carl Sagan - Charles Burbee - Dan Curran - Duane W. Rimel - Ed Wood - Elsie Wollheim - Ethel Lindsay - Francis Litz - Frank H. Parnell - Frank Riley - Freddie Hershey - Gordon Benson, Jr. - H. L. Gold - Jerry Siegel - Joni Stopa - Lynn Hickman - Mary Hershey - Phil Bronson - Pogo - R. D. Swisher - R. F. Kuang - Redd Boggs - Richard M. Powers - Rick Dunning - Roger Dard - Sam Merwin - Vera Chapman - Walter Coslet - Walter I. Bradbury - Walter M. Miller, Jr. - Willis Conover
Convention series started or ended:
Publications started or ended:
A Fanzine for Pat - A Mad Woman's Knitting - Alternate Worldcons - Aura - Bandsalat - Disillusionist - ERBzine - Empties - FTT - Fanhistorica - Fantastic Worlds - Floreat Elizabetha - Heart Attack and Vine - JGB News - Lady Churchill's Rosebud Wristlet - Load of Bollocks - Loxodrome - Mixed Colliforms Only - Monico - Monocle - More Than Meets the Ear - Moriarty's Revenge - Novae Terrae: The Last Year - Phlogiston - Plokta - Pogonophobia - QUANt Suff - Reading Matters - Retro - SFF.Net - Sansevieria - Sercon Popcult Litcrit Fanmag - Sierra Heaven - Spirochete - Tails of Fandom - Texas SF Inquirer - The Best of ANZAPA - The Bulletin - The Fantiquarian Chronicler - The Pear Tree - The Tudor Dynasty - Thingummybob - Time Traveller's Journal - Trinketry - Up Around the Bend - VSOP - Vegas Fan Diary - Waxen Wings and Banana Skins - Worlds of Fantasy & Horror - Zorn
Awards made, started or ended:
Clubs founded or disbanded:
A Fanzine for Pat - Albacon 96 - ArmadaCon VIII - Attitude: The Convention - Beyond Cyberdrome - Bob Shaw - Brian Robinson - Dangercon 666 - Discworld Con 1 - Discworld Convention - Disection - Disillusionist - Empties - Ethel Lindsay - Evolution - FTT - Fantasycon XX - Floreat Elizabetha - Frank H. Parnell - Heart Attack and Vine - Incon - Inconsistent - JGB News - Load of Bollocks - Loxodrome - Mary Hershey - Masque 4 - MiS-saigon - MiScon - Microcon 16 - Mixed Colliforms Only - Monico - Monocle - Moriarty's Revenge - Novacon 26 - Novae Terrae: The Last Year - Obliter-8 - Oxonmoot 1996 - Picocon 13 - Plokta - Pogonophobia - Prophecy - Reading Matters - Retro - Sierra Heaven - The Bulletin - The Tudor Dynasty - Thingummybob - Time Traveller's Journal - Trinketry - Up Around the Bend - VSOP - Waxen Wings and Banana Skins - Who's 7 - Zorn
1995 World Fantasy Convention - 24 and Moore - 5Con 96 - APA-V - AggieCon XXVII - Albacon - Albacon 1996 - Alternate Worldcons - Anaconism - Anaconism '96 - Arcana 26 - Archon 20 - Arisia '96 - ArmadilloCon 18 - Astronomicon 5 - Aubrey MacDermott - Aura - Balticon 30 - Baltimore-Washington Area Worldcon Association - Bandsalat - Baycon '96 - Bob Roehm's 20th Anniversary History of Rivercon - Bob Shaw - Boskone 33 - Bubonicon 28 - CONduit 6 - Capricon 16 - Carl Sagan - ChambanaCon 26 - Charles Burbee - Chattacon XXI - Coastcon XIX - Con*Stellation XV - Con-Dor 4 - ConClave XXI - ConComCon 3 - ConDiablo - ConQuesT 27 - ConTact 14 - Concave 17 - Concussion - Confluence 9 - Consonance 1996 - Conterpoint Too! - Context IX - Contradiction 16 - CopperCon 16 - Corflu 13 - Costume-Con 14 - Dan Curran - Darkover Grand Council 19 - Darrell Awards - David A. Kyle: A Life of Science Fiction Ideas and Dreams - DeepSouthCon 34 - DefCon - DefCon VIII - DemiCon 7 - Deviant ConFusion - Disclave 40 - Ditto 9 - Diversicon 4 - Duane W. Rimel - DucKon V - ERBzine - Ed Wood - Elsie Wollheim - Fanhistorica - Fanotchka - Fantastic Worlds - Francis Litz - Frank R. Paul Award - Frank Riley - Freddie Hershey - Genericon IX - Gordon Benson, Jr. - H. L. Gold - I-Con XV - ICFA 17 - ICON 21 - InCon '96 - InConJunction XVI - Jerry Siegel - Joni Stopa - KC in 2000 - L.A.con III - LA in '96 - La-La-La Con - Lady Churchill's Rosebud Wristlet - LepreCon 22 - LibertyCon 10 - Life, the Universe, & Everything 14 - Loscon XXIII - Lunacon 39 - Lynn Hickman - Marcon 31 - Mary Hershey - MidSouthCon 15 - Midwestcon 47 - MileHiCon 28 - Millennicon -5 - Minicon 31 - MisCon 11 - More Than Meets the Ear - MosCon XVIII - Musicon - Musicon 5 - Mythcon XXVII - Necon 16 - Necronomicon '96 - New Orleans SF & Fantasy Festival '96 - New Orleans Science Fiction & Fantasy Festival - Norwescon XIX - OASIS 9 - OVFF 12 - Octocon 33 - OryCon 18 - Phil Bronson - Philcon 1996 - Pogo - Potlatch 5 - Pulpcon 25 - QUANt Suff - R. D. Swisher - RadCon 2 - Readercon 8 - Redd Boggs - ReinCONation 6 - Richard M. Powers - Rick Dunning - Rivercon XXI - Rustycon 12 - SOLAE Foundation - Sam Merwin - Sapphire Awards - Science Fiction Hall of Fame - Smofcon 14 - SoonerCon 12 - Spirochete - StellarCon 20 - Tails of Fandom - Texas SF Inquirer - The Pear Tree - The Silence of the Langford - The Westerfilk Collection - Thomas D. Clareson Award - Toner - Travelling Fete IV - Tropicon XIV - Tropicon XV - TusCon 23 - Valleycon 21 - Vegas Fan Diary - Vera Chapman - Vikingcon 17 - Walter Coslet - Walter I. Bradbury - Walter M. Miller, Jr. - Willis Conover - WindyCon XXIII - WisCon 20 - World Fantasy Convention 1996 - Worlds of Fantasy & Horror
1995 | 1996 | 1997 |