From Fancyclopedia 3
(Redirected from '96)
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February 11 -Bob Shaw dies
Easter Evolution
May 9 Redd Boggs dies
May 27 Charles Burbee dies
August 29 - September 2 (Labor Day) L.A.con III (Worldcon)
October 11-13 First Albacon
October 30 Lynn Hickman dies
November 17-19 First ArmadaCon
Ethel Lindsay dies
Martin Tudor TAFF trip
CUFF: Rene Walling
DUFF: Perry Middlemiss (North)
FFANZ: Evan McCarthy (West)


Publishers founded or closed:


New fanspeak coined:






New Zealand:



1995 World Fantasy Convention24 and Moore5Con 96APA-VAggieCon XXVIIAlbaconAlbacon 1996Alternate WorldconsAnaconismAnaconism '96Arcana 26Archon 20Arisia '96ArmadilloCon 18Astronomicon 5Aubrey MacDermottAuraBalticon 30Baltimore-Washington Area Worldcon AssociationBandsalatBaycon '96Bob Roehm's 20th Anniversary History of RiverconBob ShawBoskone 33Bubonicon 28CONduit 6Capricon 16Carl SaganChambanaCon 26Charles BurbeeChattacon XXICoastcon XIXCon*Stellation XVCon-Dor 4ConClave XXIConComCon 3ConDiabloConQuesT 27ConTact 14Concave 17ConcussionConfluence 9Consonance 1996Conterpoint Too!Context IXContradiction 16CopperCon 16Corflu 13Costume-Con 14Dan CurranDarkover Grand Council 19Darrell AwardsDavid A. Kyle: A Life of Science Fiction Ideas and DreamsDeepSouthCon 34DefConDefCon VIIIDemiCon 7Deviant ConFusionDisclave 40Ditto 9Diversicon 4Duane W. RimelDucKon VERBzineEd WoodElsie WollheimFanhistoricaFanotchkaFantastic WorldsFrancis LitzFrank R. Paul AwardFrank RileyFreddie HersheyGenericon IXGordon Benson, Jr.H. L. GoldI-Con XVICFA 17ICON 21InCon '96InConJunction XVIJerry SiegelJoni StopaKC in 2000L.A.con IIILA in '96La-La-La ConLady Churchill's Rosebud WristletLepreCon 22LibertyCon 10Life, the Universe, & Everything 14Loscon XXIIILunacon 39Lynn HickmanMarcon 31Mary HersheyMidSouthCon 15Midwestcon 47MileHiCon 28Millennicon -5Minicon 31MisCon 11More Than Meets the EarMosCon XVIIIMusiconMusicon 5Mythcon XXVIINecon 16Necronomicon '96New Orleans SF & Fantasy Festival '96New Orleans Science Fiction & Fantasy FestivalNorwescon XIXOASIS 9OVFF 12Octocon 33OryCon 18Phil BronsonPhilcon 1996PogoPotlatch 5Pulpcon 25QUANt SuffR. D. SwisherRadCon 2Readercon 8Redd BoggsReinCONation 6Richard M. PowersRick DunningRivercon XXIRustycon 12SOLAE FoundationSam MerwinSapphire AwardsScience Fiction Hall of FameSmofcon 14SoonerCon 12SpirocheteStellarCon 20Tails of FandomTexas SF InquirerThe Pear TreeThe Silence of the LangfordThe Westerfilk CollectionThomas D. Clareson AwardTonerTravelling Fete IVTropicon XIVTropicon XVTusCon 23Valleycon 21Vegas Fan DiaryVera ChapmanVikingcon 17Walter CosletWalter I. BradburyWalter M. Miller, Jr.Willis ConoverWindyCon XXIIIWisCon 20World Fantasy Convention 1996Worlds of Fantasy & Horror


Rest of the World:

1995 | 1996 | 1997