Ansible Fan Poll

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The Ansible Fan Poll, formally billed as the Checkpoint/Ansible Fan Poll, was a fan poll of UK fanzine activity conducted by Dave Langford through the newszine Ansible. It was a continuation of the Checkpoint Fan Poll which was in turn a successor to the polls taken by Ron Bennett in Skyrack in the 1950s and 1960s.

Each poll covered the period from Easter to Easter. All fans were eligible to vote although the ballots were distributed with Ansible and most were UK fans. It continued until 1982/1983. Langford said, 'Some discussion of this poll appeared in Ansible #25. It was skipped owing to general voter apathy in 1984, as perhaps foreshadowed by editorial Angst in Ansible #39 and recorded in Ansible #40. The poll finally died in 1985'. Ansible #43 (May/June 1985) said: 'The Ansible Poll is hereby laid to rest in an unmarked grave, an idea (judging from response) whose time is clearly past.'

Best British Fanzine[edit]

Place Fanzine Editor(s)
1 Twll-Ddu Dave Langford
2 Deadloss Chris Priest
3 Drilkjis Dave Langford and Kevin Smith
=4 Dot Kevin Smith
=4 Seamonsters Simone Walsh
6 One Off David Bridges
7 Paranoid Ian and Janice Maule
8 By British Ian Maule and Joseph Nicholas
9 Ocelot Simon Ounsley and Graham James
10 Nabu Ian Maule
'Twenty-seven titles, plus "No Award", were nominated. Five points were awarded for a first-place vote, four for a second and so on: this system was also used for the fanwriter and fanartist categories. Ansible was not eligible.'
1 Twll-Ddu Dave Langford
2 Second-Hand Wave Alan Ferguson and Trevor Briggs
3 New River Blues Abi Frost and Roz Kaveney
4 No Award
=5 Nabu Ian and Janice Maule
=5 Ocelot Simon Ounsley and Graham James
7 Arena Geoff Rippington
=8 Amanita Cyril Simsa
=8 Matrix Graham James for the BSFA
10 Napalm in the Morning Joseph Nicholas
'29 titles plus "No Award" nominated; 5 points for 1st-place vote, 4 for 2nd, etc. (this system also used for writer & artist); Ansible ineligible'.
1 Tappen Malcolm Edwards
2 Still It Moves Simon Ounsley
3 Twenty-Third Jimmy Robertson
4 Epsilon Rob Hansen
5 Drilkjis Dave Langford and Kevin Smith
6 Start Breaking Up Chris Atkinson and Linda Pickersgill
7 Indian Scout Cretinfandom (Sandy Brown, Bill Carlin and Jimmy Robertson)
8 New River Blues Abi Frost and Roz Kaveney
9 Crystal Ship John D. Owen
10 Dot Kevin Smith
'35 titles nominated, plus "No Award" and Twll-Ddu (ineligible through nonappearance). 5 points for 1st-place vote, 4 for 2nd, etc; Ansible ineligible; ... I'm unreliable on numbers of issues published since my fanzines are still packed in boxes.'
1 Tappen Malcolm Edwards
2 Still It Moves Simon Ounsley
3 Epsilon Rob Hansen
4 Indian Scout Cretinfandom (Sandy Brown, Bill Carlin and Jimmy Robertson)
5 Twll-Ddu Dave Langford
6 Out of the Blue Ian Williams and Harry Bell
=7 Drunkard's Talk Malcolm Edwards
=7 Microwave Terry Hill
=7 Wallbanger Eve Harvey
=10 This Never Happens Lilian Edwards and Christina Lake
'37 titles (and an apa) nominated. 5 points given for a 1st-place vote, 4 for 2nd, etc; Ansible ineligible'.

Best British Fanzine Single Issue[edit]

Place Fanzine Editor
1 TAFF-Ddu Jim Barker & Dave Langford
=2 By British Ian Maule & Joseph Nicholas
=2 Deadloss #2 Chris Priest
=2 Drilkjis #5 Kev Smith and Dave Langford
=2 For a Few Fanzines More John Collick
=2 One Off #8 David Bridges
7 Seamonsters 4 Simone Walsh
'Nine fanzines were nominated ... there is no points system: one vote counts as one vote and that's that.'
=1 Nabu #10 Ian and Janice Maule
=1 Twll-Ddu #19 Dave Langford
=3 Ocelot #4 Graham James and Simon Ounsley
=3 No Award
=3 Starfan Rob Hansen
=3 The Tinned Milk of Human Kindness #1 Michael Ashley
=3 Twll-Ddu #18 Dave Langford
8 One Dead Hedgehog Jim Barker
'28 items nominated plus "No Award" ... an issue of Second-Hand Wave would probably have been placed had I not had to disallow unqualified votes for 'SHW 42' ... since all four eligible issues have that number. Sorry!'
1 Start Breaking Up Chris Atkinson and Linda Pickersgill
2 Indian Scout Cretinfandom (Sandy Brown, Bill Carlin and Jimmy Robertson)
3 Tappen #2 Malcolm Edwards
=4 Still It Moves #1 Simon Ounsley
=4 Still It Moves #2 Simon Ounsley
=4 Drilkjis #6 Dave Langford and Kevin Smith
'30 items (3 ineligible, having appeared in the previous year) nominated, plus "No Award".'
1 Tappen #5 Malcolm Edwards
2 Felicity Jimmy Robertson
3 The Zine That Has No Name #3 Paul Skelton
4 Tiger Tea #1 Linda Pickersgill
=5 Indian Scout 1983 Annual Red Army Choir
=5 Still It Moves #3 Simon Ounsley
'36 issues of 29 different Britzines nominated, plus one ineligible US zine (1 vote only).'

Best British Fanzine Article or Column[edit]

Place Article Writer Fanzine
1 'Charlie Was A Good Old Boy' Bryn Fortey Seamonsters #4
=2 'Second Thermidor (Level 1) Abi Frost New River Blues #2
=2 'Fall of the Mouse of Usher' Dave Langford TAFF-Ddu
=2 'Coming From Behind: A Short History of British Fanzines in the Seventies' Joseph Nicholas By British
=2 'Ah, Sweet Arrogance' D. West One Off #8
=1 'How to Write Like Joseph Nicholas' Kevin Smith Dot #9
=1 'Transatlantic Hearing Aid I' Dave Langford Twll-Ddu #19
=3 No Award
=3 'Symbolism & the 10:10 from the Hearthrug' Chris Priest Nabu #10
=3 'Captive with a Glass Hand' Jim Barker One Dead Hedgehog
=3 'The End of the Dream' Joseph Nicholas Napalm in the Morning #3
=3 'Life on Mars' Simon Ounsley Matrix
=3 'Vive la Revolucion' Chris Evans Nabu #10
'32 items nominated plus "No Award". ... NB: Votes for D. West's 'Ah, Sweet Arrogance' and my 'Mouse of Usher' were disallowed since these articles were eligible (and placed) in the previous poll.'
1 'Life with the Loonies I' Chris Atkinson Tappen
2 'The Transatlantic Hearing Aid' Dave Langford Nabu #11
=3 'You Must Be Mad' Alan Ferguson Still It Moves #2
=3 'Confessions of a Collector' Simon Ounsley Still It Moves #1
=3 'Towards a Critical Standard' series Kevin Smith Vector
=3 'What Do They Do With The Money?' Kevin Smith Drilkjis #6
'38 items plus "No Award".'
1 'Performance' D. West Tappen #5
2 'Desert Island Lavatories' Nick Lowe Chocolates of Lust #2
=3 'Desperate Fun' Linda Pickersgill Out of the Blue #4
=3 'How Women Get Pregnant' Linda Pickersgill Out of the Blue #5
=3 'Return to Red River' Bill Carlin Indian Scout
=3 'When Fandoms Collide' Bob Shaw The Zine That Has No Name
=3 [Untitled house-move horror stories] Dave Langford Cloud Chamber #13 and 17
'58 items nominated. ... Incidentally, Linda Pickersgill collected 10 votes spread over 4 separate articles.'

Best British Fan Writer[edit]

Place Writer
1 Dave Langford
2 D. West
3 Kevin Smith
4 Chris Priest
=5 David Bridges
=5 Bob Shaw
7 Joseph Nicholas
8 Alan Dorey
9 Simone Walsh
'Eighteen fans were nominated; all details of scoring etc as for Best British Fanzine, above.'
1 Dave Langford
2 No Award
3 Joseph Nicholas
4 Chris Priest
5 Kevin Smith
6 Michael Ashley
=7 David Bridges
=7 John Clute
=7 Roz Kaveney
'31 nominations plus "No Award".'
1 Chris Atkinson
2 Dave Langford
3 Jimmy Robertson
4 Simon Ounsley
5 Kevin Smith
6 Chris Evans
7 Chris Priest
=8 Abi Frost
=8 Joseph Nicholas
'37 nominations recorded'.
1 Dave Langford
2 D. West
3 Linda Pickersgill
4 Chris Atkinson
5 Jimmy Robertson
6 Simon Ounsley
7 Malcolm Edwards
8 Paul Skelton
9 Alan Ferguson
10 Rob Hansen
'43 fans were nominated.'

Best British Fan Artist[edit]

Place Artist
1 Jim Barker
2 Harry Bell
3 Rob Hansen
4 D. West
5 John Collick
'Thirteen fans, plus "No Award", were nominated; such is the lack of UK fanartists that only five got more than five points.'
1 Pete Lyon
2 Jim Barker
3 D. West
4 John Collick
5 Rob Hansen
6 Harry Bell
7 Alan Hunter
8 Arthur Thomson
'16 nominations plus "No Award".'
1 Pete Lyon
2 Rob Hansen
3 Jim Barker
4 D. West
5 Harry Bell
6 Martin Helsdon
7 John Collick
8 John McFarlane
9 Steve Lines
10 Ian Byers
'19 nominations plus "No Award".'
1 Pete Lyon
2 Rob Hansen
3 Harry Bell
4 D. West
5 Jim Barker
6 Arthur Thomson
7 Margaret Welbank
8 Anne Warren
9 John McFarlane
10 Shep Kirkbride
'31 British residents nominated, plus 3 ineligible Americans (all scored <6pts), plus "No Award" (Ditto). I'm too cautious to comment here on Art...'

Best British Fanzine Cover[edit]

Place Fanzine Artist
1 Inca #1 D. West
=2 TAFF-Ddu Jim Barker
=2 Drilkjis #5 Rob Hansen
=2 Drilkjis #4 D. West
5 Out of the Blue #1 Harry Bell
'Ten covers were nominated, from nine different fanzine titles.'
1 Matrix #34 Pete Lyon
=2 Vector #101 John McFarlane
=2 No Award
=2 Matrix #32 D. West
=5 Second-Hand Wave (pre-Xmas 1980) Pete Lyon
=5 Twll-Ddu #18 Taral
=7 Scottishe #0 Arthur Thomson
=7 Nabu #10 Phil James
=7 Second-Hand Wave (Easter 1981) Pete Lyon
=7 Ocelot #4 D. West
'27 items nominated plus "No Award". ... maybe I should have disallowed that foreigner Taral, but there again maybe not.'
1 Indian Scout John McFarlane
=2 Stop Breaking Down #7 Harry Bell
=2 Forth (Hamster Pie) Pete Lyon
=4 Out of the Blue #3 Harry Bell
=4 Epsilon #8 Rob Hansen
=4 Tappen #2 Rob Hansen
=4 Wallbanger #5 Rob Hansen
=4 Supernova #4 Pete Lyon
'41 items plus "No Award". ... NB: if the Hansen triptych of the first 3 Tappen covers is counted as one item, it places =1st. Overall Rob's work received 20 votes (and Pete Lyon's 14), in this category, illustrating the dangers of self-competition.'
=1 Tappen #5, Pete Lyon
=1 Indian Scout John McFarlane
3 Felicity John McFarlane
=4 Second-Hand Wave (Autumn 1982) Pete Lyon
=4 Chocolates of Lust #2 Margaret Welbank
=4 Epsilon #13 Harry Bell and Rob Hansen
'32 covers from 26 different fanzines were nominated, plus a single vote for "Hold Over Funds"'. ... Here P. Lyon got 23 votes spread over 7 covers'.

Worst Thing[edit]

Place Thing
1 Ken Mann
2 Bob (Glasgow) Shaw
=3 The Albacon Report
=3 The Aftermath of Albacon
=3 Joseph Nicholas
=3 Greg Pickersgill
'63 nominations, but not "No Award".
1 Paul Turner
2 Keith Walker's Brighton Rock
3 Graham James
4 Chuck Connor
=5 Eve Harvey at Channelcon
=5 The Postal Rates
=5 Ian Watson
'as always the most difficult to count, with 53 nominations (plus "Hold Over Funds") and a welter of overlapping hates. Two of my favourites with only one vote apiece were "The US attempt to get Nicholas – foreigners shooting at our fox" and "The campaign of slander and innuendo against really super people like Chuck Connor and Paul Turner" ... Again, regrouping would alter things hugely: 10 votes went to various aspects of Matrix (Most Controversial Fanzine!), 9 to various aspects of Channelcon (eg. the beer), 5 to the Watson family, etc.'
1 Bob (Glasgow) Shaw 'on numerous counts'
2 John Brunner
3 Keith Walker's fanzines
=4 Rob Hansen 'for unprintably sexist reasons – shame on a certain caddish voting bloc in Leeds'
=4 Shallow End
=4 Our Wonderful Tory Government
=4 The Victory of the Brighton 1984 Eastercon Bid
'no less than 68 items nominated. ... After the extravagant pro and con reactions to "Performance" I thought it might figure here as well as in "Best Article": not so unless we conflate the categories (1 vote apiece) 'Performance' and 'The D. West Cult'. Cult?'

Award 19791983
This is an award page. If you know something about it, such as who awarded it, who the winners were, what the criteria were, and when it was awarded, please add it! See Standards for Awards.