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Easter -BECCON '87
April 7 Terry Carr dies
June 12 First Rubble Award given out
August 27 -- Sept 1 Conspiracy '87 (Worldcon)
September 3--7 Labor Day CactusCon (NASFiC)
September 28 HRSFA first meeting
December Pass-Along Funds started at Smofcon
First LibertyCon
Jeanne Gomoll TAFF trip
DUFF: Lucy Huntzinger (South)
FFANZ: Lyn McConchie (West)
GUFF: Irwin Hirsh (North)


Convention series started or ended:


Onetime conventions:


Publications started or ended:

A Fandom SamplerA Free LunchAbattoirAdvocatus DiaboliBECCON '87: The Other Press ReportBalloons Over BristolBig SleazeBobbing for Golden ApplesCandiruChimay Chimay Ko Ko BopChunder!Civilisation ReviewedCollectors Item No. 1Conspiracy TheoriesConstellation of KasterborusCreature of HabitCritical WaveDare to be StupidDeadlossDeja VuDtrsEat That DuckEmbryonic Journey -- From Leeds to Leeds in 50 YearsEntropionF-WordsFAPA Festival FanzineFaceless BureaucratFanfoodery: or The Plain Fan's Guide to Happy EatingFanpublishing SymposiumFantasy ReviewFeast of FriendsFebruary FAPACFirst SoloFlash PointFlick the BogeyFloatin' CheeseFrom the Cockpit IIIGarden of Entropic DelightsGodzilla's Dental FlossGonzoGuerilla ArtsHyphenIllyriaImpressions from the Ditto MastersInternational Conspiracy JournalIzzardJesting PilateKwazarMeepNESFA HymnalNine InningsNow Read On -- A Collection of Recent British FanwritingNowhere FastOmega Science DigestOut of the WoodworkPenserosoPerformancePhenotypePlaten StoriesPlotQuincunxRemember LindisfarneSF EyeSay the NameScrewed Up LettersSecantSecondhand GoodsSferical AberrationSiattiese Standpipe Number 62SpungStill LifeStrange Perversions and Literary LunchesSummaTAFFluviaTaffilesThe AnnexThe Bad Brie PartyThe Bagabash PapersThe Best of ConrunnerThe Bovo No-NoThe House of the Hidden PoetThe Island of Dr. GernsbachThe LibertyCon NewsletterThe Reader and AccumulatorThe Science Fact & Fiction ConcatenationThe Story So FarTrendingUndulant FeverVile AnchorsW.A.S.T.E. PaperWahrscheinlichkeits RechnungWe Remember Terry CarrWeird Smut RomanceWorld SF JournalXanxia


Publishers founded or closed:


Stores opened or closed:


New fanspeak coined:









13th World Fantasy Convention1987 NASFiC Site SelectionAbattoirAdvocatus DiaboliAggieCon XVIIIAlden H. NortonAlfred BesterAlternaconAnna KrenzelArchon 11ArmadilloCon 9Asimov's Science Fiction Readers AwardAtlanta Fantasy Fair 1987Balticon 21Baycon '87Bea MahaffeyBeatrice UngerBobbing for Golden ApplesBoskone 24Bubonicon 19C'ntractionC. L. MooreCactusConCapricon 7CastleConChambanaCon 17Chattacon XIICliff DunnCoastcon XCon*Stellation VICon*Tretemps 6ConChord 3ConClave XIIConFusion 12ConQuesT 18ConQuistador IVConTact 5Concave 8Contex 1987Contradiction 7CopperCon 7Corflu 4Costume-Con 5Costumer's Guild WestCreature of HabitDare to be StupidDarkover Grand Council 10Dave ElderDeepSouthCon 25Deja VuDick WilsonDisclave 12Disclave 31Doc BarrettDonald WandreiDracula Society's Children of the Night AwardDragon ConDreamcon 2DtrsEarthcon VIIEclecticonEpisode XXXXEquicon '87F-WordsFAPA Festival FanzineFaceless BureaucratFantastic Fiction ClubFantasy Con IVFantasy ReviewFebruary FAPACFlash PointFourth Street Fantasy 1987Franklin Lee BaldwinFrom the Cockpit IIIGaylactic NetworkGenericon IIIGuerilla ArtsHexaconHexacon 9I-Con VIICFA 8ICON 12InConJunction VIIIzzardJames Tiptree, Jr.Jesting PilateKubla QuinzeKwazarLA in '87LA in '87Lauren Raye SnowLepreCon 13LibertyConLibertyCon 1Life, the Universe, & Everything 5Loscon XIVLunacon 30Lynn BridgesMarcon XXIIMari Beth WheelerMidSouthCon 6Midwestcon 38MileHiCon 19Millennicon -14Minicon 22MisCon 2Moonstone BookcellarMosCon IXMuseConMythcon XVIIINESFA HymnalNJAC 3Necon 7Necronomicon '87Newfangled ContraptionNigel RoweNine InningsNorwescon 9.5OKon 10OVFF 3Oakland in '87Octocon 24Off Centaur PublicationsOmacon 7Orlando Area Science Fiction SocietyOryCon '87OzarkonPenserosoPhenotypePhilcon 87Phoenix in '85Phoenix in 1987Phoenixcon 2Polly FreasPulp Era Amateur Press SocietyPulpcon 16QuincunxRandall GarrettRay J. SienkiewiczReaderconReadercon 1Richard DelapRise and Fall of the Giant BoskonesRivercon XIIRoc*Kon 12Ron SmithRubble AwardRustycon 4SF EyeSan Diego in '87Say the NameSerConSercon 1Siattiese Standpipe Number 62Smofcon 4SoonerCon 3SpungStark Raving ConFusionStellarCon XIITAFFluviaTaffilesTerry CarrThe AnnexThe Bad Brie PartyThe Bagabash PapersThe Bovo No-NoThe House of the Hidden PoetThe Island of Dr. GernsbachThe LibertyCon NewsletterThe Reader and AccumulatorThe Tale That Wags the GodTheodore R. CogswellTheodore Sturgeon Memorial AwardTrendingTriangulumTriangulum 1987Tropicon VITusCon 14Undulant FeverUnicon 87UpperSouthClave 17Valleycon 12Vern CoriellVikingcon 8Virginia AndersonW.A.S.T.E. PaperWahrscheinlichkeits RechnungWe Remember Terry CarrWeird Smut RomanceWild CardsWindycon XIVWisCon 11X-Con 11Xanadu 4Xanxia


Rest of the World:

1986 | 1987 | 1988