1987 NASFiC Site Selection

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Site Selection for the 1987 NASFiC was conducted by LoneStarCon, the 1985 NASFiC. Phoenix in 1987 was unopposed and was selected to run Cactuscon.

LoneStarCon was the first time that NASFiC site selection was conducted at a NASFiC. (The site selection rules require that site selection for NASFiCs be held at a WSFS convention with the appropriate lead time. In the ’80s, the lead time was two years. It is presently one year. If there is a NASFiC the appropriate year, site selection is held there. Otherwise, it is held at the Worldcon that year.)

Bidder -Votes
Phoenix in 1987 51
No Preference 3
None of the Above 2
Total 56

1985 NASFiC Site Selection 1990 1987
This is page about convention bidding, the competition and its outcome. Please extend it by adding information about who was bidding, and how the race went.