early | -Spectators club founded. |
April | First issue of Spacewarp, which would become the focal point fanzine for Fifth Fandom. |
Summer | Ray Nelson invents the propeller beanie. |
July | Last ish of VOM. |
August 26 | Walt Willis meets James White and Irish Fandom is born. |
August 30–September 1 | Philcon (Worldcon). |
Nuclear Fizz introduced to fandom. | |
Claude Degler resurfaces with new alias, John Paul Chrisman, and new zine, Weird Unsolved Mysteries. | |
Fourth Fandom ends. | |
September | Operation Fantast started. |
Fall | WSFA founded. |
December 27 | Minneapolis Fantasy Society restarted. |
London Circle formed. | |
Derelicts founded. | |
Hydra Club formed. | |
SAPS founded. | |
Portland Science-Fantasy Society founded. |
Births and Deaths:
A. J. Barker - Adrienne Fein - Alain Le Bussy - Alan Lee - Allyn Cadogan - Ann Broomhead - Arthur Machen - Bill "The Galactic" Fesselmeyer - Bill Burns - Bill Fawcett - Bob Lovell - Brad Strickland - Brandon Lamont - Brian Froud - Brian Herbert - Brian Tawn - Bruce Gillespie - Carl Lundgren - Carol Kennedy - Charlie Williams - Cherith Baldry - Chris Achilleos - Chris Moore - Christopher Fowler - Cory Panshin - Dan Province - Dave Arneson - David Emerson - Don Markstein - Donald Eastlake - Dwain Kaiser - Edward James - Elizabeth Ann Scarborough - Eric Flint - Eric Lindsay - Frank Stodolka - G. David Nordley - Gail Carlson Levine - Gardner Dozois - Gary Brown - George Alec Effinger - George Phillies - Gharlane of Eddore - Gil Lamont - Graham Hall - Harry Bell - Irv Koch - J. Grant Thiessen - James K. Morrow - Jeff Wanshel - Jerry Jacks - Jim Landau - Joan Gordon - Joe Moudry - Joe Pilati - John Brosnan - John Kusske - John Varley - Karen Trego - Ken St. Andre - Laura Brodian Freas - Linda Bushyager - Linda Lounsbury - Lucius Shepard - M. P. Shiel - Marjorie Edwards - Maurice G. Hugi - Mel Gilden - Michael F. Flynn - Michael Gilbert - Michael Kaluta - Michael R. Collings - Mike Dickinson - Mike Shepherd Moscoe - Mike Zaharakis - Neil Rest - Octavia E. Butler - Pat Adkins - Paul Levinson - Paul Skelton - Red Avery - Rick Shelley - Robert Vardeman - Ron Lindahn - Ron Miller - Samuel Edward Konkin III - Sergeant Saturn - Spike MacPhee - Stan Burns - Stephen King - Stephen R. Donaldson - Steve Fahnestalk - Steve Perry - Susan Casper - Tamar Lindsay - Tanith Lee - Terry Dowling - Tim Kirk - Tom Armistead - Veronica Hollinger - William C. Francis - William Contento - Élisabeth Vonarburg
Publications started or ended:
Ad Lib - Afriganza - Alta Advertiser - An Index of the Works of Various Fantasy Authors - And... - Arcturus - Astra's Tower - Astronaut - Avon Fantasy Reader - Bembook - British Fantasy Library Catalogue - British Fantasy Library Handbook - Burblings - Caprice - Dream Quest - Eight Pages - Ember - FAPA Flypaper - Fan Spectator - Fandom Speaks - Fanettes - Fanomena - Fantasy (UK) - Fantasy Aspects - Fantasy Book - Fantasy Review - Fantasy Review - Half Length Articles - Harold W. Cheney, Jr. - Necromancer - One Fan's Outlook - Operation Fantast - Philcon Memory Book - Portland Science-Fantasy Society News Bulletin - Requiem - Slithy Toves - Snix - Space Trails - Spacehound's Gazette - Spaceteer - Spacewarp - Sustaining Program - Synapse - The Alchemist - The Fanscient - The Fanzine Yearbook - The Gorgon - The Scientifictionist - The Shaver Mystery Magazine - The Sydney Futurian - The Time Machine - The Vortex - Tympany - Vampire - Variant - Voice of the Imagi-Nation - Weird Unsolved Mysteries - Wild Hair - Willie Acquires an Italian Hand
Clubs founded or disbanded:
Alan Lee - Arthur Machen - Big Pond Fund - Bill Burns - Brian Froud - Brian Tawn - British Fantasy Library - British Fantasy Library Catalogue - British Fantasy Library Handbook - British Fantasy Library membership 1947-1949 - Cherith Baldry - Chris Achilleos - Chris Moore - Christopher Fowler - Cosmos Club - Edward James - Fantasy (UK) - Fantasy Review - Graham Hall - Harry Bell - John Brosnan - London Circle - M. P. Shiel - Marjorie Edwards - Maurice G. Hugi - Mike Dickinson - Milcross Book Service - Operation Fantast - Paul Skelton - Tanith Lee - Wheels of IF
A. J. Barker - Ad Lib - Adrienne Fein - Afriganza - Allyn Cadogan - Alta Advertiser - An Index of the Works of Various Fantasy Authors - And... - Ann Broomhead - Arcturus - Astra's Tower - Astronaut - Avon Fantasy Reader - Bembook - Big Pond Fund - Bill "The Galactic" Fesselmeyer - Bill Burns - Bill Fawcett - Bob Lovell - Brad Strickland - Brandon Lamont - Brian Herbert - Burblings - Caprice - Carl Lundgren - Carol Kennedy - Charlie Williams - Cory Panshin - Dan Province - Dave Arneson - David Emerson - Don Markstein - Donald Eastlake - Dream Quest - Dwain Kaiser - Eight Pages - Elizabeth Ann Scarborough - Ember - Eric Flint - FAPA Flypaper - Fan Spectator - Fandom Speaks - Fanettes - Fanomena - Fantasy Aspects - Fantasy Book - Fantasy Publishing Company, Inc. - Fantasy Review - Frank Stodolka - G. David Nordley - Gail Carlson Levine - Gardner Dozois - Gary Brown - George Alec Effinger - George Phillies - Gharlane of Eddore - Gil Lamont - Graham Hall - Half Length Articles - Harold W. Cheney, Jr. - Hydra Club - Irv Koch - James K. Morrow - Jeff Wanshel - Jerry Jacks - Jim Landau - Joan Gordon - Joe Moudry - Joe Pilati - John Kusske - John Varley - Karen Trego - Ken St. Andre - Laura Brodian Freas - Linda Bushyager - Linda Lounsbury - Lucius Shepard - Mel Gilden - Michael F. Flynn - Michael Gilbert - Michael Kaluta - Michael R. Collings - Mike Shepherd Moscoe - Mike Zaharakis - Necromancer - Neil Rest - Octavia E. Butler - Of Worlds Beyond - One Fan's Outlook - Pat Adkins - Paul Levinson - Philcon - Milt Rothman's Philcon I Reminiscence - Margaret Trebing's Philcon I Report - Philcon Memory Book - Phillycon 1947 - Portland Science-Fantasy Society - Portland Science-Fantasy Society News Bulletin - Prime Press - Quintessence of Foo Foo - Red Avery - Requiem - Rick Shelley - Robert Vardeman - Ron Lindahn - Ron Miller - SAPS - Samuel Edward Konkin III - Sergeant Saturn - Slithy Toves - Snix - Space Trails - Spacehound's Gazette - Spaceteer - Spacewarp - Spectators - Spike MacPhee - Stan Burns - Stephen King - Stephen R. Donaldson - Steve Fahnestalk - Steve Perry - Susan Casper - Sustaining Program - Synapse - Tamar Lindsay - The Alchemist - The Fanscient - The Fanzine Yearbook - The Gorgon - The Scientifictionist - The Shaver Mystery Magazine - The Time Machine - The Vortex - Tim Kirk - Tom Armistead - Tympany - Vampire - Variant - Voice of the Imagi-Nation - Washington Science Fiction Association - Weird Unsolved Mysteries - Wild Hair - William C. Francis - William Contento - Willie Acquires an Italian Hand - Wolverine Insurgents
1946 | 1947 | 1948 |