The Australian and New Zealand Amateur Publishing Association (or Australian and New Zealand Amateur Press Association) is a bi-monthly APA for, but not limited to, Australian and New Zealand fans. Minac is 6 self-written A4 pages every six months. The membership cap is (and always has been) thirty members. Mailings tend to be about 500 (!) pages.
It was started by Leigh Edmonds. It began in October 1968 as APA-A, but was renamed ANZAPA in February 1969. Its early history is recounted in John Bangsund's Anzapa Book. It was still active in 2021, but went electronic at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic due to the extreme slowness of mail, but within Australia and internationally.
The current official bloody editor, or OBE, of ANZAPA is David Grigg.
Apazines that have appeared in ANZAPA mailings include:
- James Allen -- Ghoulie Bear Goes Ga-Ga, Kalien
- Derrick Ashby -- Chez Ashby, Daja Voo
- John Bangsund -- Procrustean Papers, The New Millennial Harbinger, Philosophical Gas, Winding Up, Proceedings of the Thomas Love Peacock Society of Australia, Crog, Anzapa Book
- Mervyn Barrett -- Out of Focus
- Sally Beasley
- Merv Binns -- The Rubbish Bin(n)s
- Claire Brialey -- Quoz
- Garry Dalrymple -- Transcendental Basenji Sermons & Enlightenment, And So It Goes, Marrickville Library Fan Fiction Festival, What we know about Miriam Chisholm
- Leigh Edmonds -- Pleh!, Sugar Tooth, A Little for ANZAPA
- Malcolm Edwards -- Singed Possum
- John Fox and Diane Fox -- Rhubarb
- John Foyster -- Ecchh-Toplasm
- Leanne Frahm
- Bruce Gillespie -- *brg*, Collingwood Capers, Good Night, Sweet Prince, Kisses Sweeter than Cactus, Mellow, Notes of a Naif Son, Raw Bits, Supersonic Snail, Sweetness and Light, The Marshian Chronicles, Treasure, Wordy-Gurdy, The Metaphysical Review
- Michael F. Green -- Reality Module
- David Grigg -- Megatheriums for Breakfast, The Megaloscope, Frabjous, She Went Galumphing Back
- Carey Handfield
- Jack Herman -- Necessity, Frank & Earnest Sex
- Irwin Hirsh -- Khalespheare
- Kim Huett -- Gaston J. Feeblehare
- Karen Johnson (now Karen Gore) -- Out of the Kaje
- Robin Johnson -- The Butterfly Mind
- Debbie Knapp -- Kosmic Kiwi
- Erika Maria Lacey -- Taste Not the Pierian Spring
- Christina Lake -- Sketchy
- Eric Lindsay -- Biotimber, Kingdom of the Bland
- LynC --From the LAIR of the LYNX
- Gary Mason -- Crash of the Hard Disk
- Dan McCarthy -- Panopticon
- Julie McMurray
- Shayne McCormack -- Terran Times
- Jeanne Mealy
- Perry Middlemiss -- The Best of ANZAPA, Perryscope, The Wollongong Pig Breeders' Gazette, Little Blue Number
- Murray Moore -- The Best of Moz
- Terry Morris -- Hold That Tiger!
- Mark Nelson -- Mathom
- Clive Newall
- John Newman (Australia) -- Not Falling, Flying!
- Michael O'Brien -- Module, Command Module, Trans Tasman
- Cath Ortlieb -- Beagle's World, You Really Know You're Home...
- Marc Ortlieb -- G'nel, Stairway to Cleveland, The Echo Beach Quarterly, Knot a Bird
- Roman Orszanski -- Sparrowgrass & battle-twigs
- Mark Plummer -- Quoz
- Ann Poore -- From the Threshold
- Bob Riep & Margaret Riep -- Debussy
- Nigel Rowe -- Is This Leicester
- Lucy Schmeidler -- (Book)worm in the Big Apple
- Alison Scott -- Antipodean Bestiary
- Pat Sims & Roger Sims --
- Dick & Leah Smith -- Wordsmiths
- Alan Stewart -- Ytterbium
- Brian Thurogood -- Kosmic Kiwi
- R. Laurraine Tutihasi -- Sonoran Cat Down Under
- Jean Weber
- Phil Wlodarczyk -- Ghoulie Bear Goes Ga-Ga
- Susan Wood -- Warm Champagne
- Bill Wright -- Interstellar Ramjet Scoop, The Antipodean Areopagus, Earthquake!, Prelude to Space
- Sally Yeoland -- Les Chattes Parties
- Derrick Ashby
- Leigh Edmonds
- John Foyster
- Carey Handfield
- 1970-1971, 1978-1980, 1983: Gary Mason
- Marc Ortlieb
- Alan Stewart
- Jean Weber
- 2004-2020: Bruce Gillespie
- April 2020-present: David Grigg
See also The Best of ANZAPA.
Publication | 1968— |
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