April | The first sf magazine, Amazing Stories, published. |
Births and Deaths:
Alan Burns - Anne McCaffrey - Arthur L. Schwartz - Bill Blackbeard - Bill Donaho - Bill Rotsler - Bill Thailing - Bob Pavlat - Chan Davis - Claude Held - Colling Leybourn - Daphne Buckmaster - Dave Elder - Dik Daniels - Ed Clinton - Ed Wood - Edmund Cooper - Edna Budrys - Frances Krueger - Frank M. Robinson - Frank Wilimczyk - George Ebey - George Robson - Graham Stone - H. Loren Sinn - Henry Spelman - Jack Weaver - Janet Asimov - Jessie Clinton - Joe L. Hensley - John Berry - John Dalmas - Josef Nesvadba - Julie Ann Jardine - Julius Kagarlitski - June Moffatt - Ken Krueger - Lester Cole - Lionel Inman - Lynn Hickman - Mari Wolf - Mark Hillegas - Mike Tealby - Murphy Anderson - Paul A. Carter - Pauline Ashwell - Peter Hawkins - Peter Kranold - Peter Mabey - Phyllis Gotlieb - Phyllisann Courtis - Poul Anderson - Raym Washington - Richard Cowper - Richard Matheson - Rosel G. Brown - Ruth Newbury - Stuart Whitehead - Takumi Shibano - Terry O. Trollope - Thomas N. Scortia - Tom Clareson - Tom Cockcroft - Tony Thorne
Convention series started or ended:
Onetime conventions:
Publications started or ended:
Publishers founded or closed:
Awards made, started or ended:
Stores opened or closed:
Clubs founded or disbanded:
New fanspeak coined:
New Zealand:
Amazing Stories - Anne McCaffrey - Arthur L. Schwartz - Bill Blackbeard - Bill Donaho - Bill Rotsler - Bill Thailing - Bob Pavlat - Chan Davis - Claude Held - Dave Elder - Dik Daniels - Ed Clinton - Ed Wood - Edna Budrys - Frances Krueger - Frank M. Robinson - Frank Wilimczyk - George Ebey - George Robson - Gernsback Award - H. Loren Sinn - Henry Spelman - Jack Weaver - Janet Asimov - Jessie Clinton - Joe L. Hensley - John Dalmas - Julie Ann Jardine - June Moffatt - Ken Krueger - Lester Cole - Lionel Inman - Lynn Hickman - Mari Wolf - Mark Hillegas - Murphy Anderson - Paul A. Carter - Peter Kranold - Phyllisann Courtis - Poul Anderson - Raym Washington - Richard Matheson - Rosel G. Brown - Ruth Newbury - Thomas N. Scortia - Tom Clareson
Rest of the World:
1925 | 1926 | 1927 |