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GUFF (the Get Up-and-over Fan Fund, or the Going Under Fan Fund, depending on the direction of travel) was dreamed up by Chris Priest in 1977 to complete the triangle of fan funds and to bring an Australian fan to Britain for the 1979 Worldcon. Without the tiresome business of actually having a free trip anywhere, Dave Langford (UK) and Leigh Edmonds (in Australia) were the first administrators, and John Foyster was the first winner, and it seemed rather a nice idea to continue. The name DUFF being already taken, Chris imagined GUFF as standing for the Get Up-and-over Fan Fund, which didn't sound so brilliant when time came to do a southward trip, but as Don Marquis (who never stood for the fund either) so aptly put it, you can't have everything [This description mostly provided by Dave Langford with the admonition that it needs to be marked "Copyright (c) Astral Leauge 1979 do not impinge copyright or the Leauge will take MEASURES.")]

The fund continues to send fans between Australasia (mainly Australia, rarely New Zealand) and the U.K. or Europe. Although trips alternate the the direction of travel, the intervals between trips vary. GUFF is patterned after TAFF and DUFF, with fund winners expected to publish a trip report and becoming co-administrators of the fund until the next winner from their respective continent returns from a trip.

In 2017, the voting deadline was extended from 1 April to 17 April; this change accompanied a change to the ballot mentioned in the table below.

In 2018, the target Australian convention was not the Australian Natcon for that year, a Swancon held at Easter, and the New Zealand Natcon was not being held on the Queen's Birthday weekend (June). Instead, the New Zealand Natcon was being held at Easter and the target Australian convention was a Continuum convention held on the Queen's Birthday weekend.

Year & Dir. Winner Other Candidates Notes -Reports & Bid Zines
1979 North John Foyster John Alderson, Eric Lindsay (later asked fans not to vote for him) See The Northern Guffblower Stranger in Stranger Lands, published 1996.
1980 No race
1981 South Joseph Nicholas Malcolm Edwards See The Northern Guffblower An immense 500,000-word record claimed drafted but lost during a house move. A condensed account "The Dreamtime" in Ansible 19, July 1981; another chapter in Ornithopter 10, Oct 1982
No race
1984 North Justin Ackroyd Shayne McCormack, Jean Weber, Roger Weddall 32-week trip
1985 South Eve Harvey John Jarrold A Brighton Belle Meets Skippy, 1999.
1986 No race
1987 North Irwin Hirsh Valma Brown, Jean Weber Report in progress with many chapters published in fanzines 1988–99, readable on the Australian Fan Funds Page
1988 No race
1989 South Roelof Goudriaan Linda Pickersgill
1990 North Roman Orszanski Larry Dunning, Mark Loney & Michelle Muijsert
1991 No race
1992 South Eva Hauser(ová) Bridget Wilkinson bids Wild Shaarkah #7 + Please Turn Over'; trip "Australský deník", Interkom 1992 (Czech pt 1, 2); abbrev. "My Australian Diary", Guffaw #4, 2000
"Due to a lack of candidates" to Helicon, decided to postpone until Intersection[1]
1995 North Ian Gunn & Karen Pender-Gunn LynC, Kim Huett Oh to be in England, In the summertime, With my love, published by Karen in 1999 after Ian's death
No race
1999 South Paul Kincaid Steve Davies, Julian Headlong "The Coriolis Effect", 4 chapters in Guffaw 1999–2003
2000 No race
2001 North Eric Lindsay & Jean Weber Damien Warman & Juliette Woods (joint) Jean and Eric 'Avalook at the UK
No race
2004 South Pat McMurray Doug Bell
2005 North Damien Warman & Juliette Woods Sue Ann Barber, Alison Barton, David Cake
2006 No race
2007 South Ang Rosin Johan Anglemark, Steve Davies, Anna Davour The 2007 GUFF Losers' Fanzine
2008 No race
2009 North Sue Ann Barber & Trevor Clark Norah Ding (aged "almost two", with her mother), Alisa Krasnostein
2010 South James Shields Douglas Spencer Ego and Scruples
report: A Rough Guide to GUFF
2011 No race
2012 North Kylie Ding Grant Watson Ding wrote a brief "how-to" The Winners Guide to Winning a Fan Fund, 2015
2013 South Mihaela Marija Perković Julie McMurray a few blog posts
2014 North Gillian Polack Alison Barton, Samara Morgan, Shay Telfer Gillian's Book of Lists
2015 No race
2016 South Jukka Halme (none) Perković went on serving on as the European administrator until 2018, since Halme was busy chairing Worldcon 75
2017 North Donna Maree Hanson Sam Hawke, Belle McQuattie, Alexandra Pierce originally Pierce was running jointly with Alisa Krasnostein; the ballot was revised. Trip report
2018 South Marcin Klak Steve & Alice Lawson (joint) The Giant Leap to Never Never
2019 North Simon Litten Lynelle Howell, Nicole Murphy
2020 South Alison Scott Cora Buhlert, Hisham El-Far and Lee Fletcher, Hanna Hakkarainen, Elizabeth Jones and Claire Rousseau, Dave Lally Due to Covid-19, participated remotely in CoNZealand and a virtual trip. Physical trip expected in 2023

Fanfund Website 1979
This is a fan fund page. Please extend it by adding information about when and by whom it was created, who it benefited, why it was created, its result, its impact on fandom, and by adding links.