Nycon 1 Membership List

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Nycon 1 Membership List /
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Nycon 1 had a list of members, but it was neither accurate nor complete. Not accurate, because many people signed up with pseudonyms -- in some cases more than one. Not complete in that an estimated 50 people didn't sign in at all! (The $1 membership fee, while not insignificant to those poverty-stricken young people, was not a major source of convention income, so there was little attempt to get everyone to pay.)

This list was published in Julius Unger's fanzine Fantasy Fiction Field Nycon Review in June 1942 See here for the actual list. To it we have added names for which there is evidence of their attendance.

Recorded elsewhere as having attended:=[edit]

Excluded from the convention:[edit]


The program book, meanwhile, contains a list of “Scientifictionists” who each paid 25¢ to be included, a way of supporting the convention. Like all such lists at early conventions, there are many pseudonymous duplicates, including many names for Forry Ackerman.

Fanhistory 1939
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