February 17 | Harry Warner, Jr. dies |
Easter | Seacon03 |
April 5 | John Foyster dies |
May 23 | Roy Tackett dies |
June 24 | Louis Russell Chauvenet dies |
August 28 - September 1 (Labor Day) | Torcon 3 (Worldcon) |
October 29 | Lloyd Arthur Eshbach dies |
October 29 | Hal Clement dies |
Randy Byers TAFF trip | |
CUFF: Lyndie S. Bright | |
DUFF: Guy & Rosy Lillian (South) | |
FFANZ: Rose Mitchell (East) | |
NAFF: Alison Barton | |
The Stars Our Destination closes in Evanston, IL. |
Births and Deaths:
Ansible Editions - Basil Wells - Ben Jason - Beryl Mercer - Bill Thailing - Bob Monkhouse - Dave Mooring - Denny Cowen - Diane Reinsberg - Dik Daniels - Don Lawrence - Dorothy Les Tina - Dorothy Tomkins - Grace Lundry - Hal Clement - Hank Beck - Harry Warner, Jr. - Helen M. Urban - Howard Fast - Isabel Burbee - Jack Chapman Miske - Jack Riggs - Jane Ellern - Jay Chidsey - Jo Thomas - John Foyster - Julian Parr - KIM Campbell - Kathryn Lindskoog - Leslie Fiedler - Lloyd Arthur Eshbach - Louis Russell Chauvenet - Martin Smith - Mike Hinge - Norman Lazenby - P. L. Caruthers-Montgomery - Peter B. Bell - Roy Tackett - Staff Wright - Virginia Heinlein - Virginia Kidd - Walter Dennis - Willis E. McNelly - YHOS
Convention series started or ended:
1632 Minicon - Borderlands - CastleCon - ConDuct - Construction - Continuum - CozyCon - Opus - P-Con - Penguicon - ShowMeCon
Publications started or ended:
3SF - Artemis Magazine - Bogus - Borderlands - Convers[at]ions - Convertible Omnibus - Crazy from the Heat - Dark Volumes - Easter Wine - Flicker - Guffaw - I Send Them Up - Interstellar Ramjet Scoop - John Foyster: The Continuum Tribute - Jornada Post - Lightning Round - Mimosa - Paradox: The Magazine of Historical and Speculative Fiction - Skug - Sleight of Hand - They Made Us Do It - Unsurprising Stories - WABE - Wabe - Wassamatta U. - YHOS
Publishers founded or closed:
Awards made, started or ended:
Stores opened or closed:
Clubs founded or disbanded:
New fanspeak coined:
3SF - Ansible Editions - ArmadaCon 15 - Beryl Mercer - Bob Monkhouse - Bogus - Construction - Construction 1 - Construction 2 - Convers[at]ions - Convertible Omnibus - Dark Volumes - Dave Mooring - Denny Cowen - Don Lawrence - Druncon 1 - Easter Wine - FantasyCon XXVII - Filklore Award - Guffaw - Julian Parr - KIM Campbell - Martin Smith - Microcon 23 - NewCon 2 - Norman Lazenby - Novacon 33 - Oxonmoot 2003 - Peter B. Bell - Picocon 20 - Quinze Filk Festival - Redemption '03 - Seacon03 - Staff Wright - The Matrix: Remaindered - The Old Mill Stream - They Made Us Do It - Unsurprising Stories - Wardrobe
New Zealand:
1632 Minicon - 2BeContinued 2 - AggieCon XXXIV - Albacon 2003 - Arcana 33 - Archon 27 - Arisia '03 - ArmadilloCon 25 - Artemis Magazine - Balticon 37 - Basil Wells - Baycon 2003 - Ben Jason - Bill Thailing - Boskone 40 - Bubonicon 35 - CONduit 13 - Capclave 2003 - Capricon 23 - CastleCon - ChambanaCon 33 - Chattacon XXVIII - Coastcon XXVI - Con*Stellation XXII - Con-Dor X - ConCertino '03 - ConChord 17 - ConClave XXVIII - ConComCon 10 - ConDFW II - ConDuct - ConDuct 1 - ConFusion and Her Friends - ConQuesT 34 - Concave 24 - Conestoga 7 - Confluence 15 - Conglomeration 2003 - Conjecture II - Consonance 2003 - Context XVI - CopperCon 23 - Corflu 20 - Costume-Con 21 - Crazy from the Heat - Dallas Future Society - Darkover Grand Council 26 - DeepSouthCon 41 - DemiCon 14 - Diane Reinsberg - Dik Daniels - Ditto 16 - Diversicon 11 - Dorothy Les Tina - Dorothy Tomkins - DucKon 12 - EerieCon 5 - FanTek - Flicker - Foolscap V - GAFilk V - Genericon XVI - Grace Lundry - Hal Clement - Hank Beck - Harry Warner, Jr. - Helen M. Urban - Howard Fast - I Send Them Up - I-Con XXII - ICFA 24 - ICON 28 - InConJunction XXIII - Isabel Burbee - Jack Chapman Miske - Jack Riggs - Jane Ellern - Jay Chidsey - Jornada Post - KC in 2006 - Kathryn Lindskoog - La-La's Eleven - LepreCon 29 - Leslie Fiedler - Life, the Universe, & Everything 21 - Lightning Round - Lloyd Arthur Eshbach - Loscon 30 - Louis Russell Chauvenet - Lunacon 46 - Marcon 38 - MarsCon 2003 - MidSouthCon 21 - Midwestcon 54 - Mike Hinge - MileHiCon 35 - Millennicon 17 - Mimosa - Minicon 38 - MisCon 17 - Mythcon XXXIV - Necon 23 - Necronomicon '03 - NonCon 3 - Norwescon XXVI - OASIS 16 - OVFF 19 - Odyssey Con III - Opus - OryCon 25 - P. L. Caruthers-Montgomery - Paradox: The Magazine of Historical and Speculative Fiction - Penguicon - Philcon 2003 - Potlatch 12 - Pulpcon 32 - RadCon 3C - Readercon 15 - Robert A. Heinlein Award - Roc*Kon 2003 - Roy Tackett - Rustycon 20 - SLF Fountain Award - SeaTac in 2003 - ShowMeCon - ShowMeCon 1 - Skug - Sleight of Hand - Smofcon 21 - StellarCon 27 - The Stars Our Destination - Trinoc*coN 2003 - TusCon 30 - Valleycon 28 - Virginia Heinlein - Virginia Kidd - WABE - Wabe - Walter Dennis - Wassamatta U. - Westercon 56 - Willis E. McNelly - WillyCon V - Windy City Pulp & Paper Convention 3 - WindyCon XXX - WisCon 27 - World Fantasy Convention 2003 - YHOS
Rest of the World:
2002 | 2003 | 2004 |