When we aren't sure of a date, use this broad term, and hope to pin it down better later.
Publications started or ended:
ASFO - Abbey Habit - Ad Nauseam - Drinking Water in a Menacing Manner - Eldritch Science - Empty Hands - Fantasy Artist - Flay Swelter and Groan - Frefanac! - Fubar - Hard Rain - Jetmail - No Sex - Serious Science - Seven Kinds of Madness - Six Variations on a Monkish Theme - Texas Fandom - The Amazing Sentient House - The Emperor Norton Science Fiction Hour - Uncle Dick's - Yggdrasil - Yr Llygotwr Llwyd - Zetetic
Clubs founded or disbanded:
ASFO - Arnor - Astral - Brighton Burrow - Bywater Smial - Chester and District SF Group - Coral Springs Science Fiction League Social Drinking Society - Crickhollow - Dwarf Postal Smial - Evansville SF Association - FACT - Forlond - Friends in Space - George W. Price - Harrow College SF Society - Hyarrostar - ISFA - Interfan - Ithilien - Keele University SF Society - Melbourne University Science Fiction Association - Mercian Science Fiction Triangle - Minas Celeb - Norwich Tolkien Society - Psi Phi - Riddermark of the Shire - Rivendell - Romenna - Royal Holloway Science Fiction and Fantasy Society - Sacramento Fandom - Solihull SF Group - South Melbourne Organisation of Fantasy Fen - Southfarthing Fellowship - Swordsmen and Sorcerers Guild of America - Thursday - University of British Columbia Science Fiction Society - Warrington Group - Wayne Third Foundation
New fanspeak coined:
Abbey Habit - Ad Nauseam - Arnor - Astral - Brighton Burrow - Bywater Smial - COFF - Chester and District SF Group - Crickhollow - Drinking Water in a Menacing Manner - Dwarf Postal Smial - Empty Hands - Flay Swelter and Groan - Forlond - Friends in Space - Fubar - Hard Rain - Harrow College SF Society - Hyarrostar - Ithilien - Jetmail - Keele University SF Society - Mercian Science Fiction Triangle - Minas Celeb - Norwich Tolkien Society - Riddermark of the Shire - Rivendell - Royal Holloway Science Fiction and Fantasy Society - Serious Science - Seven Kinds of Madness - Six Variations on a Monkish Theme - Solihull SF Group - Southfarthing Fellowship - The Amazing Sentient House - Warrington Group - Yr Llygotwr Llwyd - Zetetic
APA 5 - ARFF - ASFO - ApaCorps - C/RAPA - C/RAPA Jr. - Compleat Enchanter - Coral Springs Science Fiction League Social Drinking Society - D'APA - Eldritch Science - Evansville SF Association - Everything I Learned About Buying and Renovating Buildings I Learned from Monty Wells - F. and S. F. Book Co. - FACT - Fantasy Artist - Firebird Arts and Music - Flights of Fantasy - Frefanac! - George W. Price - HIP'APA - Indy 500 - Interfan - MiSHAP - NYAPA - Neo-Apa - No Sex - Psi Phi - Romenna - Sacramento Fandom - Southpaw Award - Swordsmen and Sorcerers Guild of America - Texas Fandom - The Emperor Norton Science Fiction Hour - The Monkey House - Thursday - Uncle Dick's - Wayne Third Foundation - Wild Mercy - Windyapa
1970s | 1980s | 1990s |