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A clubzine of the Melbourne University Science Fiction Association, first published in 1970 by David Grigg. Editors also included Alan Wilson, Dennis Callegari, Roger Weddall, LynC, Clive Morley, Claudia Mangiamele and Sean McMullen.

Issue 2 was part of Grigg’s The Slithy Tove, but in 1971, the third issue appeared separately, and around 1974, Yggdrasil became a regular, once a term (3 a year) production. The emphasis was on printing short fiction written by members of the club.

A prize for the best story was implemented early on. The first award was called a ‘Hugo’, a takeoff of the real Hugo, and was a miniature Hugo dictionary. Afterwards, it became the Shakey Leaf which consisted of a robust twig attached to a wooden base. A spring (sourced from a Biro) was mounted on the end of the twig with a plastic leaf (courtesy of the nearby Melbourne Cemetery) attached to it. Hence, the Shakey Leaf Award.

It continued being published into the 1980s.

Yggdrasil was initially produced in good fannish fashion on a Roneo or Gestetner with cut stencils, transferring to stencils made from photocopies. The later productions used the offset-like printing available through the Union. There was a minor fracas when one editor blew the whole budget on a colour cover.

Entry at the National Library of Australia.

Issue Date -Notes
1 1970 Mimeo. David Grigg, editor.
2 1970 Combined with Grigg’s ANZAPAzine, The Slithy Tove
3 1971

Publication 19701980s
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