When we aren't sure of a date, use this broad term, and hope to pin it down better later.
Births and Deaths:
Convention series started or ended:
Onetime conventions:
Publications started or ended:
Babel-On - Baggy Shorts and Big Sandwiches - Boomer Flats Gazette - ConNotation - FANAC - Neon Galaxies - Spacelight - The Magazine of Speculative Poetry
Publishers founded or closed:
Awards made, started or ended:
Pillar Poll
Stores opened or closed:
Adventures in Crime and Space
Clubs founded or disbanded:
Evansville SF Association - LUMSFS - Michel Delving - North-West Kent SF Club - Rhode Island Science Fiction Association - University of Warwick Modern Science Fiction Society - University of Warwick Science Fiction and Fantasy Society - Vegrants - Woodspring Smial - Zoryaniy Shlyah SF Club
New fanspeak coined:
Droog - Prosuckers
Babel-On - Baggy Shorts and Big Sandwiches - ConNotation - Michel Delving - North-West Kent SF Club - University of Warwick Modern Science Fiction Society - University of Warwick Science Fiction and Fantasy Society - Woodspring Smial
Boomer Flats Gazette
FANAC - Zoryaniy Shlyah SF Club
New Zealand:
APA MOTiVE - APA of the Damned - Adventures in Crime and Space - Critical Mass - D'APA - Evansville SF Association - Indy 500 - LUMSFS - Neon Galaxies - Pillar Poll - Rhode Island Science Fiction Association - Timelines - Vegrants
Rest of the World: