When we aren't sure of a date, use this broad term, and hope to pin it down better later.
Births and Deaths:
Convention series started or ended:
Space-Con - Tankon - Unicon - Universicon
Onetime conventions:
Publications started or ended:
101 Ballooning Adventures - Amzine Stories - Ardees - Astral Avenue - C4 - C6 - Cap'n Ro's Whiz-Bang - Cosmic Bar - Crifanac - Eclipse - Effen Essef - FIJAGH - Fantasied - Fantasy - Flange You - Frefanac! - Future Focus - GraFan - Inner Circle - Intergalactic Animal Husbandry - LAZiness - No Sex - Omekronicle - Osfan - Space Diversions 7 1/2 - TANSTAAFL - Tension, Apprehension & Dissension - Tesseract - The Emperor Norton Science Fiction Hour - The Miskatonic - The Rhodomagnetic Bulletin - The Stilyagi Air Corps Strikes - Visions of Paradise
Publishers founded or closed:
Awards made, started or ended:
Stores opened or closed:
Clubs founded or disbanded:
Ann Arbor Science Fiction Association - Astral - Belfast Science Fiction Group - Coral Springs Science Fiction League Social Drinking Society - ESFA - Fornost - GraFan - Hydra Club - ISFA - Kingston SF Group - Kinkay Fandom - Manchester and District SF Society - Mississippi Gulf Coast SF Association - Newton South High School SF Club - Norwich Science Fiction Society - Nottingham SF Group - Organized SF Fans of Arizona - Permanent Floating Riot Club - Philip Jose Farmer Society - Pieria - Ratfandom - Reading Science Fiction Club - Rhode Island Science Fiction Association - Science Fiction Fan Club of Ankara, Turkey - Society for Elvish Studies - Sword and Sorcery Society - Terran League - The Pinckard Salon - University of Rochester Science Fiction Society - Zothique
New fanspeak coined:
101 Ballooning Adventures - Amzine Stories - Ardees - Astral - Belfast Science Fiction Group - C4 - C6 - Dark They Were and Golden Eyed - Kingston SF Group - Kinkay Fandom - Manchester and District SF Society - Norwich Science Fiction Society - Nottingham SF Group - Pieria - Ratfandom - Reading Science Fiction Club - Space Diversions 7 1/2 - Sword and Sorcery Society - Trollcrusher
New Zealand:
APA 070.4 - APA 5 - APA-Centauri - APA-David - APA-H - ARFF - Ann Arbor Science Fiction Association - ApaCorps - Apaloosa - Astral Avenue - Big Apa - Cap'n Ro's Whiz-Bang - Catalyst - Clapa - Compleat Enchanter - Coral Springs Science Fiction League Social Drinking Society - Cosmic Bar - Crifanac - ESFA - Eclipse - Effen Essef - Elanor - Fantasied - Fantasy - Flange You - Fornost - Frefanac! - Future Focus - GraFan - Great Wall of China Science Fiction, Marching & Chop Suey Society - Hydra Club - ISFA - Inner Circle - Intergalactic Animal Husbandry - LAZiness - Mississippi Gulf Coast SF Association - Newton South High School SF Club - No Sex - Nolazine: A Retrospective - Omekronicle - Organized SF Fans of Arizona - Osfan - Permanent Floating Riot Club - Philip Jose Farmer Society - RAPS - Rhode Island Science Fiction Association - SF-LOVERS Digest - Society for Elvish Studies - Space-Con - TANSTAAFL - Tankon - Tension, Apprehension & Dissension - Terran League - Tesseract - The Emperor Norton Science Fiction Hour - The Miskatonic - The Pinckard Salon - The Rhodomagnetic Bulletin - The Stilyagi Air Corps Strikes - Unicon - Universicon - University of Rochester Science Fiction Society - ValAPA - Visions of Paradise - Vootie - Werewolf Bookshop - Zothique
Rest of the World:
1960s | 1970s | 1980s |