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Easter -Ronvention (Eastercon)
August 31–September 3 (Labor Day) Chicon III (Worldcon).
Ethel Lindsay TAFF trip.
October 16–28 Cuban Missile Crisis.


Convention series started or ended:


Onetime conventions:


Publications started or ended:

A Fanzine for Jim CaughranA Key to the Terminology of S-F FandomA Sense of FAPAA Trip to HellASPAlces/AmerAn Egoboo a Day from All OverAndurilAstra's TowerAvon Science Fiction ReaderBaneBastionBeauty and the BeastBete NoireBig DealBinaryBixelCastle of FrankensteinChicken WagonCinema, Comics and CollectingConvention Annual No. 2Coventranian GazetteCthulhuDark StarDifferentialDiscordDolphinDouble:BillEnfocadoEngramErgo EgoEtwasFemales in Fact, Fable, Fiction, Fantasy, and Fairy-TaleFocusFree RadicalGo to HELGo to HelGradus Ad ParnassumGyronnyHomunculusHungryIcarusIpso FactoJetstreamJust Another Dream Going ByKnowableLarkLast of a SeriesLokiLudicrous PortraitsLunaMirth and IronyMistily MeanderingNeffer's Guide to Current FanzinesNeofundNeolithicNiekasNiflheimOrionOutpostPackratParker's PeregrinationsPleasure UnitsProse of KilimanjaroRackhamartRhodomagnetic DigestRubber MeatballSalamanderSally-PortScience Fiction ParadeShadowfaxSi-FanSilver DuskSome Historical Facts About S-F FandomSon of the Fanalytic EyeSquireStar*DustStarspinkleTensorThe Amateur Press Associations in S-F FandomThe East Fanglian TimesThe Golden AppleThe Skyreck NewsletterThe Southern FanThe Squirrel's TaleThe WallTopazeVoxWahrscheinlichkeits RechnungWhatsitWithinГАЯРГХ!


Publishers founded or closed:


Awards made, started or ended:


Stores opened or closed:


New fanspeak coined:








New Zealand:



1962 Open ESFAA Fanzine for Jim CaughranA Key to the Terminology of S-F FandomA Sense of FAPAA Trip to HellASPAlan RosenthalAlaya Dawn JohnsonAlces/AmerAlexander James AdamsAn Egoboo a Day from All OverAndurilAnnette LotzArt CastilloAstra's TowerAvon Science Fiction ReaderBaneBeauty and the BeastBete NoireBixelCastle of FrankensteinChicago in 1962Chicken WagonChicon IIIChicon III ProgramChuck DevineCinema, Comics and CollectingConvention Annual No. 2Coventranian GazetteDark StarDave Kyle's Chicon 3 ReminiscenceDave WeingartDick CalkinsDisclave 8DiscordDolphinDorothy QuickDouble:BillDoug WilkenEngramEtwasFaith HunterFrank SchiavoFree RadicalGary HunnewellGeorge Sylvester ViereckGradus Ad ParnassumGyronnyHenry OsierHomunculusHugh DanielJulie HiseKathryn CramerKevin J. AndersonKnowableLarkLast of a SeriesLaura ResnickLokiLudicrous PortraitsLunaLunacon 6Mathom HouseMidwestcon 13Mirth and IronyMistily MeanderingNeffer's Guide to Current FanzinesNeofundNeolithicNewton EwellNiekasNiflheimPeri CharlifuPleasure UnitsRachel CaineRalph M. HollandRhodomagnetic DigestRubber MeatballSalamanderSam GaffordSan Francisco in '64Science Fiction ParadeShadowfaxShel DeretchinSi-FanSilver DuskSome Historical Facts About S-F FandomSquireStar*DustStarspinkleStephan MartinièreStina LeichtSuzanne CollinsTenth Anniversary Willis FundThe Amateur Press Associations in S-F FandomThe Eighth Stage of FandomThe Golden AppleThe Southern FanTodd Cameron HamiltonTopazeUlrika O'BrienVelma BowenVoxWahrscheinlichkeits RechnungWalt DunkelbergerWestercon 15Will McIntoshWithinГАЯРГХ!


Rest of the World:

1961 | 1962 | 1963