December 5 | -21st Amendment ratified, ending Prohibition. |
Fantasy Fans Fraternity formed in San Francisco. | |
End of Eofandom and beginning of First Fandom (Numerical Fandoms). |
Births and Deaths:
Al Lewis - Alec Dicpetris - Anthony Hope - Austin Hall - Bennett Sims - Bernie Zuber - Bill Ellern - Bjo Trimble - Bob Briney - Boris Strugatsky - Bryan Webb - Cele Goldsmith - Dave Duncan - Dave Jenrette - Diane Dillon - Donald Westlake - Frances Glynn - Gary Nelson - Jack Cohen - Jack Harness - Jerry G. Bails - Jerry Pournelle - Jill Adams - Jim Goldfrank - Jim Harmon - Juanita Coulson - Leo Dillon - M. J. Engh - Mal Ashworth - Masahiro Noda - Mavis Pickles - Mitch Evans - Nancy Kemp - Ray Capella - Robert Shea - Robert W. Chambers - Roger Elwood - Ron Bennett - Ron Goulart - Sandy Charnoff - Shel Deretchin - Sven Christer Swahn - Toni Vondruska - Verlyn Flieger - Walt Cole - Yoji Kondo
Publications started or ended:
Al Lewis - Allen Glasser's History of the Scienceers - Austin Hall - Bennett Sims - Bernie Zuber - Bill Ellern - Bjo Trimble - Bob Briney - Bryan Webb - Cele Goldsmith - Cosmology - Cosmos - The Serial Novel - Dave Jenrette - Diane Dillon - Donald Westlake - Fantasy Fans Fraternity - Frances Glynn - Gary Nelson - Jack Harness - Jerry G. Bails - Jerry Pournelle - Jim Goldfrank - Jim Harmon - Juanita Coulson - Kalem - Leo Dillon - M. J. Engh - Mitch Evans - Nancy Kemp - Radiagram - Ray Capella - Robert Shea - Robert W. Chambers - Roger Elwood - Ron Goulart - Sandy Charnoff - Shel Deretchin - Strange Tales of Mystery and Terror - The Fantasy Fan - The Magic Carpet - The Planetoid - The Scienceers - Verlyn Flieger - Walt Cole - Wonder Stories Quarterly - Yoji Kondo
1932 | 1933 | 1934 |