From Fancyclopedia 3
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Easter -Speculation (Eastercon)
April 11 James V. Taurasi dies.
April First FilKONtario held.
August 29–September 2 (Labor Day) Chicon V (Worldcon)
FanfundsTAFF:Pam Wells; DUFF: Art Widner (South); FFANZ: Alan Stewart (East).
December 26 Soviet Union dissolves.


Publishers founded or closed:


Stores opened or closed:


Clubs founded or disbanded:




New fanspeak coined:






New Zealand:



17th World Fantasy ConventionA Change of HobbitA Fan's Christmas in IrelandA. J. DonnellAggieCon XXIIAgnes RundleAlbert MagarianAlexander PhillipsArcana 21Archon 15Arisia '91ArmadilloCon 13AstronomiconAstronomicon 1Atlanta Fantasy Fair 1991Balticon 25Baycon '91BeyondBeyond the Enchanted Duplicator ... To the Enchanted ConventionBoskone 28Bubonicon 23CON/FUSIONCONduitCONduit 1Capricon 11ChambanaCon 21Chattacon XVIChicago in '91Chicago: Confidential!Chicon VCoastcon XIVCon*Stellation XConChord 7ConClave 16ConQuesT 22ConTact 9Concave 12Confluence 4Consonance 1991Context IVContradiction 11CopperCon 11Corflu 8Costume-Con 9Darkover Grand Council 14DeepSouthCon 29DefCon IVDemiCon 2Dick EllingtonDisclave 35Ditto 4Doll GillilandDreamcon 6DynatronFallen AngelsFlafFourth Street Fantasy 1991Futurespeak: Fan's Guide to the Language of Science FictionGene RoddenberryGenericon VIIHOMer AwardHal CurtisHenry Andrew AckermannHexaConI-Con XICFA 12ICON 16Immaculate ConFusionInCon '91InConJunction XIIsaac Bashevis SingerJames J. ButcherJames Tiptree, Jr. Memorial AwardJames V. TaurasiKWEST*ConKubla 1991 AlbukLepreCon 17LepriCon '91Lepricon '91Leslie F. StoneLet's FanacLibertyCon 5Life, the Universe, & Everything 9Loscon 18Lunacon 34Marcon 26MawMeg FrankMeshuggahMidSouthCon 10Midwestcon 42MileHiCon 23Millennicon -10Minicon 26MisCon 6MosCon XIIIMythCon XXIINJAC 7Necon 11Necronomicon '91No AwardNoSF3Noreascon 3 Memory BookNorwescon 14.5Norwescon XIVNyctalopsOASIS 4OKon 14OVFF 7Octocon 28Octocon IIOrville W. MosherOryCon 13Philcon 1991Phoenixcon 6Postcon PoctsarcdPulpcon 20QuantumReadercon 4RedbackReinCONation 1Rivercon XVIRoc*Kon 15RovaconRovacon 16Rustycon 8Sacramento SF and Fantasy SocietySacramento in 1991Sci-Con 13Sercon 5Silicon '91SiliconSmofcon 8SoonerCon 7Stave the WailsT. E. DiktyTerminal TalesThe Franson AwardTime-TeaTropicon XTusCon 18UpperSouthClave 21Valleycon 16Vikingcon 12Walter ShedlofskyWindycon XVIIIWisCon 15World Horror ConventionX-Con 15


Rest of the World:

1990 | 1991 | 1992