January 2 | -Julius Unger dies. |
January 5 | Baltimore Science Fiction Society founded. |
Easter | Bullcon, first Doc Weir Award given out. |
June 23 | Frank R. Paul dies. |
July | First DeepSouthCon. |
Labor Day | Discon (Worldcon). |
October | First issue of Peter Weston's Zenith. |
November 22 | U.S. President John F. Kennedy assassinated. |
November 29 | Ray Van Houten dies. |
The Great Breen Boondoggle published. | |
Wally Weber TAFF trip. | |
Cambridge University SF Society forms. | |
Cheltenham Circle dissolves. |
Births and Deaths:
Aldous Huxley - Andy Lane - Bob Richardson - Bruce Schneier - Burton Crane - C. S. Lewis - Cat Rambo - Catherine Butler - Christa Sinclair - Cixin Liu - Daphne Eftychia Arthur - Dave Foley - Dave Mckean - David B. Coe - Debbie Baker - Dorcas Bagby - Frank R. Paul - G. W. Thomas - Garth Nix - Glenn Glazer - J. Gregory Keyes - Joachim Henke - Joel Lane - John Pomeranz - John Ringo - Judi Castro - Julius Unger - Laurell K. Hamilton - Margaret Trebing - Mark Clifton - Martin Smith - Matt Leger - Michael Chabon - Michelle Sagara - Nicholas Royle - Oscar J. Friend - Peter Lyons - Ray Van Houten - Robert Pasternak - Thomas S. Gardner - Trinlay Khadro - Victor J. Raymond - Wen Spencer
Publications started or ended:
A Doddering Report - Ad Astra - Algol - Alien - Amazing, Thrilling, Sexy, Astounding, Analog, and Dry Dull Boring Scientific Fact Neffer Stories - Anglofanac - Bixeltype - Chaos - Checklist of SF Adventures - Cinema, Comics and Collecting - Compact - Curiosity Shoppe - Dafoe - Dark Star - Detroit Iron - Discon 1 Report - Eldritch Dream Quest - En-Clave - Enfocado - FANAC - Fantasy Fiction Field - Fantasy News - Farrago - Frap - Fringe - Gamma - Gardyloo - Gem Tones - Goojie Publications - Gormless - Grist - Grunt - Gyre - Haunted - Honneur Soit Qui Mal Y Pense - Icarus - Idiotic Genius - In Part Scal'd - Jargon - Jelerang - Kim Chi - Lefnui - Light - Maelstrom - Magazine of Horror - Mein Omp-F - Minac - Nights of Snog - Northlight - Our Fan in Chicago - Outpost - Outre - Phlotsam - Plain Psycho - Point of View - Quark - RADIOHERO - Science Fiction Adventures - Science Fiction Review - Science Fiction Yearbook - Scribble - Shadowfax - Smoke - Speculation - Squeak - TAFF Progress Report - Tension, Apprehension & Dissension - Tensor - The Alexandria Trio - The Golden Harp - The Great Breen Boondoggle - The Huckleberry Finnzine - The Invader - The Lindsay Report - The Lovecraftsman - The Original Science Fiction Stories - The Reader's Guide to Barsoom and Amtor - The Scarr - The Trans-Atlantic Fan Fund - Toxicon - Vorpal Glass - Warlock - Watling Street - Westercon or Bust! - Within - Worlds of Tomorrow - Xero - Yonder
Awards made, started or ended:
Clubs founded or disbanded:
A Doddering Report - Aldous Huxley - Alien - Andy Lane - Anglofanac - Bob Richardson - Bullcon - C. S. Lewis - Cambridge University SF Society - Catherine Butler - Chaos - Checklist of SF Adventures - Cheltenham Circle - Compact - Dave Mckean - Doc Weir Award - Doctor Who - Eldritch Dream Quest - Enfocado - Fringe - Gormless - Icarus - Idiotic Genius - Joel Lane - Liverpool Group - Martin Smith - Mein Omp-F - Nicholas Royle - Northlight - Outpost - Plain Psycho - Point of View - Quark - Scribble - Smoke - Speculation - Squeak - Tension, Apprehension & Dissension - Tensor - The Lindsay Report - The Scarr - Worlds of Tomorrow
1963 Open ESFA - Ad Astra - Algol - Amazing, Thrilling, Sexy, Astounding, Analog, and Dry Dull Boring Scientific Fact Neffer Stories - Baltimore SF Forum - Baltimore Science Fiction Society - Bixeltype - Bruce Schneier - Burton Crane - Cat Rambo - Christa Sinclair - Cinema, Comics and Collecting - Convention Annual No. 3 - Curiosity Shoppe - DC in 1963 - Dafoe - Daphne Eftychia Arthur - Dark Star - Dave Foley - David B. Coe - Debbie Baker - DeepSouthCon - DeepSouthCon 1 - Detroit Iron - Discon - Discon 1 Report - Dave Kyle's Discon I Reminiscence - Dorcas Bagby - En-Clave - Exclusion Act - Fan Awards Poll - Fantasy Fiction Field - Fantasy News - Farrago - First Fandom Hall of Fame - Frank R. Paul - Frap - Gamma - Gardyloo - Gem Tones - Glenn Glazer - Goojie Publications - Grist - Grunt - Gyre - Haunted - Honneur Soit Qui Mal Y Pense - In Part Scal'd - J. Gregory Keyes - Jargon - Jelerang - John Pomeranz - John Ringo - Judi Castro - Julius Unger - Kim Chi - Laurell K. Hamilton - Lefnui - Lunacon 7 - MSU Fantasy & Science Fiction Society - Maelstrom - Magazine of Horror - Margaret Trebing - Mark Clifton - Matt Leger - Michael Chabon - Minac - Oscar J. Friend - Our Fan in Chicago - Outre - Philcon 1963 - Phlotsam - Quark - RADIOHERO - Ray Van Houten - Science Fiction Adventures - Science Fiction Review - Science Fiction Yearbook - Shadowfax - TAFF Progress Report - The Alexandria Trio - The Golden Harp - The Great Breen Boondoggle - The Huckleberry Finnzine - The Invader - The Labyrinth - The Lovecraftsman - The Original Science Fiction Stories - The Proceedings Chicon III - The Reader's Guide to Barsoom and Amtor - The Trans-Atlantic Fan Fund - Thomas S. Gardner - Toxicon - Trinlay Khadro - University of Chicago Science Fiction Club - Victor J. Raymond - Vorpal Glass - Warlock - Watling Street - Wen Spencer - Westercon 16 - Westercon or Bust! - Wilcon - Within - Worlds of Tomorrow - Xero - Yonder
1962 | 1963 | 1964 |