Easter | -Ronvention (Eastercon) |
August 31–September 3 (Labor Day) | Chicon III (Worldcon). |
Ethel Lindsay TAFF trip. | |
October 16–28 | Cuban Missile Crisis. |
Births and Deaths:
Alan Rosenthal - Alaya Dawn Johnson - Alexander James Adams - Annette Lotz - Art Castillo - Chris Riddell - Chuck Devine - Dave Weingart - David Wake - Dick Calkins - Dorothy Quick - Doug Wilken - Faith Hunter - Frank Schiavo - Gary Hunnewell - George Sylvester Viereck - Helena Eriksson - Henry Osier - Hugh Daniel - Julie Hise - Karl Schroeder - Kathryn Cramer - Kevin J. Anderson - Laura Resnick - Mark Hodder - Michael Ashley - Michelle Muijsert - Neale Mittenshaw-Hodge - Newton Ewell - Nils Helmer Frome - Olexandr Vasylkivsky - Pat McMurray - Peri Charlifu - Rachel Caine - Ralph M. Holland - Roberto Quaglia - Sam Gafford - Shel Deretchin - Stephan Martinière - Stephen Palmer - Stina Leicht - Suzanne Collins - Todd Cameron Hamilton - Ulrika O'Brien - Velma Bowen - Walt Dunkelberger - Will McIntosh
Publications started or ended:
A Fanzine for Jim Caughran - A Key to the Terminology of S-F Fandom - A Sense of FAPA - A Trip to Hell - ASP - Alces/Amer - An Egoboo a Day from All Over - Anduril - Astra's Tower - Avon Science Fiction Reader - Bane - Bastion - Beauty and the Beast - Bete Noire - Big Deal - Binary - Bixel - Castle of Frankenstein - Chicken Wagon - Cinema, Comics and Collecting - Convention Annual No. 2 - Coventranian Gazette - Cthulhu - Dark Star - Differential - Discord - Dolphin - Double:Bill - Enfocado - Engram - Ergo Ego - Etwas - Focus - Free Radical - Go to HEL - Go to Hel - Gradus Ad Parnassum - Gyronny - Homunculus - Hungry - Icarus - Ipso Facto - Jetstream - Just Another Dream Going By - Knowable - Lark - Last of a Series - Loki - Ludicrous Portraits - Luna - Mirth and Irony - Mistily Meandering - Neffer's Guide to Current Fanzines - Neofund - Neolithic - Niekas - Niflheim - Orion - Outpost - Packrat - Parker's Peregrinations - Pleasure Units - Prose of Kilimanjaro - Rackhamart - Rhodomagnetic Digest - Salamander - Sally-Port - Science Fiction Parade - Shadowfax - Si-Fan - Silver Dusk - Some Historical Facts About S-F Fandom - Son of the Fanalytic Eye - Squire - Star*Dust - Starspinkle - Tensor - The Amateur Press Associations in S-F Fandom - The East Fanglian Times - The Golden Apple - The Skyreck Newsletter - The Southern Fan - The Squirrel's Tale - The Wall - Topaze - Vox - Wahrscheinlichkeits Rechnung - Whatsit - Within - ГАЯРГХ!
Clubs founded or disbanded:
Bastion - Big Deal - Binary - Chris Riddell - Cthulhu - David Wake - Enfocado - Ergo Ego - Forest Fields Science Fiction Society - Go to HEL - Go to Hel - Hungry - IPSO - Icarus - Ipso Facto - Jetstream - Just Another Dream Going By - Mark Hodder - Michael Ashley - Neale Mittenshaw-Hodge - NotFans - Orion - Outpost - Oxford University Speculative Fiction Group - Packrat - Parker's Peregrinations - Pat McMurray - Prose of Kilimanjaro - Rackhamart - Ronvention - Sally-Port - Son of the Fanalytic Eye - Stephen Palmer - Stourbridge Circle - Tensor - Tenth Anniversary Willis Fund - The East Fanglian Times - The Skyreck Newsletter - The Squirrel's Tale - The Wall - Whatsit
1962 Open ESFA - A Fanzine for Jim Caughran - A Key to the Terminology of S-F Fandom - A Sense of FAPA - A Trip to Hell - ASP - Alan Rosenthal - Alaya Dawn Johnson - Alces/Amer - Alexander James Adams - An Egoboo a Day from All Over - Anduril - Annette Lotz - Art Castillo - Astra's Tower - Avon Science Fiction Reader - Bane - Beauty and the Beast - Bete Noire - Bixel - Castle of Frankenstein - Chicago in 1962 - Chicken Wagon - Chicon III - Chicon III Program - Chuck Devine - Cinema, Comics and Collecting - Convention Annual No. 2 - Coventranian Gazette - Dark Star - Dave Kyle's Chicon 3 Reminiscence - Dave Weingart - Dick Calkins - Disclave 8 - Discord - Dolphin - Dorothy Quick - Double:Bill - Doug Wilken - Engram - Etwas - Faith Hunter - Frank Schiavo - Free Radical - Gary Hunnewell - George Sylvester Viereck - Gradus Ad Parnassum - Gyronny - Henry Osier - Homunculus - Hugh Daniel - Julie Hise - Kathryn Cramer - Kevin J. Anderson - Knowable - Lark - Last of a Series - Laura Resnick - Loki - Ludicrous Portraits - Luna - Lunacon 6 - Mathom House - Midwestcon 13 - Mirth and Irony - Mistily Meandering - Neffer's Guide to Current Fanzines - Neofund - Neolithic - Newton Ewell - Niekas - Niflheim - Peri Charlifu - Pleasure Units - Rachel Caine - Ralph M. Holland - Rhodomagnetic Digest - Salamander - Sam Gafford - San Francisco in '64 - Science Fiction Parade - Shadowfax - Shel Deretchin - Si-Fan - Silver Dusk - Some Historical Facts About S-F Fandom - Squire - Star*Dust - Starspinkle - Stephan Martinière - Stina Leicht - Suzanne Collins - Tenth Anniversary Willis Fund - The Amateur Press Associations in S-F Fandom - The Eighth Stage of Fandom - The Golden Apple - The Southern Fan - Todd Cameron Hamilton - Topaze - Ulrika O'Brien - Velma Bowen - Vox - Wahrscheinlichkeits Rechnung - Walt Dunkelberger - Westercon 15 - Will McIntosh - Within - ГАЯРГХ!
1961 | 1962 | 1963 |