(Did you mean the Richard Wilson fanzine?)
(August 21, 1927 – February 8, 1990)
Arthur "ATom" Thomson was a UK fanwriter, artist, and faned, active since 1954, when he learned of the Surrey Circle (1946–55) and started attending meetings. He used the penname ATom on his artwork.
He was staff artist on Hyphen (edited by Walt Willis & Chuck Harris) from issue 12 (December 1954), he also contributed cartoons to most fanzines of the day and to the prozine Nebula. ATom was a member of the London Circle (1955–59), Science Fiction Club of London (1959–68), and Kent Trufandom (1982–90). He was one of the founders of FWUK.
He represented the winning London in '65 Worldcon bid at Pacificon II. His artwork graced a wide range of fanzines over a long period — far too many to list.
He was born in Glasgow and raised in London.
- ATom Abroad
- AtoZ [1960] (for OMPA)
- The Goon Library
- Greetings from Smofville [1984] (with others)
- Hymen [1955] (with Chuck Harris)
- KTF Xmas Card
- Harlequin
- Retribution
- Ron Bennett Appreciation [1958] (with John Berry for OMPA)
- Scene [1964]
- Tomorrow May Be Even Worse.
- Topee or Not Topee (with several others for OMPA)
- Transfan Fun [1957] (with John Berry)
- Veritas (with John Berry for OMPA)
- Warning [1955] (one-shot with John Berry)
Collections: The ATom Anthology, ATom: A Tribute, ATom 2000.
Awards, Honors and GoHships:
- 1963 -- Fan Awards Poll Committee awards
- 1964 -- 1964 TAFF Race winner
- 1968 -- 1968 Best Fan Artist Hugo nominee
- 1973 -- 1973 Best Fan Artist Hugo nominee
- 1974 -- 1974 Best Fan Artist Hugo nominee
- 1978 -- Boskone 15
- 1986 -- Nova Award for best fan artist
- 1987 -- 1987 Best Fan Artist Hugo nominee
- 2000 -- Rotsler Award
- 2010 -- Nova Award for best fan artist (posthumously)
- Art by ATom

Person | 1927—1990 |
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