The Incompleat Terry Carr

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1972 Cover by Ross Chamberlain

A 62-page, one-shot mimeographed fanzine collecting selected fan writing of Terry Carr published in 1972 by rich brown and Arnie Katz. This was Vol 2 in their Insurgent Library of Fandom.

A second edition in March 1988 was produced by Jerry Kaufman using the same stencils, with a new cover, some amendments to the contents page, and an errata slip giving the omitted ending of "Egoboo for Algernon".

Cover art by Ross Chamberlain (1972); Steve Stiles (1988). Interior illos by Bill Rotsler, the same for both printings.

1988 Cover by Steve Stiles

Table of Contents:

  • 3 Preface by Arnie Katz
  • 4 Charles Burbee: The Complete Machiavelli
  • 7 The Fan Who Never Grew Young
  • 10 Trufan's Blood
  • 14 The Chaser
  • 17 My Fair Femmefan
  • 28 Fandom Harvest
  • 38 Egoboo For Algernon
  • 44 The Fastest Ham In The West
  • 54 Tailgate Ramble (Lighthouse editorials)

There is also a hardbound collection of Terry Carr's fan writing, Fandom Harvest, which was published by John-Henri Holmberg in 1986. This and its larger successor Fandom Harvest II, published by Ansible Editions as an ebook in 2019, include between them the entire contents of The Incompleat Terry Carr plus much more.

Publication 1972
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