NY in '86

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A bid to host the 1986 Worldcon in New York. Members of the bid committee included Ruth Sachter, Stu Hellinger and Ben Yalow.

The NY in '86 bid parties featured egg creams, a New York beverage which, everyone noted, included neither eggs nor cream.

They lost to Atlanta in '86 in a field which also included Philadelphia in '86. See 1986 Worldcon Site Selection for details.

As of early 1980, the committee included Brian Burley, Sue-Rae Rosenfeld, Ben Yalow, Larry Carmody, Lise Eisenberg, Gary Farber, Moshe Feder, Devra Langsam, Elyse Rosenstein, Steve Rosenstein, Art Saha, Kate Schafer, Stu Shiffman, Elliot Shorter. In late 1981, the Coordinator was Devra Langsam, Secretary Teresa Minambres, Members at Large of the Executive Committee, Moshe Feder, Genny Dazzo and Steve Rosenstein.

The New York bid was plagued by fannish worries that New York was not a safe place to visit. (This was near the peak of the murder rate in big cities, and even filk songs had Central Park as the former site of Mordor.) Astonishingly, the New York bid published statistics proving that Atlanta was more dangerous. While this was arguably true, it was astonishingly bad bidding because all it did was reinforce fans' perception of big cities as dangerous, and of them New York -- of course -- was worst. See the letter from Seth Briedbart in File 770 47, p. 12, for an example. Joe Celko, an Atlanta in '86 supporter, replied in File 770 48, p. 2 p20, showing that the bad judgment was not New York's alone.

1986 Site Selection 1986
This is a page about a convention bid. Please extend it by adding information about who was bidding, officers, committee list, what they were bidding for, who their opponents were, and who won.