January 22 | -Ossie Train dies |
Easter | Follycon |
May 8 | Robert A. Heinlein dies |
May 16 | Duggie Fisher dies |
September 1-5 (Labor Day) | Nolacon II (Worldcon) |
Lilian Edwards & Christina Lake TAFF trip | |
CUFF: Taral Wayne | |
DUFF: Terry Dowling (North) | |
FFANZ: Terry Frost & Karen Vaughn (East) | |
First Ditto held in Toronto | |
The Stars Our Destination opens in Chicago. |
Births and Deaths:
Andrew January - Bryce Walton - Clemence Dane - Clifford D. Simak - D. D. Sharp - Dan Zissman - E. Hoffmann Price - Ed Counts - Emily January - Eva Hauser - Homer Eon Flint - J. T. Oliver - Jack Gibson - James Ashe - John Coxon - John D. Clark - John Myers Myers - Klaus Johansen - Lin Carter - Michael Shaara - Orma McCormick - Ossie Train - Peter Baillie - Pierce Brown - Ray Fisher - Robert A. Heinlein - Robert Calvert - Ross Rocklynne - Roy A. Squires - Russ Whitman - Sol Cohen - Vernon Harry - Victo Ngai - Vida Jameson - Virginia Beebe - Walter E. Marconette - Zeda Mishler - Zi Graves
Convention series started or ended:
Anglicon - ArmadaCon - ConCert - ConQuistador - Confluence - Context - CorsairCon - Ditto - Earthcon - Equicon - Gaylaxicon - Kinkon - Name That Con - Nanocon - OASIS - The Travelling Fete - Wincon
Onetime conventions:
Clonespiracy - Conine - Conscription (UK) - Console 88 - Filmcon - No-No-Con - Who Con 4 - Zencon II
Publications started or ended:
A Small Tasteful Announcement - Allargandro - And All That Jazz - Arrows of Desire - Back Porch - Big Sleaze - Biggy Plonks at the End of Time - Bogus - Chronicles of the Czech Navy - Clark Ashton Smith - Collectors Item No. 1 - Dr. Cheese and the Cake Lady - Edgar Hoffman Price - Electric City Express - Experiment Four-and-a-Half - FAPA Is for Lovers - Gutenberg's Fanzine - Halo of Flies - Have Bag, Will Travel - High Rates Drifter - Hita Pfushana - Holier Than Thou - Idea - Impressions from the Ditto Masters - Kamera Obskura - Klarkash-Ton - Loose Notes - Marion Zimmer Bradley's Fantasy Magazine - Mathom - Megalon - Midnight Graffiti - Moment's Wave - Na Mele O Na Hoku - Novaya Zemlya - Nowhere Fast - Nutz - Occam's Chainsaw - Old Gaffer Hossetith Tells It the Way It Is - Pink Fluffy Bedsocks - Pirate Jenny - Proposal for Special Rule Under Section IX of the FAPA Constitution - Pulphouse Magazine - Questying Party - Reading Matters - Renaissance Fan - Reports on Some Hubbardiana - Sad 3 Party - Science Fiction and Fantasy Book Review Annual - Slithy Toves - Soliton - Stop the Bellis Libel - A Petition - Stratus SF SIG News - Suitable for Children - Take Your Fanac Everywhere - Telos - Ten-Grand - Terror Australis - The Book of Mazarbul - The Brass Potato - The Caprican - The Caprician - The Dark Eidolon - The Eagle of the North - The Engholm File - The Fanhattonite - The New York Review of Science Fiction - The Owlet Hoots - The Portable Carl Brandon - The World-Tribune Insider - Trajectories - Trancefer - Trend'Art - Triptych - VSOP - Vox - Warp - Woftam - Xenofilkia
Awards made, started or ended:
14th World Fantasy Convention - Adelphi Hotel - Albacon 88 - And All That Jazz - Andrew January - ArmadaCon - ArmadaCon I - Arrows of Desire - Biggy Plonks at the End of Time - Bogus - Clemence Dane - Clonespiracy - Collectors Item No. 1 - ConCert - ConCert I - Conine - Conscription (UK) - Emily January - Experiment Four-and-a-Half - Flying Filk Fund - Follycon - Fundament! - Halo of Flies - Have Bag, Will Travel - Hita Pfushana - Hull SF Group - Jack Gibson - John Coxon - Kamera Obskura - Lucon I - Microcon 8 - Moment's Wave - Nicon 88 - Novacon 18 - Novaya Zemlya - Nowhere Fast - Nutz - Occam's Chainsaw - Old Gaffer Hossetith Tells It the Way It Is - Oxonmoot 1988 - Peter Baillie - Picocon 6 - Pink Fluffy Bedsocks - Reading Matters - Robert Calvert - Rubicon III - Shoestringcon 10 - Slithy Toves - Soliton - Sydney J. Bounds Award For Best Newcomer - Ten-Grand - The Book of Mazarbul - The Caprican - The Caprician - The Eagle of the North - The Fanhattonite - Trancefer - Triptych - VSOP - Wincon - Wincon I - Zi Graves
Ad Astra 8 - Boréal '88 - Con-Version V - Ditto - Ditto 1 - Gaylaxicon - Impressions from the Ditto Masters - Keycon 5 - No-No-Con - VCON 16 - Warp
A Small Tasteful Announcement - AggieCon XIX - Allargandro - Ambulatory ConFusion - Amigocon 3 - Anglicon - Arcana 18 - Archon 12 - ArmadilloCon 10 - Atlanta Fantasy Fair 1988 - Back Porch - Balticon 22 - BayFilk 4 - Baycon '88 - Bermuda Triangle Bid - Boskone 25 - Bram Stoker Award - Bryce Walton - Bubonicon 20 - Capricon 8 - ChambanaCon 18 - Chattacon XIII - Chronicles of the Czech Navy - Cincinnati in '88 - Clam Chowder - Clark Ashton Smith - Cleveland in 88 - Clifford D. Simak - Coastcon XI - Con*Stellation VII - ConChord 4 - ConClave XIII - ConQuesT 19 - ConQuistador - ConQuistador V - ConTact 6 - Concave 9 - Confluence - Confluence 1 - Consensus* - Context I - Contradiction 8 - CopperCon 8 - Corflu 5 - CorsairCon - CorsairCon 1 - Costume-Con 6 - Czarkon 5 - D. D. Sharp - Dan Zissman - Darkover Grand Council 11 - Dave Kyle's Nolacon II Reminiscence - DeepSouthCon 26 - Disclave 32 - Ditto - Dr. Cheese and the Cake Lady - Dreamcon 3 - E. Hoffmann Price - Earthcon - Earthcon VIII - Ed Counts - Edgar Hoffman Price - Electric City Express - Equicon - Equicon '88 - FAPA Is for Lovers - Filmcon - Fourth Street Fantasy 1988 - Gaylaxicon - Genericon IV - High Rates Drifter - Holier Than Thou - Homer Eon Flint - I-Con VII - ICFA 9 - Icarus - Idea - InConJunction VIII - J. T. Oliver - James Ashe - John D. Clark - John Myers Myers - Kubla Khansequences - LepreCon 14 - LibertyCon 2 - Life, the Universe, & Everything 6 - Lin Carter - Loose Notes - Loscon Fifteen - Lunacon 31 - Marcon XXIII - Marion Zimmer Bradley's Fantasy Magazine - Michael Shaara - MidSouthCon 7 - Midnight Graffiti - Midwestcon 39 - MileHiCon 20 - Millennicon -13 - Minicon 23 - Minnesota Fantasy Award - MisCon 3 - MosCon X - Mythcon XIX - NJAC 4 - Na Mele O Na Hoku - Name That Con - Name That Con 1 - Necon 8 - Necronomicon '88 - New Orleans in '88 - Nolacon II - Norwescon X - OASIS - OASIS 1 - OKon 11 - OVFF 4 - Octocon 25 - Omacon 8 - Orma McCormick - OryCon 10 - Ossie Train - Philcon 88 - Phoenix in '88 - Pierce Brown - Pirate Jenny - Portland in '88 - Pulpcon 17 - Pulphouse Magazine - Questying Party - Ray Fisher - Readercon 2 - Renaissance Fan - Reports on Some Hubbardiana - Rivercon XIII - Robert A. Heinlein - Roc*Kon 13 - Ross Rocklynne - Roy A. Squires - Russ Whitman - Rustycon 5 - Sad 3 Party - Science Fiction Chronicle Reader Award - Science Fiction and Fantasy Book Review Annual - Sercon 2 - Smofcon 5 - Sol Cohen - SoonerCon 4 - St. Louis in '88 - StellarCon XIII - Stratus SF SIG News - Take Your Fanac Everywhere - The Dark Eidolon - The New York Review of Science Fiction - The Owlet Hoots - The Portable Carl Brandon - The Stars Our Destination - The Travelling Fete - The World-Tribune Insider - Trajectories - Trend'Art - Tropicon VII - Tulsa in '88 - TusCon 15 - Unicon 12 - UpperSouthClave 18 - Valleycon 13 - Vernon Harry - Victo Ngai - Vida Jameson - Vikingcon 9 - Virginia Beebe - Vox - Walter E. Marconette - Westercon 41 - Windycon XV - WisCon 12 - X-Con 12 - Xanadu 5 - Xenofilkia - Zeda Mishler
1987 | 1988 | 1989 |