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1940 Worldcon Site Selection - 1960 Worldcon Site Selection - Andrew Brown - Australia in 1999 - Bid Membership - Bid Party - Bill Trojan - Boskone - Boskone 1 - Boskone 2 - Boskone 4 - Boston Science Fiction Society - Bruce Pelz - Categories - Chicago in 1962 - Chicon 2000 - Committees - ConFusion 101 - DC in 1960 - DenVisions - Sam Moskowitz' Detention Reminiscence - Dirce S. Archer - Discon 1 Guide: Introduction - Discon 1 Guide: WSFS - Discon II - Games - Highmore in '76 - History of Worldcon Site Selection - Increase in Convention Sizes in the 1970s - Jane Dennis - Jane's Fighting Smofs - LA in '78 - Los Angeles in '64 - Milwaukee in 1948 - Miss Science Fiction - Movies - Newszine - Philadelphia in '86 - Pittsburgh in '60 - Rotation plan - Scott Dennis - Spikecon - Tom Reamy - Toronto in 1948 - Trans Oceanic Fan Fund - Fred Pohl's Tricon Reminiscence - Westercon - Westercon bid - Worldcon Bidding Process
File770 | SFE | Locus | Ansible |
This is page about convention bidding, the bids themselves and their outcomes. Please extend it by adding information about who was bidding, officers, committee list, what they were bidding for, who their opponents were, and who won |