The Science Fiction Fanzine Reader: Focal Points 1930-1960
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The Science Fiction Fanzine Reader: Focal Points 1930-1960 is a fanthology and a book published by Nonstop Press in 2018 and edited by Luis Ortiz. It includes more than fifty articles and many illustrations by most of the major fan writers of the period.
Table of contents:
Introduction When Time Was New | -Luis Ortiz |
The First Fan Magazine | Forrest J Ackerman |
Fan Magazines | H.A. Dittmans, Jr. & W. H. Dellenback |
Bok On the Fantasy Scene | Ray Bradbury |
My Pal Johnny | Robert A. Madle |
The Versatile Jim Blish | Anonymous |
History of the Scienceers | Allen Glasser |
Fantasy Magazine | Harry Warner, Jr. |
Fanzine Scope | F. Towner Laney |
Scientl·Snaps | Harry Warner, Jr. |
Strange Hunting | Anonymous |
FJ Ackerman Meets Wells HG | Bob Tucker |
From the Valley of the Blue Moon | T. Bruce Yerke |
Changing Tendency Among Fanmags | Jack Speer |
Early FAPA | Harry Warner, Jr. |
Wherein Jack Speer's Hair Turns Gray Over Nite | Forrest J Ackerman |
Wherein Jack Speer Partakes of Pantothenic Acid | Jack Speer |
Black & White Reviews | D. B. Thompson |
E. Everett Evans | |
Harry Warner, Jr. | |
Futuria Fantasia | Harry Warner, Jr. |
Confessions of a Fanzine Reviewer | Robert Bloch |
What Fan Magazines? | Robert W. Lowndes |
Tigrina - Devil Doll | Forrest J Ackerman |
An Amateur Ex-Editor Speaks | Manly Banister |
The Amateur Editor | Walter A. Willis |
Comj: In, the Water's Lovely! | Walter A. Willis |
Filler 523 | Dean Grennell |
Editorial Q-Zine or F-Zine | Don Fabun |
Pure as New Fallen Slush | Max Keasler |
The Palmer Hoax | Geoffrey Giles |
Some Editors Say | Andrew Gregg |
Gone But Not Forgotten | Bob Tucker |
The Immortal Storm | Ed Wood |
Left at the Post | Robert Bloch |
Zine Artist: | Lou Goldstone |
Zine Letters | Bob Tucker |
Manly Banister | |
Sam Moskowitz | |
Hannes Bok | |
Letter by a Guy Who Wishes to Remain Nameless | Richard Sneary |
The Deeper Significance of Science Fiction | F. Towner Laney |
The Fan From Tomorrow | Walter A. Willis |
What Makes a Fanzine Crud? | Marion Zimmer Bradley |
The Readers Always Write | Damon Knight |
Tumbrils | Harry Warner, Jr. |
How to Stop Writing for Fanzines | Charles Burbee |
Autobiographical Notes | Walter A. Willis |
A Question of Title | Walter A. Willis |
The Fannish Autobiography of Richard Erwin Geis | Richard E. Geis |
Peon Notes | Charles Lee Riddle |
The Damn Thing | Harry Warner, Jr. |
The Death of Spaceways | Bob Tucker |
Shoptalk: Letter to the Acolyte | E. Hoffman Price |
Crackle: the Snap-Zine | F. Towner Laney |
Delineating the Interlineation | Bob Tucker |
123456789? What Was That Fandom I Saw You With | Ted White |
Snide | Harry Warner, Jr. |
Fan Icons: Beanie | |
Fantastuff | Terry Carr |
Joel Nydahl's Vega | Harlan Ellison |
A Postscript to Vega | Joel Nydahl |
Up the Garden Pathology | Walter A. Willis |
Slave of the Pixie | Charles Burbee |
The Iron Curtain Drops | Bob Tucker |
I Think STF Heroes Are Queer | William Rotsler |
File 13: Dianetics -Fad or Science? | Redd Boggs |
Dianetics: Etc. | John Larkins |
Love in the Cornfield | Walter A. Willis |
Towner Hall, Void, Adolescence and All That | Gregory Benford |
A Day with Calvin Thos. Beck | Ted White |
Who Killed Science Fiction? | Kurt Vonnegut |
Raymond A. Palmer | |
Donald A. Wollheim | |
Robert Silverberg | |
Robert A. W. Lowndes | |
Mimeo Ink, Fanac, and Paperbacks | Lee Hoffman |
Zine Poetry Corner: | Damon Knight |
Bah! Humbug! | Robert Bloch |
Publication | 2018 |
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