Peter Davies
(???? – )
Peter M. Davies was a fan from Stourbridge, UK active in the 1950s. He was a member of the Stourbridge Circle (SADO), the YSFRG and the BSFA, and attended Brumcon and the 1960 Eastercon. He was nicknamed "Tea" because he won the Brumcon "Tea Drinking" contest.[1]
Davies writing contemporaneously dated SADO's formation to a week after Easter 1959 although Mike Kilvert said that he had been friends with Davies and Ken Cheslin since 1947 and the group became the Stourbridge Circle in the winter of 1957–8.[2] The two versions are not necessarily incompatible to the extent that Davies is talking about the named group but it's also clear from his account that the trio were meeting before Brumcon even if they weren't named. Of that "Tea Drinking" contest, Ron Bennett said:
Peter Davies, a newcomer from Stourbridge, won the contest by being the only one to qualify with ten cups. It was a meagre affair, all told. Why, nobody was even sick.[3]
Davies contributed to early issues of the SADO clubzine Les Spinge and was listed as co-editor of 1. In the YSFRG Newsletter 2 (March 1961) he gave his interests as "Taperecording, Photography, chess".
Kilvert said in 2007 that Davies "is still alive and well, though he left SF after falling-out with Ken [Cheslin] in the early 60s".[4]
A slight mystery is that Kilvert says that he, Cheslin and Davies attended Cytricon IV but some details of his account don't coincide with known aspects of the convention.
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