Mike Kilvert
(???? – )
Mike K. Kilvert was a fan from Stourbridge, UK active in the 1950s. He was a member of the Stourbridge Circle and the BSFA, and attended Brumcon and the 1960 Eastercon. He was nicknamed "Tripod" because he was keen on cameras.
Kilvert said the group was formed during the winter of 1957–58[1], although he, Ken Cheslin and Peter Davies had known each other since 1947. Davies, however, said the group was formed in the immediate aftermath of Brumcon in 1959. Cheslin was chairman, Davies treasurer and Kilvert secretary[2]. The two versions are not necessarily incompatible to the extent that Davies dates the named group to one week after Brumcon but it's also clear from his account that the trio were meeting before the convention even if they weren't named. And Cheslin's version says that he knew Kilvert since around 1944[3].
Kilvert also said that the trio attended Cytricon IV in 1958[4]. However, some details of his account don't coincide with known aspects of the convention and so it seems likely that in writing 50-odd years after the event he was mixing up conventions. The trio certainly attended Brumcon.
Kilvert joined the army in February 1960 and didn't resume contact with the Circle although he remained a science fiction reader. He was a longtime customer of bookseller Rog Peyton who was astonished to learn in 2007 that Kilvert had ever attended conventions.
A slight mystery is that Kilvert himself says that he didn't attend the 1960 Eastercon and couldn't have done so because of his military service. However, Archie Mercer's account mentions him being present and Cheslin wrote an account of himself, Davies and Kilvert attending the convention. Further, his signature appears on a copy of the programme book and Don Ford had a piece of paper signed by Kilvert among others.
- ↑ Letter to Prolapse 7 (June 2007).
- ↑ Les Spinge 1 (Autumn 1959).
- ↑ "SADO and the 1960s Brum Group - a memoir" at fiawol.org.uk.
- ↑ Ibid, Prolapse.
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