Australia in '83

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A failed bid to hold the 1983 Worldcon at the New Chevron Hotel in Sydney, NSWAustralia, losing to Baltimore in '83. (This was the first time a foreign bid was defeated.) See 1983 Worldcon Site Selection for full details.

An immediate rebid (Melbourne in '85) won the 1985 Worldcon, Aussiecon 2 for Melbourne.

Chairman: Jack Herman
Executive Committee: Carey Handfield (deputy chairman), Shayne McCormack (secretary), William Good (treasurer), Vera Lonergan (membership), Cary Lenehan (operations), Robin Johnson, Judith Hanna, Keith Curtiss, Ken Ozanne, Eric Lindsay, Peter Toluzzi, Andrew Taubman.
Plus 46 other bid committee members.

In March 1979, Carey Handfield was elected chairman of the bid, Ken Ozanne Director of Overseas Fan Relations, and Keith Curtiss for Australian Fan Relations. In early 1980, after Handfield moved to Melbourne, Andrew Taubman was added as a "Sydney Co-chairman". It had a bidding apa named Apa '83.

The bid produced the Australian Science Fiction Fan Calendar for 1981 to promote the bid.

See also Australian Worldcons.

1983 Site Selection 1983
This is a page about a convention bid. Please extend it by adding information about who was bidding, officers, committee list, what they were bidding for, who their opponents were, and who won.