1983 Worldcon Site Selection

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Site Selection for the 1983 Worldcon was conducted by Denvention Two, the 1981 Worldcon. The bidders were Australia in '83, Baltimore in '83, and Worldcon Scandinavia in 1983.

The results were:

Bidder Mail At-Con -Total
Baltimore in '83 432 484 916
Australia in '83 266 257 523
Worldcon Scandinavia in 1983 89 99 188
No Preference 23 14 37
Write-ins* 6 6 12
None of the Above 3 0 3
Totals 819 860 1679

Having an absolute majority of ballots, Baltimore in '83 was the winner and went on to run Constellation.

1982 Worldcon Site Selection 1984 1983
This is page about convention bidding, the competition and its outcome. Please extend it by adding information about who was bidding, and how the race went.