Easter | -Concussion (Eastercon). |
April 21–23 | First RavenCon held. |
July 6 | rich brown (aka Dr. Gafia) dies. |
August 23–27 | L.A.con IV (Worldcon). |
August 24 | Pluto demoted from planet to dwarf. |
October 6 | Bob Tucker dies. |
December 22 | Dick Eney, Fancyclopedia 2 editor, dies. |
Bridget Bradshaw TAFF trip. | |
FFANZ: Barbara & Peter Clendon. |
Births and Deaths:
Audrey Clinton - Bob Leman - Bob Schoenfeld - Bob Tucker - Brian Burley - Charles L. Grant - Cynthia McQuillin - Darrell C. Richardson - Dave Cockrum - David Feintuch - David Gemmell - David Shockley - Dick Eney - Donald J. Doughty - Ed Clinton - Fern Tucker - Frances Alberti Sykora - Gil Stuart - Gytha North - Helen Wesson - Howard Miller - Jack Coggins - Jack Williamson - Jerry G. Bails - Jim Baen - John M. Ford - Judith Ward - Kenneth Faig - Leon E. Stover - Liese van Santen - Nelson Bond - Nigel Kneale - Octavia E. Butler - Peter Reaney - Philip Strick - rich brown - Richard Koogle - Ron Bennett - Ron Clyne - Stanislaw Lem - Stanley Meltzoff - Sydney Bounds - Tom Pinckard
Convention series started or ended:
2BeContinued - AICon - Conclave - Fandomedia - Imagicon - Liburnicon - Pi-Con - RavenCon - Toronto Trek Celebration
Publications started or ended:
Agent Provacative - Argosy - Catchpenny Gazette - Clarkesworld - Collector - E'ch Pi El - EOD Letter - Fafia - Harrison Country - IShoes - Lovecraft's Pillow - Pixel - Procrastinations - Rotating Moderator - Science Fiction Chronicle - Science-Fiction Five-Yearly - Some Filk Terms and Songs Every Fan Should Know - StarShipSofa - The Bleary Eyes - The Thunder Child - Twenty-three Skidoo - Zoo Nation
Awards made, started or ended:
Clubs founded or disbanded:
AICon - Conflux 3 - Conjure - Continuum 4 - Fandomedia - Fandomedia 2006 - Swancon 2006
1812Tone - Aberdeen University Science Fiction and Fantasy Society - Agent Provacative - ArmadaCon 18 - Concussion - David Gemmell - Discworld Convention 2006 - Donald J. Doughty - E'ch Pi El - FantasyCon 2006 - Gytha North - IShoes - Liese van Santen - Microcon 26 - NewCon Press - Nigel Kneale - Novacon 36 - Oxonmoot 2006 - Peter Reaney - Philip Strick - Picocon 23 - plokta.con pi - Procrastinations - Ron Bennett - StarShipSofa - Sydney Bounds - The Bleary Eyes - Zoo Nation
1Pi-Con - 2BeContinued - 2BeContinued 5 - AggieCon XXXVII - Albacon 2006 - Apollocon 2006 - Arcana 36 - Archon 30 - Argosy - Arisia '06 - ArmadilloCon 28 - Astronomicon 2006 - Audrey Clinton - Balticon 40 - Baycon 2006 - Bob Leman - Bob Schoenfeld - Bob Tucker - Boskone 43 - Brian Burley - Bubonicon 38 - CONduit 16 - COSine 2006 - Capclave 2006 - Capricon 26 - Catchpenny Gazette - ChambanaCon 36 - Charles L. Grant - Chattacon XXXI - Chicago Worldcon Bid - Clarkesworld - Coastcon 29 - Collector - Con*Stellation XXV - ConCertino '06 - ConClave XXXI - ConComCon 13 - ConDFW V - ConDor XIII - ConQuesT 37 - Concave 27 - Conestoga 10 - Confluence 2006 - Conglomeration 2006 - Consonance 2006 - Context 19 - Convivial 1 - Conzilla - CopperCon 26 - Costume-Con 24 - Cynthia McQuillin - Dallas in 2006 - Dangerous Visions - Darkover Grand Council 29 - Darrell C. Richardson - Dave Cockrum - David Feintuch - David Shockley - DeepSouthCon 44 - DemiCon 17 - Dick Eney - Diversicon 14 - DucKon XV - Dwarf Stars Award - EOD Letter - Ed Clinton - EerieCon 8 - Fafia - Farmercon I - FenCon III - Fern Tucker - Foolscap VIII - Frances Alberti Sykora - Frolicon - GAFilk 8 - Genericon XIX - Gil Stuart - Harrison Country - Heinlein's Children - Helen Wesson - Howard Miller - I-Con XXV - ICFA 27 - ICON 31 - InConJunction XXVI - Jack Coggins - Jack Williamson - Jerry G. Bails - Jim Baen - John M. Ford - Judith Ward - Kenneth Faig - L.A.con IV - LA a Note to Follow So - LA in 2006 - Last Guest Con - Leon E. Stover - LepreCon 32 - LibertyCon 19 - Life, the Universe, & Everything 24 - Loscon 33 - Lovecraft's Pillow - Lunacon 49 - Marcon 41 - MarsCon 2006 - MidSouthCon 24 - Midwestcon 57 - MileHiCon 38 - Millennicon 20 - Mini-con - Minicon 41 - MisCon 20 - Mythcon XXXVII - Necon 26 - Necronomicon '06 - Nelson Bond - NonCon 6 - Norwescon XXIX - OASIS 21 - OVFF 22 - Octavia E. Butler - Odyssey Con VI - OryCon 28 - Parsec Awards - Philcon 2006 - Pi-Con - Pixel - Potlatch 15 - Pulpcon 35 - RadCon 4B - RavenCon - RavenCon 2006 - Readercon 17 - rich brown - Richard Koogle - Ron Clyne - Rotating Moderator - Rustycon 23 - San Diego in 2006 - Science Fiction Chronicle - Science-Fiction Five-Yearly - ShowMeCon 4 - Smofcon 24 - Some Filk Terms and Songs Every Fan Should Know - SoonerCon 2006 - Southeastern SF Achievement Awards - Stanley Meltzoff - StellarCon 30 - Synthetic ConFusion - The Fifth Conjecture - The Thunder Child - Tom Pinckard - TusCon 33 - Twenty-three Skidoo - Valleycon 32 - Vericon VI - WillyCon VIII - Windy City Pulp & Paper Convention 6 - WindyCon 33 - WisCon 30 - World Fantasy Convention 2006
2005 | 2006 | 2007 |