From Fancyclopedia 3
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January 3 -First British convention held in Leeds.
January The Science Fiction Association, the UK's first national fan organization founded.
February 21 Second Eastern convention held in New York.
March 15 H. P. Lovecraft dies.
May 6 German zeppelin Hindenburg crashes in New Jersey.
August First Mailing of FAPA.
September 21 The Hobbit published.
October 30 Third Eastern Convention. Michelist speech "Mutation or Death!" delivered.
October 30 End of First Interregnum and start of Second Fandom (Numerical Fandoms).
late Founding of the QSFL.
December 9 First London Circle pub meeting (Ton).
December John W. Campbell, Jr., becomes editor of Astounding.
Claude Degler released from Indiana Hospital for the Insane.
Minneapolis Fantasy Society started.


Convention series started or ended:


Onetime conventions:




Publishers founded or closed:


Awards made, started or ended:


Stores opened or closed:


New fanspeak coined:










New Zealand:


Rest of the World:

1936 | 1937 | 1938