January 3 | -First British convention held in Leeds. |
January | The Science Fiction Association, the UK's first national fan organization founded. |
February 21 | Second Eastern convention held in New York. |
March 15 | H. P. Lovecraft dies. |
May 6 | German zeppelin Hindenburg crashes in New Jersey. |
August | First Mailing of FAPA. |
September 21 | The Hobbit published. |
October 30 | Third Eastern Convention. Michelist speech "Mutation or Death!" delivered. |
October 30 | End of First Interregnum and start of Second Fandom (Numerical Fandoms). |
late | Founding of the QSFL. |
December 9 | First London Circle pub meeting (Ton). |
December | John W. Campbell, Jr., becomes editor of Astounding. |
Claude Degler released from Indiana Hospital for the Insane. | |
Minneapolis Fantasy Society started. |
Births and Deaths:
Arthur Hermann - Barrington J. Bayley - Bhob Stewart - Bill Mallardi - Bill Wright - Brian Lumley - Bryn Fortey - Charles Wells - Charlie Brown - D. J. Rowe - Dan Adkins - Dan Curran - Dave Ish - Denness Morton - Don Allen - Earl Thompson - Edward L. Ferman - Elizabeth Anne Hull - Ellis Parker Butler - Fran Skene - Gail Knuth - George Barr - Gerard Klein - Grace Lundry - H. P. Lovecraft - Helen Eling - J. B. Post - Jael - Jerry DeMuth - Joanna Russ - John Sladek - Joyce McDaniel - Lars Bourne - Lars Erik Helin - Lee Harding - Marshall B. Tymn - Norman C. Metcalf - Pat Lupoff - Pat Sims - Paul Day - Peter J. Vorzimer - Richard C. Meredith - Robert H. Boyer - Robin Johnson - Roger Zelazny - Ross Chamberlain - Sidney Coleman - Suzanne Vick - Terry Carr
Publications started or ended:
Amateur Science Stories - Arcturus - Bulletin of the Nuneaton Science Fiction League - Cosmic Tales - Cosmos - Fantascience Digest - Fantasmagoria - Fantasy Mirror - Helios - Imagination! - Leaves - Light - Mystery Adventures - PSFS News - Phantasy Press - Phantasy World - Robot - Science Fantasy Correspondent - Science Fiction Advertiser - Science Fiction Bard - Science Fiction Digest - Science Fiction Gazette - Science Fiction News Letter - Scientifiction: The British Fantasy Review - Spacehounds - Tales of Wonder - The Atom - The FAPA Fan - The Fantasy Amateur - The Fantasy World - The Fourteen Leaflet - The Rebel - The Science-Fiction Bugle - Third Science Fiction Convention Booklet - Tomorrow - Unique Tales - Voice of the Imagi-Nation
Clubs founded or disbanded:
1937 Leeds Convention - Amateur Science Stories - Barrington J. Bayley - Brian Lumley - Bryn Fortey - Bulletin of the Nuneaton Science Fiction League - Cosmos - D. J. Rowe - Denness Morton - Don Allen - Helen Eling - John Sladek - Robin Johnson - SFA - Science Fiction Association membership 1937-1939 - Science Fiction Gazette - Science-Fiction Service - Scientifiction: The British Fantasy Review - Second Fandom - Tales of Wonder - Tomorrow
Arcturus - Arthur Hermann - Bhob Stewart - Bill Mallardi - Caldecott Medal - Charles Wells - Charlie Brown - Cosmic Tales - Dan Adkins - Dan Curran - Dave Ish - Earl Thompson - Eastbay Club - Edward L. Ferman - Ego-Coop - Elizabeth Anne Hull - Ellis Parker Butler - Fantascience Digest - Fantasmagoria - Fantasy Mirror - Gail Knuth - George Barr - Grace Lundry - H. P. Lovecraft - Helios - Imagination! - J. B. Post - Jael - Jerry DeMuth - Joanna Russ - John Sladek - Joyce McDaniel - Lars Bourne - Leaves - MFS - Marshall B. Tymn - Mutation or Death! - Mystery Adventures - Norman C. Metcalf - PSFS News - Pat Lupoff - Pat Sims - Peter J. Vorzimer - Phantasy Press - Phantasy World - QSFL - Richard C. Meredith - Robert H. Boyer - Robot - Roger Zelazny - Ross Chamberlain - Science Fantasy Correspondent - Science Fiction Advertiser - Science Fiction Bard - Science Fiction Digest - Science Fiction News Letter - Second Fandom - Sidney Coleman - Suzanne Vick - Terry Carr - The Atom - The FAPA Fan - The Fantasy Amateur - The Fantasy World - The Fourteen Leaflet - The Rebel - The Science-Fiction Bugle - Third Eastern Science Fiction Convention - Third Science Fiction Convention Booklet - Unique Tales - Voice of the Imagi-Nation
1936 | 1937 | 1938 |