Ro Nagey

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(March 8, 1953 – July 27, 2020)

Ro Nagey was a fan who in the early 1970s was a student in Ann Arbor and worked at the Cloak and Rocket, an sf bookstore there.

Ro organized an Ann Arbor room party at Torcon 2 and from that founded the Stilyagi Air Corps. A founder of ConFusion, Ro chaired A2 Relax Icon (the first ConFusion in 1974 and ConFusion 12 (the second — don't ask) in 1975. Ro was also involved in the first use of the Secret Handgrip of Fandom.

Among various other jobs (tech writer, improvisational comedian, software developer, marketer, Hawaiian rancher, seller of rides on MiG-29 supersonic fighter jets in Russia and boar hunts), Ro was professionally a juggler who performed under the name of Ro Fields. Ro performed occasionally at cons with Stephen Leigh (a Cincinnati-based SF writer) under the names Cosmos and Chaos.

Ro was married and divorced six times beginning with Lin Lutz in March 1976 (during which Ro took the name Ro Lutz-Nagey), and later, Diane Drutowski. Ultimately, Ro moved to Wales to marry a woman named Heather and remained there when the marriage dissolved.

Subsequently, Ro transitioned to become a transgender woman.

Fanzines and Apazines:

Awards, Honors and GoHships:

Person 19532020
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