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Beneluxcon is a series of conventions held in the Benelux (Belgium, Netherlands, and Luxembourg) region of Europe since 1973. Management alternates between the Dutch NCSF and the Belgium SFAN, there have been no conventions organized yet in Luxembourg.

List of Beneluxcons

No. Date Convention Country Guests of Honour
1 May 19-20, 1973 SfanCon 4 Belgium Brian W. Aldiss, Gerd Hallenberger, Daniel Walther, Karel Thole
2 November 9-10, 1974 Beneluxcon 2 The Netherlands Ef Leonard, Paul van Herck, Felix Thijssen, Eddy C. Bertin
3 July 18-21, 1975 SfanCon 6 Belgium James White, Felix Thijssen, Waldemar Kumming
4 May 14-16, 1976 Beneluxcon 4 The Netherlands Bert Bus, Karel Thole, Simon Joukes, Bob Van Laerhoven
5 September 9-11, 1977 SfanCon 8 Belgium Bob Shaw, Waldemar Kumming, Michel Jeury, J.P.Andrevon, Roland Grünberg
6 June 9-11, 1978 SfanCon 10 Belgium Anne McCaffrey, Annemarie van Ewyck
7 September 5-7, 1980 SfanCon 11 Belgium Joe Haldeman, Pierre Barbet, Wolfgang Jeschke, Peter Coene, Kees van Toorn
8 August 28-30, 1981 Hillcon I The Netherlands Jack Vance, Kate Wilhelm, Fred Pohl, Peter Coene
9 September 3-5, 1982 SfanCon 13 Belgium Colin Wilson Herbert, W. Franke, Philippe Curval, Hubert Lampo, Manuel van Loggem
10 September 2-4, 1983 X-Con The Netherlands Brian W. Aldiss, Wim Gijssen
11 September 7-9, 1984 SfanCon 14 Belgium James White, John Vermeulen, Michael Kubiak, Jacques van Herp
12 October 26-27, 1985 Leicon The Netherlands Annemarie van Ewyck
13 October 25, 1986 SF-Projekt Belgium (none)
14 November 6-8, 1987 Consternation The Netherlands (none)
15 November 18-19, 1988 Fantasy World Belgium (none)
16 November 17-19, 1989 Connection The Netherlands (none)
17 November 22-24, 1991 Hillcon II The Netherlands Orson Scott Card, Dan Simmons, Kees van Toorn
18 November 25-27, 1992 Hillcon III The Netherlands Terry Pratchett, Peter Schaap, Tad Williams, Johan-Martijn Flaton, Jo Thomas
19 November 26-28, 1993 Con-Yak The Netherlands Robert Holdstock, Tonke Dragt, Annemarie van Ewyck
20 April 30 - May 1, 1994 Comeback-Con Belgium Brian Stableford, Guido Eekhaut, Alain le Bussy
21 November 24-26, 1995 Graphicon Belgium Raoul Servais, Ian Watson, James White, Andrej Kazmin, Eddy C. Bertin
22 November 15-17, 1996 Con-Fetti The Netherlands Bridget Wood, Martin Lodewijk] Leo Kindt
23 November 20-22, 1998 BOZ-CON The Netherlands Tad Williams, Eddy C. Bertin, Peter Schaap
24 November 17-19, 2000 ConTreaty The Netherlands Ricardo Pinto, Jaap Boekestein, Alastair Reynolds
25 November 22-24, 2002 ConSaint The Netherlands China Miéville, W. J. Maryson, Jannelies Smit
26 November 26-28, 2004 Distic(h)on Belgium Alastair Reynolds, Frank Roger de Cuyper, Dirk Bontes
27 November 24-26, 2006 ConVentus The Netherlands Thomas Olde Heuvelt, James P. Hogan, Alastair Reynolds, Tais Teng
28 November 23-25, 2007 The Future Is Now Conference Belgium Richard Calder, Christopher Priest
29 November 21-23, 2008 ConTroll The Netherlands Paul McAuley, Edith Eri Louw
30 October 29-31, 2010 Beneluxcon 2010 Belgium Justina Robson, Charles Stross
31 March 9-11, 2012 Katcon The Netherlands Gwyneth Jones, Jan J. B. Kuipers
November 1-3, 2013 CozyCon 2013 The Netherlands relaxacon
November 13-15, 2015 PoppyCon Belgium cancelled
32 January 27, 2019 Imagicon The Netherlands Erik Betten, Pen Stewart, Bo Balder, Paul Bouman

Website 1973
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