1969 TAFF Race

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The 1969 TAFF race was westbound (sending a British or European delegate to North America) and the candidates were Eddie Jones and Bob Shaw.

Eddie Jones's Platform:

Knight Armourer of St. Fantony, Hon. ex-chairman of LaSFaS, active member of the Liverpool Group, and British Fandom's Finest Artist, is highly eligible for TAFF. He's been illustrating fanzines since '55, pro-mags since '56... in England, Germany, U.S.A, and Australia... He's been to every British Convention of recent years, and twice attended German-cons; a very convivial type to have around, a good conversationalist and excellent company, with a wide knowledge of old and new s-f and fanac. As a photographer, antique weapon collector, model-maker, and tape-recordist, his interests are wide. And, although he likes to keep it secret, he is an excellent writer. An ADMIRABLE TAFF choice, the only Harrison Approved Candidate running or standing.

Nominated by: Eric Bentcliffe, Ethel Lindsay, Terry Jeeves, Gary Kluepfel, Ray Fisher, Dick Lupoff, and Rick Sneary.

Bob Shaw's Platform:

Anyone who remembers Slant, Hyphen or The Enchanted Duplicator will know himself fortunate to be able at last to vote for Bob Shaw in TAFF. But fans who have never heard of these, or even missed Bob's later contributions, know that fandom still owes much to him for the inventiveness and originality which has been inspiring other fans for twenty years. In every good fanzine there is something of Bob Shaw. Now is fandom's chance to meet one of its all-time greats, heavily disguised as an unpretentious, easy-going and engaging character, in whose company life has a way of somehow becoming more interesting.

Nominated by: Ken Bulmer, Ella Parker, Arthur Thomson, Walt Willis, Doug Lovenstein, Bob Tucker, and Harry Warner, Jr.
Nominee North America Europe Total Notes
Eddie Jones 55 49 104 Jones won an absolute majority in a rather close race
Bob Shaw 70 19 89
Hold Over Funds 2 1 3
Totals 127 69 196

As winner, Jones travelled to St. Louiscon, the 1969 Worldcon. Ted White, who had beens elected as St. Louiscon's Fan GoH resigned in Jones' favor in order to publicize TAFF.

Jone's first stop in North America was in Potsdam, New York, for a visit with Dave and Ruth Kyle followed by a trip to New York City for visits with fans there. At the Worldcon, he gave a short, humorous speech about fandom.

After wards, he traveled to the West Coast and visited L.A. fandom.

Jones does not seem to have been very active in TAFF administration or fund-raising afterwards.

Fanfund 1979
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